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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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After 5 different Rover prototypes, 3 or 4 different lander and many many out-of-deltas or target misses I finally brought two Rovers to Eve in Career mode. Well actually three rovers, the big one rolls too :D

Edited by milosh
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Nearly finished my Mun Beta site wich will be used for rocket building with EL.

Doing it this way sure isn`t the fastest or easiest, but it`s kind of fun doing it like this :)

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Still a ton to do befor moving on from a Mun base, but for once, not rushing into space gives a nice pace with colonizing the system.

Hopefully ATM gets debugged soon to try adding TAC for base building :P

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Finished construction on the KOSS: Kerbin Orbital Science Station.


For reference:

Red Segment: Fuel and RCS storage.

Green Segment: KOSS Emergency Escape Unit Mk 3, Capacity 9. Capable of powered landing or parachute landing.

Vertical Strut segment: Power generation and primary power storage.

Vertical (underside) Segment: Science processing and research segment.

Segment closest to the camera: Habitation and Command.

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Doing the Wrong Brothers in FAR-enabled 0.25 with -1000 rep, 10000 funds, 60% funds and rep gain, and no science from contracts is hard. But I think I'm going to pull it off; I'm almost to turbojets, which means I can definitely get to orbit...if the science holds out.

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I think I'm getting worse at this game.

In my new .25 career save, I stranded Jeb on the Mun without the fuel to get home, and Bob sits on Minmus in a tipped over lander. So today I sent Gene to the Mun to rescue Jeb. I was proud of myself when I came down within walking distance of Jeb's lander. Gene hopped out to do some experiments while waiting for Jeb.


Later today, Gene will head to Minmus to pick up Bob.

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Tried to visit the famous Moholes for the first time, but turns out the terrain around them is a hellish mess of nasty gradients. . . the only place I managed to safely land my ship is too far away for an EVA trip to the Mohole.

Might try and re-land closer, but might need to send a second ship primarily designed for VERY low center of mass. . .

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Installed a new mod whose exact name I can't remember (Kerbal Nav Utilities or somesuch) which is damn unfortunate because it was pretty cool. Gives you glide slope instrumentation for landing spaceplanes. Used it to successfully bring down the second Lab Rat 7 on the runway (I knew the plane could land, I just didn't have any nav aids out when I did the first Rat and folded on final approach). Rescued a Kerbal; with the way I've got my strategies set up that one actually produced a fair chunk of science. Attempted to launch a parts testing high-orbit vehicle; had my staging set incorrectly so I reverted that flight. I'll be trying again tonight.

Still haven't visited Mun in my new career save; I should probably get around to doing it - it's not like I don't have overly sufficient tech for the job at this point.

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Raged a lot because of bugs in 0.25. The reason is probably mods. But hey, I don't want to remove mods I used to! But I can't fly a goddamn craft because of stupid control surfaces doesn't working. Ans chutes not working after reentry...

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Made my worst* cargo plane yet.





*worst - Not because the wings updated, that's actually a blessing. It sucks because of it's very bendy tail, and because it's bottom-side acts like a permanently tilted control surface.

Gotta work on another one damnit :mad:

I am still waiting for your next video btw! :)

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I made this


Does it help if I say I'm sorry? On the upside it blew up twice when trying to take off so I scrapped it.

Then I made this



Actually didn't fly too badly even if it was slow and ugly. Started career mode over again and still need to unlock a lot of parts

And this is the result of me trying to recover as much money as possible on what was a simple "Gather Science from around Kerbin" mission


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