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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I'm rather impressed that it gets there at all :)

- - - Updated - - -

Shameless or not, it looks awesome! Do you have a dev thread going for these?


That's the dev thread. The biodome framework is going to be in 1.2 of my civilian population mod. I'm planning to make the biodome system smart. Each dome part will detect if it's sealed and allow your kerbal to take his spacesuit helmet off (or more).

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Yes, that is a box

Yes it is a VTOL

Yes it does fly

And yes, it can be controlled.


Tried to dock, I got less than 100 m separation after 3 tries of rendezvous, but how am I supposed to stay the same speed as the other ship?

1) Get within 5km range of the target.

2) Burn retrograde until speed is cancelled out.

3) Burn towards the target (prograde) max 50m/s

4) Burn retrograde again within 1km range.

5) continue until you are within 100m.

From there, use RCS.

Edited by TimePeriod
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Well, nobody has said anything about spoilery stuff, so....

Edit: How do you nest a spoiler within a spoiler?....

Are you sure you want to spoil it?

Bob visiting the dead space kraken. I thought it would have been a whole lot bigger and more... krakeny, my first thought on seeing it was 'space jellyfish???', though I saw the back of it rather than the front at first. Also, I read somewhere that you could go right through it, but nope, solid as a rock.


Edited by smjjames
tag typos
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So, amidst excellent orbital rescues and disastrous proof that sticking a couple of triangles on the side of your ship does not make an atmospheric craft, I managed to accidentally create a legitimate space vehicle out of two small stack separators that I fashioned together to clear a docking port and an engine as they came apart.

Following it closely with my probe in case it gets more ideas.


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I have done today something that almost everybody else has done but I have tried and failed to do. I landed a unmanned lander on Duna.

I have tried before with a ram-jet (one of those mods that allowed you to collect fuel in space) and failed, as Ike got in the way of the manned ship - they were forced to land and when I sent another ship to save them...it failed.


But this time, after having designed a few tugs with nuclear engines for my sandbox game I tried it out in a test game - I figured a unmanned tug could take a lander to Duna. No fancy mods, outside of Mech Jeb. I put the tug in high orbit so I could time warp it to the nodes.

And it did. :)


It worked. Landed - did some science for the fun of it.


So I sent the tug back, still with enough Delta-V to get it back, at least into orbit around Kerbin.

And on the way out the tug slammed right into Ike.


Bad moon! BAD!

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Played with Impossible Innovations, which I got yesterday. I built a very basic spacecraft with the deuterium fuel tank command pod, and nuclear engine. The fuel surprised me and lasted so long, that what was supposed to be a quick atmospheric flight turned into a Mun landing.

Encouraged by that, I built a craft with four deuterium tanks and four engines....and burned through all the fuel because I'm paranoid on Munar descent, and slammed Rayster Kerman into the surface from about 4000 meters

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very very cool. How do you keep the front & back sections aligned? Is this FAR or stock?

B9 Aerospace parts include a series of custom struts, one of which connect two parts together with an invisible strut, useful for internal bracing or aesthetics. They connect the front and back halves of the ship together. The ship can fly without this connection but the back end will just spin freely based on aerodynamic forces and friction from the rotor bearings. The aft bearing is a double IR free moving docking washer so in effect it makes just the center bit (rotor assembly) twirl around its axis as the Triebflugel concept depicts.

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B9 Aerospace parts include a series of custom struts, one of which connect two parts together with an invisible strut, useful for internal bracing or aesthetics. They connect the front and back halves of the ship together. The ship can fly without this connection but the back end will just spin freely based on aerodynamic forces and friction from the rotor bearings. The aft bearing is a double IR free moving docking washer so in effect it makes just the center bit (rotor assembly) twirl around its axis as the Triebflugel concept depicts.


And extremely cool, bravo.

Also, put together some screenshots of my Shrike launcher from my fanfic, four stage all-solid, based loosely on Japanse Mu launcher. <1 ton to orbit in 6.4x

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Woke up to find that an asteroid has captured itself in orbit around Kerbin... which shouldn't be possible! I'm hypothesising that it must've encountered Mun as it was passing through Kerbin's SOI, and been tweaked into a stable orbit in the process. Most befuddling.

On the up side, it'll be much easier to fulfil this asteroid survey contract now! Might even bring it down into LKO and turn it into a massive fuel station :cool:

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Built this for the Dukes of Duna 4k challenge:


The KERBAL LEE! Specs:

Manufacturer/Model: Y69 Dodgomax Charge-Up

Main Power: 4x NUC isotope generators

Boost Power: 2x Rockomax 48-7s

Steering: Front Wheels Only

Brakes: 2x Mk16 parachutes, reloadable

Science: 2x Mystery Goo containers (filled with Munshine), Kebizen's Band (K.B.) low frequency radio transmitter.

Doors: Welded shut, entry through window

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'Footprint' plaque:

"Here stood Jebediah Kerman, Y1, D08, 1:01:26"


In light of the ship's horizontal state, Kerbal Space Program is designing a tasteful mausoleum to add to the picturesque site once they can be bothered getting round to sending another vessel there.


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In Docking mode, double-tapping the Spacebar lets you activate "hold" mode, where holding down the spacebar puts you in the second mode (rotation if you are in linear, linear if in rotation), and letting go reverts. Double-tapping again disables.

I figured this out. :D

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Tried installing Karbonite /Regolith and couldn't get the hot spots to show. I installed Scan Sat to see if that would show the hot spots. KSP didn't like that. I can see all the parts and I can collect karbonite with the scoop so Karbonite seems to be installed correctly.

I'll try removing some other mods to see if I can find any conflicts tonight.

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