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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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OK... Now THIS is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me while playing Kerbal Space Program. (And this is from the guy who managed to ram his mapping satellite into the Statue in front of the desert Pyramid Complex...while the satellite was in orbit, and, presumably, the Statue was not. Sort of like how your spaceplane can accidentally run into the VAB while the spaceplane is way out over the end of the runway...only more so.)

Anyway. These freaky things happen when I've been playing KSP for an extended period (which used to be maybe half a day...but now may be an hour or so), and the game is apparently about the crash. But sometimes mayhem ensues first. Textures go wonky. You can hit things that aren't where they are. Controls fail to respond. Stuff like that.

So...I was playing in my Developing Duna mission (link in signature). Aldner Kerman just returned from an exciting mission testing the DunaDog ion plane, and he was ready to get out of the ship. So I clicked EVA.

Suddenly there were TWO ALDNERS flying off away from the ship, tumbling end over end. They bounced to a halt a distance away from the ship. Both were fine. Both claim to be Aldner. Double-U Tee Eff??

I mean...transporter accidents can cause this kind of thing. But just getting out of a cockpit?

The game did indeed bug out after that, refusing to return the the Space Center. When I restarted the program -- still two Aldner Kermans.


Reminds me of this moment in kurtjmac's FLoB :D

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I just built my first EVER non-cheaty SSTO!!!!!

I feel so accomplished in life.

How did you do that, or what mods did you use?

I just tested one with karbonite jet engines it did work well, tests on kerbin worked well but on eve the higher drag made in uncontrollable.


Luckily it was an unmanned test.

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Made my largest (so far) spaceplane, good for 6 crewmembers, station docking, and small satellites.

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Currently working on a Mk3 cargo drone, whicj is coming along nicely. The breakthrough came when I realized the mk3 tanks don't have to be full...

Edited by DunaRocketeer
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I did a stupid...

Resuming from my last update a few pages back.. I fired up KTP-44 IIIs engines from the overnight layover after I got home from work with the idea of getting her back to KSC with 4 kerbals including jeb..

I been at work all day in real life...im not all there I guess :)

Using my xbox steering wheel and throttle arrangement.. driving landliner trains home can be a relaxing activity.. something to unwind with after work..

I drove 30 or so km home to KSC only to find I had 2 crew..the original 2 that drove the train to the crash site..

Jeb... well hes still looking at the flag planted in memory of bill and bob .. 30km away comforted by a pile of broken train parts and a friend I forgot the name of...


KTP-44 III now sits shutdown in KSC yard... awaiting tomorrow..

Weekend... where she'll be driven back to pickup jeb..


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Hey you all, glad you like it.

The lander is stock. There is a X200-16 fuel tank with a big probe core, a Sr. docking port and the landing legs inside that ADTP-2-3 Adapter. It is still a bit overpowered for duna, but Bob likes a little safety margin :)

Problem: It can't redock with it's mothership. Maybe the collision mesh of those LV-909s is bigger than it looks. (?) I'll have to test that next week.

Sry for late reply. I'm visiting friends over the weekend.

Have fun :)

You should post these crafts on a thread, you are good at making them!

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i did nothing much, i think i will quite the game again ... i have massive problems with the filter system .. in steam forums i get no answer .. i have to wait here for an mod that he allows my topic where i explain my problem if its fixable and if how to .. -.- game starting to suck ...

i tryed to play today but i tooked me almost 4hrs to build an 170 part rocket because i had to look throu the resource part filter for my missing parts of the normal "utility" filter -.- closed game now dit not finished my rocket cuz im hardly bored of searching throu this filter system .. i want my old filter system back from 0.2.0 where all parts where showing up in the few categorys ..

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Set the Curtis Special to work on its triple mission. The Do or Duna, There is no Try probe was deployed without too much trouble, except for some hassle getting the Kerbal back in the spaceplane - my fault for partly blocking the hatch.

Then a (excessively) slow approach rendezvous was set up with Desdard, a rescue contract Kerbal, only for me to suffer one heck of a near miss as the RC Nope probe passed within physics range of Desdard on one of its aerobraking passes, which in TAC Life Support started Desdard's countdown running! I manoeuvred the Curtis Special to expedite the rendezvous instead and got Desdard safely aboard with plenty of time to spare.

Finally I got the RC Nope rendezvoused with and securely tethered to the Curtis Special, ready for servicing. (Ie sticking a seismometer on it so it can do seismic survey contracts).


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I have perfected (more or less) landing on a docking port on the surface of a planet, without any aids. I still used the HUD mod for info but I think that I can do it without.

I also still need RCS but come on. Most people use that for docking in SPACE.

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Started a new career using FAR a while ago.

Launched the core my my "Kerbin Central" space station. Tried to keep the part count low, so there was a need to launch the whole core in one go. This can be interesting using FAR. After having a whole load of failed launches where my missile would break, I strapped the launcher to the side of the station and... success!


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Back from a geek conference. Working on a lightweight ssto. Needs a bit more fuel but preliminary testing is promising. Flight testing is handled by the immortal Froburry!!!

Good going! The wing planform from the back at least, reminds me of an X-47. I need to use those proper engines too, rather than cramming a dozen 24-77s on the back and calling it an aerospike :)

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to continue the almost week long saga in this thread in earlier posts... Landliner Locomotive 44 Class Mark 3 having gone to rescue jeb and his friend from the remains of a crashed train 30km from KSC.. made the round trip with 1 day layover (work) before driving back the 30km to KSC..

only to discover in my haste to fire up the loco and drive her back to the soothing sounds of pink floyd after a hard days work in real life...I actually forgot to pickup jeb and his friend.. returning to KSC with only the original crew...

Disheartened I shut down awaiting tonights weekend..

That day has arrived.. and KTP-44 Mk3 never looked so beautiful :)

Xbox steering wheel in combination with a logitech joysticks throttle providing the "reverser" for diesel electric system.. main engine throttle controling the alternators/motor via the gearstick

(rover wheels need power.. modded to 1.2 ton each and needing 9 units of power per wheel. increase RPM means increase power .. rover wheels stuck in permanent forward or reverse.. they simply work when power is applied in various amounts.. with speed and torque controlled with the main engines alternator RPM .. a crude yet effective locomotive-like propulsion system)

I started up one engine of KTP 44-Mk3.. advanced the throttle mid range drove out of KSC,.. reached the open fields.. fired up engine #2..

gave her full power.. and started on my 30Km journey to the crash site to rescue jeb..

at this point the train has 30km on her clock from the return trip previously..

But this is Kerbal Space Program...

something always has to go horribly wrong.. like an episode of topgear.. yet not scripted..it actually happens..

having driven over 20km and remembering the steep grades and challenging terrain that lead to the loss of the first train, with the near loss of the rescue train the night before.. I uncoupled the 2 tanker wagons to run light-engine and pickup jeb.. lowering the risk.. the locos onboard fuel still read in excess of 200 with the mid mounted underside reserve tank holding its own supply

this is where things went wrong.. flying through the air while driving at dusk with just one headlight, I misjudged the terrain.. the rear coupler hit the dirt, exploded.. but otherwise safely catapulting the loco back on her feet..

alas..a train without a coupler.... is just an odd shaped rover :(

Soon we arrived at the crash site to pickup jeb :) the locomotive wounded but still 2 passenger seats and enough fuel to return home...


sadly this ment the 2 tankers left behind some distance away now useless due to breaking the coupling..

driving home with darkness set in.. both turbines reverberating between eachother (Detroit diesel sound)

we reached a top speed of around 51m/s

again regrettably I was driving with only one headlight.. misjudged terrain.. hit the emergency brakes.. heard 2 explosions..

feared the worst as the cab rattled and wobbled..

Happily this trains one tough girl :) only losing a single left side leading bogey wheel in the middle.. along with the mid mounted reserve fuel tank

she pulled into KSC to unload the crew - jeb included with 90km+ on the clock.. battered, wounded.. but proud.. (Jeb on the cab roof)


as far as landliner trains go.. this 44 class has been the longest lived so far.. in over 1 and a half years of running land-trains in KSPmkbdv8o.jpg

the 2 abandoned fuel tankers will be fetched by shunting locomotive centrecab KS-2 later tonight

Edited by Overland
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I got impatient.

I have been waiting, and waiting. And waiting some more. But finally I said "screw it, no more waiting for the new aero model to begin exploring space plane design". So I built a spaceplane and reached orbit with it, the first time ever. EVER! Then I docked to my tiny ring station. Then I flew it to Eve, where I docked with a gas tank there. And there it sits waiting for mission control to finish that annoying real-life stuff.

So here it is. It has two rapier engines and one nuclear. I can get it above the atmosphere on the rapiers, but then fuel runs out and need to circularize with the nuclear and its 135 units of fuel. But it works!


It is carrying a payload of a small ion-powered science ship.


About 1.5 km away from the ring station, approaching retrograde at 25 m/s, waiting to decelerate.


Now approaching the parking garage section of the station, under RCS thruster power.


Docked, and refuelling.




Fueled up and departing the station, Eve-bound.



Arrived in orbit around Eve, docking to the gas can there.


Edited by justidutch
Mistakenly said Nerva when I meant Rapier
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I got impatient.

I have been waiting, and waiting. And waiting some more. But finally I said "screw it, no more waiting for the new aero model to begin exploring space plane design". So I built a spaceplane and reached orbit with it, the first time ever. EVER! Then I docked to my tiny ring station. Then I flew it to Eve, where I docked with a gas tank there. And there it sits waiting for mission control to finish that annoying real-life stuff.

So here it is. It has two nerva engines and one nuclear. I can get it above the atmosphere on the Nerva's, but then fuel runs out and need to circularize with the nuclear and its 135 units of fuel. But it works!


It is carrying a payload of a small ion-powered science ship.


About 1.5 km away from the ring station, approaching retrograde at 25 m/s, waiting to decelerate.


Now approaching the parking garage section of the station, under RCS thruster power.


Docked, and refuelling.




Fueled up and departing the station, Eve-bound.



Arrived in orbit around Eve, docking to the gas can there.


what? how? confused:huh:

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I got impatient.

I have been waiting, and waiting. And waiting some more. But finally I said "screw it, no more waiting for the new aero model to begin exploring space plane design". So I built a spaceplane and reached orbit with it, the first time ever. EVER! Then I docked to my tiny ring station. Then I flew it to Eve, where I docked with a gas tank there. And there it sits waiting for mission control to finish that annoying real-life stuff.

So here it is. It has two nerva engines and one nuclear. I can get it above the atmosphere on the Nerva's, but then fuel runs out and need to circularize with the nuclear and its 135 units of fuel. But it works!


It is carrying a payload of a small ion-powered science ship.


About 1.5 km away from the ring station, approaching retrograde at 25 m/s, waiting to decelerate.


Now approaching the parking garage section of the station, under RCS thruster power.


Docked, and refuelling.




Fueled up and departing the station, Eve-bound.



Arrived in orbit around Eve, docking to the gas can there.


:0.0: I have no words to describe the majesty of that station. And the spaceplane is nice, too. (Just a minor correction, NERVA stands for Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application. The engines that you have two of are RAPIERs (or SABERs, if you want the real world equivalent)).

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Still working on my all-SSTO space agency. Made a couple prototypes of Canadarms (in varying complexity) for remote station assembly without sending up a Kerbal or a bunch of RCS with every launch.

The one I sent to the station ended up being bigger than it, but I think it should end up working well.

Also, can't wait for 1.0 and the end of asymmetric flame-outs. These, above all else, have been the bane of my program.

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I have started new career after about a month off from KSP. Moho transfer window is coming in just 8 Kerbin days, so I have prepared a probe to go there. I hope about 6k m/s of dV will be enough to capture into Moho orbit.

Still, I have to build launcher and transfer stage.

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