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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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So far I've put my new and improved antimatter factory in optimal AM altitude around kerbin, sent a tanker to duna to refill my space craft which is yet to be there, and now I'm about to put up the first part of my eve explorer fully equipped with a Gilly lander that only uses rcs, I only need to send the transfer vehicle and utilities

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Had a big KSP weekend. Built a bunch of stuff, some of which didn't immediately ex/implode, and a couple things are even useful!

1. Flying saucer

I assume these will become obsolete with the new aero model coming up, so now's the time to get them into orbit. It's a fully functional SSTO, with 8 KS-25 cluster engines, 27 S3-14400 tanks, and 24 MK3 crew cabin modules.





2. Enterpoop

(long live Calvin and Hobbes)

Although definitely NOT an attempt to create the Enterprise, I did want to make an interplanetary explorer with a ring habitat, and why not put it on the horizontal plane, hence a loose resemblance? Unfortunately I could not make it sturdy or stable enough without attaching struts to the ring section which would totally prevent it from spinning. Even though it would only do so in my imagination anyways. When achieving orbit I removed the struts that I put there for launch, at which point any further acceleration would shake it apart. THis project has been abandoned pending the hiring of a new engineer team.





3. BigRing

What I really needed was another ring station, since the two I have already built are lonely. But those two are way too small, holding only a thousand plus kerbals each. Time for something grandiose, a testament to true Kerbalesness: a station to hold 3,456 souls one million km above the planet. It will take 24 launches for the ring itself, each segment is 9 MK3 crew cabins, with 3 angles of 5 degrees each. I have so far sent up four segments, 1/8 of the ring in total.









4. Ridicutanker

Lastly, I need a way to refuel any of the larger ships that actually make it to orbit, like my saucer above, which holds about 175,000 units of fuel (17 of the biggest tanks). So, after a few attempts I have come up with the following. It's not perfect yet but can get into orbit with about 10 full tanks (S3-14400) of fuel.


Edited by justidutch
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New career; community tech tree, 10% science return, and no science from contracts is making it really hard to earn my wings. After the successful return of a Duna orbiter unlocked the MK2 and 2.5m fuselages, this was the first thing I could put together that looked anything like a spaceplane...


Did better than expected; easy launch, good delta-v, and glided down onto the grasslands just a few km from KSC despite a weird re-entry trajectory. Parachutes were required however. And yeah, I tweakscaled those materials bays down to a sensible size because I'm a Cheaty McCheaterpants.

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I finished planning my first interplanetary trip. This should bring 6 lvl3 kerbals (3 for each body) to the duna system and fullfil 4 contracts (duna base, ike station, seismic on each surfaces) with re-usable landers and rovers. Also bringing an ion drone plane but it's a bit of a gamble (lift to weight Kerbin ratio is 4.8).

I reckon the two Scientists will return to KSC, and the remaining 4 will be stationned in Duna/Ike Orbit/surface to handle any future contracts (engineer on the ground, pilots in orbit).


I've been spending the past week in the VAB and on dV spreadsheets, so hopefully some of the designs will work... :huh:(not that I will know any soon, there are Eve, Moho and Dres planetary windows between the departure and the arrival of this fleet to Duna...)

Anyway, time to launch all these to orbit (as well as their respective interplanetary tugs) and to fuel them up.

Disclaimer, there might be errors in part or all of these cells. Don't re-use them blindly. :D

Edited by Captain H@dock
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I launched a relay sat (I use remotetech), then launched a combined mission to minmus. I encountered a "minor" issue (I forgot to activate solar panels on one of the sats being deployed), so I sent a kerbal out on a long-range space-walk to repair it. Mission was a success, now if only kerbals in rescue missions would know how to do this too.

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I landed in IVA mode for the first time ever. I'm more of a rocket guy, but I can't resist easy survey missions close to KSC.

I landed this goofy looking thing...

M2RyyRZ.jpgI do Mun landings IVA usually because it's cooler, but I never tried planes. Flight instruments rule!

Edited by Mister Kerman
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I have made a minmus contract. Forgot a parachute. Made a bit Munsience to unlock the claw. Glued on the forgotten parachutes with the claw and chrashed the craft afterwards at a kerbin to much angled slope.:confused:

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Today I have done explore Mun contract with a probe, then same contract for Minmus with a bit modified probe (added landing legs). That Minmus probe then had enough delta V to do satelite around Kerbin contract.

Then I made 5-kerbal station around Kerbin for yet another successful contract. When I started to design probe for explore Duna my game crashed so I took a break then.

In between those missions I have upgraded VAB, Launch Pad, Mission Control, Tracking Station and R&D center

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I've sent my first lander probe to Venus. Took me several quickloads to get it to enter Venus orbit, as the RT2 flight computer consumes a lot of thruster fuel, and MechJeb, which would control the ship more RCS-efficient, doesn't work if there is no radio connection... In the end I managed, by only switching on 1/3 of the thruster ports...

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Landing on Venus is fun. The atmosphere is so dense, that save landing speeds can be reached without parachutes. On the other hand, this means that quite some time passes between entering the atmosphere, and finally touching the ground. A shallow atmospheric entry is absolutely necessary, if one doesn't want aerodynamic forces to tear apart the craft...

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Rendezvous with a class E?(might of been class D) astroid to hit kerbin 100 days from when I launched. Discovered that when I try to burn it starts spinning out of control, launched a modifyed craft and meet up with the asteroid via warp drive(interstellar) and a few burns. Still spins a bit when I burn, even with the absurd amount of SAS I have, so I just use 1/4 of my thrust instead. Got it into orbit at a relatively equatorial orbit, but I'm going retrograde...

Next time I'll see if I wanna bother with 180° my orbit or if I wanna send other astroids to crash into ksc

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