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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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would be interesting to see how it fairs against my F15 inspired fighter.


It would indeed! I can't turn at all but the speed is amazing - it'll do 1000 m/s under 10,000m.

Those HEKV-1's are for space...

It's a high altitude interceptor.... Although yes I did replace them with Aim-120s just now.

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I started playing the campaign, finally. I was never a huge fan of this game mode but for 1.0 I thought I'd give it a try.

So today I had an extremely fun and thrilling moment that couldn't have happened in sandbox mode (well, it could but it's... whatever, let me finish, damn you). I got a contract to measure temperature on different spots of mun. Two contracts, actually, each with 3 sites. Most of the sites were trivial, I put myself into a polar orbit and just waited to pass over them, but there were two sites that the specification were a little different: I had to be 'below' a certain altitude. It's a pretty low altitude (7 km, more or less) So I just lowered my orbit to something slightly smaller than that and crossed my fingers. Flying by mountains zooming past me while my scientist refurbish the experiments on EVA was really one hell of an experience. At any point I thought I was going to hit some mountain, and there was an actual risk of bumping too hard on the ship while on EVA that could cause my way-too-low orbit to meet the ground.

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I added some lines to my personal ModuleManager tweak file "How_I_Prefer_Things.cfg" to make the LV-N function as its real life designers intended.

@emissiveConstant = 0.99 // was 0.83, other engines 0.80
@maxTemp = 4000 // restores old value, up from new stock value of 2500
@heatProduction = 196 // same as Mainsail, down from stock 432

And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Edited by Geschosskopf
fixed syntax
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I flew a plane I built. It didn't immediately flip over and nosedive into the runway. It was glorious.

I also figured out how to get a Kerbal into and out of a plane without ladders or retractable landing gear. Can't wait to show that off in Episode 3. :D

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A whole bunch of not particularly noteworthy career stuff, but in my sandbox save I attempted to make a vomit comet! Clearly Kerbals need zero G training. It kinda worked, but the best moments of weightlessness where at the peak of the climb, during the descent they where mostly plastered against the wall (even on fairly gentle descents). It then got a bit horrific with contorted Kerbals and kerbals clipping through the walls (lost one who fell right out).

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Today I lost Bob (or Bill, not sure now, basically the scientist) when he was returning from Mun where he completed "orbit around Mun" contract. Everything went well until re-entry where my parachute was in wrong stage (same as decoupler for service module) and it burned when it opened prematurely. Result was a capsule crashing into a small island at about 200 m/s.

Other than that, I took other B from original 3 on a ride in a rover of sorts consisting of inline cockpit, 6 materials basy, 6 goo containers, thermometer and fuel tank to get science from KSC biomes. That helped me to unlock few more parts and then I made this plane with which Valentina went on to the island runway to collect science there. This was also the first plane ever which I made that had a successful mission on its first flight


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Finally ground my way to being able to build larger rockets to get to the mun. Unfortunately, I was saving for the science building upgrade to be able to take samples but I had to spend the money on the launch pad so it could handle the larger rockets required to get to the mun. I made it there, though. Left off with a ship large enough to land and take off, but not able to return to kerbin.

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Found out last night we can climb on our flags:


Which brings me to wonder if we can plant a flap upon a flag upon a flag to build our way up off of places like Mün and Minmus for our Kerbals to just EVA jet pack into orbit off of... Oh yes. Beware the eye:


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Made a simple SSTO and took it to orbit


I don't get what all the fuss is about. I didn't even need to expend minutes trying to keep it level while airhoging, though I did built up speed at 20,000 meters

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Made an Eve Ascent Vehicle for 1.02. Vacuum delta V to orbit has dropped from 12.5 to 7.5 km/s with the new aerodynamics.

so it would seem that it would be much easier now to take a 3 man capsule back up. woot!

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Made an Eve Ascent Vehicle for 1.02. Vacuum delta V to orbit has dropped from 12.5 to 7.5 km/s with the new aerodynamics.

And that's why I made sure to do my Eve ascent in 0.90 before 1.0 hit. Think I'll have to revisit it now. Awesome job regardless!

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