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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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After my earlier rant, decided to go for the simple life and break out the KSP demo, and successfully landed Jeb on the Mun despite the only liquid-fuelled engine available being the Reliant. True, Jeb was not in the spacecraft when he touched down, but details schmetails :D

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I played around in the hanger today after working on family members condo for sale. The R71 mini did great at getting into orbit with fuel left for landing. 20 degrees climb to 30 to 40 to about 45 until predicted height 76-77k. Orbited. Retro burned to land. Got a an important call so let the space plane descend through the atmosphere.


Phone call ended in time to bring the plane in for a smooth landing. The R71 mini was red hot with heat but safe on the ground and in one piece. A good day in Kerbal Land :-)


Edited by BJ Quest
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Made what has to be one of my most perfectly balanced spacecraft to date. I use the RCS Build Aid to make sure I have as low of a thrust-induced torque on the spacecraft as possible, ensuring an on-target burn. And with the recent arrival of the Convair Nexus into my toolbox, I've been using the 6 million pound thrust upper stage engine (yes, you read that right) to provide an incredibly accurate balance. Current record for an aysmmetric craft (parts without symmetry) stands at 0.002 kN-meters of torque at 3336kN thrust. Doesn't get much more balanced than that!

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Attempted to play KSP, spent hours trying to work around bugs. Innumerable quickloads and exploding ships later gave up.

Tried to play KSP again with a new save, got ....ed off with the abysmal performance and stuttering. Gave up again and deleted my install in a fit of rage.

The increasingly poor performance since the latest patches (go look at the "cpu performance database" thread for details) plus the stuttering, thermal instability, infinite ragdolling, claw kraken, cargo bay bugs + all the other bugs = unplayable game.

Sorry, but you did ask.

- - - Updated - - -

Observe (not my image).


I give up, this is pure BS.

So no I didn't do anything in KSP at all today, except to decide it's too broken to play any more.

Edited by steve_v
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Today... No, yesterday, I deorbited a mothership and thing went... erhh unexpected. :sealed:


Some parts overheated in few seconds and exploded, dismantling my entire ship, reduced in a poor wreck.

Hopefully by flying wisely I managed to land it, using the Skipper on front as a heatshield wich worked quite nicely.


It was " a lil bit " stressing moment :confused:

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Built a replica of the Virgin Galactic Space Ship thingy.

Ended up getting it to about 25km AP.

TF1 - test of mothership handling (success)

TF2 - test of mothership with defueled dropship, test of dropship glider capabilities (success)

TF3 - test of Mk2 mothership (wing extension) with fueled dropship, test of dropship release and burn to high altitude (partial success, dropship aerodynamic pitch instabilities when loaded with rocket fuel require immediate ignition of rocket to improve stability), test flight achieved 17km AP

TF4 - test of new staging configuration (built the mothership around the dropship so that after staging, focus would stay on dropship), flight acheived a 25km AP (success)

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I had the most epic moment ever in my history of KSP.. yes..with trains... most likely most people will stop reading here :)

but it was EPIC and AWESOME (if you like trains)

I had 2 trains running.. one was under my control.. the other was following my train by KOS script.. a 40 class RS3 locomotive with 4 tankers of fuel.. so it was all great and awesome. 2 locomotives chugging away heading for a beacon I placed around 100km from KSC

everything was going well.. unfortunately the KOS controled locomotive suffered 1 generator fail.. then shortly after #2 also exploded..

this left KOS powered but since it was told to use forwards/back as a means of speed control.. having no power in the transmission to the wheels ment the locomotive was now just a silent running guided missile as she rolled down a grade

3 kerbals onboard I didnt want to lose if I didnt have too...

train was gaining ground accelerating down a hill.. 45m/s is just about terminal for this type of loco

fortunately the 40 class modeled on a road switcher has couplings both ends.. meaning she can be coupled for shunting from either end of the hood

it was on!. 4003 started both generators and I pushed the throttle to full... accelerating my train to try to fly-switch the end of the other train and brake the train to safety..

this is basicly as dangerous as "docking" gets for trains.. both going around 30+ m/s on uneven ground.. and having to connect 2 trains while in motion..

slowly she made up ground.. it was like a scene from a movie but not scripted.. first attempt at coupling 4003 was going a little too fast and nudged the rear wagon.. nothing exploded.. I hit the brakes to slow the loco but not enough to cause distance.. again raising the throttle carefully as the twin detriot engines chugged away generating monoprop for the wheels (power) 2nd try wasnt much better.. slower but off center.. 3rd try failed threatening to jack-knife the rear wagon and explode both trains.. thankfully it just shuddered and started to track fine again..

5th try brought the familar reset of the camera.. 4003's engines reduced to idle winding down from full bore.. she'd docked with the rear of the other train.. brakes were applied and the train stopped :)

sadly 4003 alone wasnt strong enough to pull 8 wagons and another locomotive home.. so the kerbals were offloaded to safety

but it was the most epic thing ive ever done in KSP with trains so far and im damn proud of it :)


Edited by Overland
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Put my first ever probes around Moho. One with a resource scanner in polar orbit in case I'm ever crazy enough to put a fuel station there. :) The other in low equatorial orbit.

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sadly 4003 alone wasnt strong enough to pull 8 wagons and another locomotive home.. so the kerbals were offloaded to safety but it was the most epic thing ive ever done in KSP with trains so far and im damn proud of it :)

Holy Kraken! Well done ;)

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Made a new asteroid tug. 2015-08-08_00005.jpg

4000 kN of thrust give me some 1.28m/s^ acceleration while pulling this 2800t puppy. The part count is not excessive, 98 after dumping all the launch stage junk. It reaches LKO with some 3000m/s left in the tanks, meaning I can reach most asteroids without need to refuel. And best of all? The 5 ISRUs can keep up with fuel demand of the 2 Rhinos at full throttle, producing fuel faster than I can burn it.

The not-so-best part is the price. With all the launch stage gizmos it costs almost 700,000.

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I officially launched 4003.. poor girl.. shes going to end horribly just like her sistertrains I know.. but for the moment its happy :) we'll just ignore her "little" accident in KSC the other day

- - - Updated - - -

Made a new asteroid tug.

4000 kN of thrust give me some 1.28m/s^ acceleration while pulling this 2800t puppy. The part count is not excessive, 98 after dumping all the launch stage junk. It reaches LKO with some 3000m/s left in the tanks, meaning I can reach most asteroids without need to refuel. And best of all? The 5 ISRUs can keep up with fuel demand of the 2 Rhinos at full throttle, producing fuel faster than I can burn it.

The not-so-best part is the price. With all the launch stage gizmos it costs almost 700,000.

Shes really pretty :) makes me regret I never go in space.. almost looks. space-engineers like

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Ugh. Today's been nightmarishly busy and the day just started.

Due to less-than-perfect planning, I ended up having to rendezvous something like six or seven different ships in different places all within mere seconds of one another. I thought I'd spaced them out better, but I hadn't taken into account the time required to actually perform docking maneuvers, so every one of them got interrupted with an alarm saying it was time for the next one >.<

The good news is that Kidonia's now about halfway fueled and I finally rescued Jane from the Mun for a contract. The bad news is that Kidonia's still far from ready to go and the Jool transfer window is... tomorrow :0.0:

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Sent a lander probe to Gilly, again. Getting better at charting landing courses to the little Phobos-like rock. This time I didn't even do a capture burn - just made my course intersect the surface and decelerated when I got close enough to see rocks.

Gilly is fun.

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Been working on an LPV (light patrol vehicle) with BDArmory and a few other mods. Due to some tweakscaling and minor .cfg editing, it's capable of drilling and coverting it's own fuel, and can even build additional ammo with Ore. I'm planning on doing a "long patrol" where I will take it from KSC to a few areas where hostiles will be present (usually drones as seen in the bottom pic) in a certain order, then return to KSC. Might make it a challenge. Not sure yet. :)



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The "Endurance" took off today. On it's long journey to conquer the moons of the Kerbol system. the rocket that put it into orbit is named "Valkyrie"


"Endurance" with the Mun transit vehicle


And finally. The Endurance makes it's first truck stop on the Mun. Refueling while Gregton kerman and Richner kerman enjoy an EVA.


Edited by Garbonzo
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