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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I took a rocket with a claw and big cargo hold to the Mun to recover a craft (contract).

Didn't have the best Mun orbit, had to do some node work to get it all lined up, took some time and some work. Opened the cargo bay released the claw, grabbed the craft and had some issues getting back since the RCS thrusters were no longer at CoM. Finally made it back to the rocket after the clumsiest RCS work ever, only to find the thing was about 2inches too big! I did make sure the part fit in the VAB, what I forgot to do was include the length with the claw on it. *slow claps*

So I returned the part into a Mun orbit and sent the claw into a decaying orbit out of anger before returning the rocket back to Kerbin.

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Spent some time hopping biomes on Ike and Duna. A couple of the Ike biomes only had a 'one leg and engines' landing, just enough to trigger the science action-group.

I was also able to determine the safe altitudes on Duna:

Above 20km, radiators and solar panels were fine above 600m/s(2/3 orbital velocity) (broke at 20km altitude)

Near the surface, panels and radiators were fine up to about 50m/s (broke at 54m/s and a couple km altitude)

Above 10km Radiators and panels seemed fine above 100m/s

As a consequence of this, my low TWR, high heat ship did vertical burns up to about 10km, stowing radiators at 50m/s. Above 10km, Radiators extended and turned to be 45 degrees off vertical(Heat meter was usually about half full at this point).

In the future, I need to remember that 1 fuel tank(2500 units) and 3 large ore tanks(4500 total) may be efficient, but does not have a lot of room for error(ISRU needed during entire ascent to have enough fuel to circularize, also caused problems when trying to capture at Duna)

Refueled scansat has scanned most of Ike and has over 5km delta-v (1600 worth of Mk2 liquid fuel tanks, nuke engine, 2 gigantors, reaction wheel, probe core, antenna, scanSat scanners, Ore Scanner, gravioli and thermometer. Had another 3200 fuel in drop-tanks as 'transit stage' to get to Duna.)

Will probably do the poles of Duna then take a look at sending it to another planet (perhaps Eve/Gilly)

The original Duna mission arrived and grabbed data from another Duna biome. Had a lot fewer fuel problems(1 large ore tank, 10K worth of fuel tanks, but also in part because it did not get accelerated by a phantom force while preparing to leave the Kerbin system).

Currently on it's way to Ike to have everyone plant flags and top off fuel/ore in preparation for a return to Kerbin.

As I think I have gathered most of the science from almost every biome other than the Duna Caters, I'm getting ready to send everyone home.

I also launched a grand-tour vessel with Jeb, Bill, and a couple of science girls(Bob is on the original Duna mission). Duna is near Kerbin so the transit is less than 100 days. Once they visit Duna and Ike, they are expected to visit every other planet and moon with gravity no more than 3m/s/s: Gilly, Moho, Dres, Vall, Bop, Pol, and Eeloo)

Design is similar to the Cruise ship(that has 3 ore tanks and one fuel tank), but the hitchhiker pod(for tourists) was replaced by a second fuel tank(mostly empty during lift-off as it just had to get to Mun), so it should have plenty of delta-v for most of the transits.(I am most worried about the transits between Moho and Gilly as I hear that needs a lot of D-v)

These missions go so much more quickly when I only take 'since I'm there' contracts while doing them... (including an Ike ore to Duna(complete) and Duna ore to Ike(in transit) over and above the explore.land/plant flag/return stuff)

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Let's just say that this is the last - and I do mean the absolute last - time I'm ever sending Val anywhere with a bunch of tourists ever again...damn thing tipped over on relatively flat terrain. Which is what happened in my first career save when Val had tourists. Granted, this time it was on Mun instead of Minmus...I'm just miffed that I have to do the same type of rescue mission AGAIN...

And still using landers that *can* tip over? :huh:

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And still using landers that *can* tip over? :huh:

More "stop trying to land on grades greater than ten degrees".

Come to think of it, what happened on Minmus was a combination mis-timed suicide burn / poorly-timed quicksave. Still the same end result...

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Just started a new career last week and built a Rocket Rover for visual survey missions. It's able to fly to its destination and then drive comfortably to nearby waypoints:

Edited by Scrat
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No good contracts currently, all the best-paying still half a year from completion... Cheated myself some cash.

310,000 per deployment = about 1 Kerbin day. Three deployments, the almost million should suffice for a while.


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finished and uploaded my ultra high-speed flyby of Eeloo (79 km/s).

Wernher von Kermans dream of sending a Kerbal to the stars finally came true.

What powered capsule systems when you were too far out for solar? Could he have sent a Science report during fly-by, or was the capsule dead at that point?

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Fuel efficiency training exercise gone too well.


Once past 500km there's no return trip guaranteed. Might as well try to land on the Mun with only 5% chance of non *KAPOW!* touchdown. :D

P.S. Imgur being jerk not allowing me to upload album.

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Today? Today I posted the second update from Year 4 for my Kanawha Space Program. Explosions! Crashes! Triumph! Jeb looking forlornly at the Mün and his rather disconnected and useless airplane wing!


This actually inspired me to do this:


Flies really bad. But, flies!

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I was going to order a new HD for my PC so I can play again, but decided to put it off for a few weeks and just get a new pc!

As a side note I noticed my laptop here still has version 0.18 on it!

Might play it later for old times sake. Also has 0.23 or 0.24 would have to double check and too lazy to do that.

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I've reached Old Mutual o_O


Apparently something I put in the fairing made it into an infinite heat generator. Too lazy to try and design around the problem, I just disabled heat damage, and after the four minutes it took to launch... I've exceeded the temperature of the Sun before, but this is a new level xP

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Apparently something I put in the fairing made it into an infinite heat generator. Too lazy to try and design around the problem, I just disabled heat damage, and after the four minutes it took to launch... I've exceeded the temperature of the Sun before, but this is a new level xP

While disabling heat damage will prevent exploding, the temps will also stop solar panels from working... This bug needs fixed ASAP. :mad: You shouldn't need to "design around" something that is clearly a bug.

Drop conduction factor and raise radiation factor, then wait.

Or edit the save to reasonable temps first, if it's going to take too long. On GNU/Linux, sed is your friend.

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Today I was having MechJeb make an hour+ low-thrust, high-ISP electric propulsion "burn". But my dad showed up at the house because it was time to go to dinner and then a baseball game. I just walked away from the computer, knowing that MechJeb would shut down the engines on time and then the ship would just safely float in space until I returned.

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