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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Installed Kerbal Alarm Clock ( After 550 hours in stock since .25 XD ) and finally went outside Kerbin's SOI ! I sent 2 probes to Duna low orbit and Ike low orbit (In a intended polar orbit) RED DAWN I and RED DAWN II and have transmitted their data successfully back to Kerbin ! I'm planning to start a new career using Kerbal Alarm Clock and minimizing warping to maneuvers all the time. Yet another "Parameter" for me to respect XD.

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Installed Kerbal Alarm Clock ( After 550 hours in stock since .25 XD ) and finally went outside Kerbin's SOI ! I sent 2 probes to Duna low orbit and Ike low orbit (In a intended polar orbit) RED DAWN I and RED DAWN II and have transmitted their data successfully back to Kerbin ! I'm planning to start a new career using Kerbal Alarm Clock and minimizing warping to maneuvers all the time. Yet another "Parameter" for me to respect XD.

but you did not answer the most important question: IS the chair against the wall?

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I've played KSP on and off for years, never really getting too far.. just screwing around. Today I completed a near Minmus manned Mission


Here is my first attempt at Building a space Station by putting 2 mission sections together


Harory Kerman Checking out the docking Sequence and replacing a battery that malfunctioned.


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I continued my career save that I'd left a while ago because I had other commitments for a while, and also because I only just figured out what was killing my performance, even on low settings and craft with few parts.

Anywhoo, in an effort to save on launch costs, I figured I should devise some sort of (mostly) reusable booster. Unfortunately I only just got the second tier science center built, and I haven't unlocked anything above 100 science level. A contract to put a satellite into Mun orbit, which was the perfect opportunity to test this:


And yes it is a manned booster.



It doesn't actually reach orbit itself, that's for the second stage. Instead it gives the initial boost with an apoapsis at around 70k, and then lands, mostly on that peninsula directly east of KSC.


Once the payload has made it into orbit, I switch to the booster, and pilot it for a landing.

The first time I tried it it got very hairy though. I lost control of the craft, it went into a flat-spin, and I only managed to regain control and pull out of the dive at around 1 kilometers height. But I made it to land and got about 75% of the cost back, about 18,000 bucks, which is a nice improvement on my profit margins. I think I might need more yaw control though. I also failed to return the second stage because I forgot to add chutes to it, would have been even better then.

The second time I was fulfilling a contract to launch a space station. On this one I decided to add 2 smaller SRBs to get it off the ground, since the payload was a bit heavier. I also decided to let a probe core fly this one, given that safety was a bit dodgy.



I handled re-entry much better this time, you really can't let the craft veer too far from the prograde marker. I did get into a flatspin again, but this time I was able to get out of it because I had a sliver of fuel left for the skipper. After that I flew across the peninsula, and landed. Unfortunately, due to bumpy terrain, the craft wobbled, and the jet engines got smashed, so I only got around 16,500 bucks back on this one.


Edited by SofusRud
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I've played KSP on and off for years, never really getting too far.. just screwing around. Today I completed a near Minmus manned Mission


Here is my first attempt at Building a space Station by putting 2 mission sections together


Harory Kerman Checking out the docking Sequence and replacing a battery that malfunctioned.


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Just for fun, I built my first Orion powered ship ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/135061-ALPHA-Project-Orion-Nuclear-Pulse-Engine ) the 'Empress Valentina'. Anything bigger will have to wait for Unity 5!


Just a tiddler with 'only' 50,000 m/s dV. Had to use 3 skippers as vernier thrusters for fine maneuvering.

The radial docking ports are for refuelling (well away from the passengers) and the large fins were to help guide it into orbit as it is a bit tail heavy.

In coasting mode with solar panels and rads deployed. Plenty of luggage space:


Meanwhile, back in the real world (?), I made a tiddley Mun rover:


Fits in a Mk2 cargo bay with space to spare and carries loads of sciencey bits in the tail:


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the seat/pilot clipping makes me a little sad.

Perhaps it's the angle of the pics which makes them look clipped. The only (slight) clipping is where Jeb has his hand under the solar panel, mainly due to my ham-fistedness in aligning them. I will make an adjustment on the production version. The seats are on outriggers made of Cubic struts so there is no other clipping.

(Edit) Apologies to eddiew. Just noticed that Bill's helmet is slightly clipped to the docking port. Will adjust

Edited by percyPrune
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Just for fun, I built my first Orion powered ship ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/135061-ALPHA-Project-Orion-Nuclear-Pulse-Engine ) the 'Empress Valentina'. Anything bigger will have to wait for Unity 5!


Just a tiddler with 'only' 50,000 m/s dV. Had to use 3 skippers as vernier thrusters for fine maneuvering.

The radial docking ports are for refuelling (well away from the passengers) and the large fins were to help guide it into orbit as it is a bit tail heavy.

In coasting mode with solar panels and rads deployed. Plenty of luggage space:


Meanwhile, back in the real world (?), I made a tiddley Mun rover:


Fits in a Mk2 cargo bay with space to spare and carries loads of sciencey bits in the tail:


Beautiful ship, using an MK3 core on an orion gave me some ideas. Also using the outward slanting one as an tail around the magazine.

I will however use an 2.5 docking port in front as its way to useful as an heavy pusher.

Her is my medusa,


strangly the standard orion looks more stable with higher g load.

Edited by magnemoe
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Perhaps it's the angle of the pics which makes them look clipped. The only (slight) clipping is where Jeb has his hand under the solar panel, mainly due to my ham-fistedness in aligning them. I will make an adjustment on the production version. The seats are on outriggers made of Cubic struts so there is no other clipping.

The screenshot does indeed make it worse then :) It looks like the crew is half-inside the core of the rover, but if they're just between the solar panels than that's much less ensaddening ^^

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I like your idea for a Medusa ship. Is it easy to control, being asymmetric? I had to put the cargo bays along the spine because any slight offset in mass made it uncontrollable, although I haven't tried RoverDude's latest version of Orion with a gimbal yet.

the standard orion looks more stable with higher g load

The heavier the ship the better, really. Mine is about 1000t and, with the thrust limited to 30%, it bumps along nicely at 2-3g without spilling the soup in the dining saloon. 100% will push the engine straight through the superstructure!

I am thinking of mounting the Orion unit on the Mk2 version using a 2.5m docking port (if it will stand the stress) so that I can put the ship & powerplant into LKO using chem. rockets as 2 separate launches.

Trying to stick to no nukes in atmo. It's bad for the rep!

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Last night I cleaned up the mess from two nights before. I determined that the two tourist contracts lost in the crash of the Raven 7a spaceplane were both two-tourist contracts and that all who were lost didn't affect any more of my ongoing tourist contracts. I had also gotten as much cash out of those contracts as I could've; if there's a bright side to that whole deal, it's that I'm only out 24 rep and a white suit. It's still depressing...

So I landed the Ballista spaceplane I'd sent up almost two weeks earlier (its probe cargo is just about to Minmus now, and its design manual says it only needs to stay in orbit for three hours to cool off before landing). Took three tries; the first time I had the fuel mis-balanced and botch the re-entry; had to restart from de-orbit. Second time I botched the landing; had to revert to about 25 klicks off of KSC 27. Third time...well, I got the plane down. It was an ugly landing, but a landing on the Runway nonetheless. I think I don't like the medium-sized landing gears so much - that little twig connecting the wheels to their bay has a tendency to snap really easy in my experience.

Also took the time to finish de-orbiting a couple of spent booster stages that didn't want to self-clean for whatever reason. Got some bux back on those. Not much, but every little bit helps. Also upgraded the SPH to Level 3 - finally - so I was able to make use of the Ballista's flaps and other control group goodness...

I'm anticipating limited play-time again this evening; I still need to finish going through the clean-up, and I think one of my whitesuits has got a group at Mun that needs to come home sometime in the near future...I'm really kinda discombobulated at the moment. I should start taking notes again.

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After usual new career grinding around KSC and first early Kerbin orbits , I used my shiny new Kerbin Alarm Clock mod to minimize my time spent warping to manoeuvres (as previously mentioned) and launched multiples flights simultaneously. While my EVA in LKO Navigator I was waiting to get it's two last reports from the deserts and the badlands, my first crewed orbiter Courage II was descending towards the KSC after 2 successful orbits around Kerbin. Courage II landed exactly 1min 30sec before Navigator I passed silently over the Badlands , collecting it's last valuable EVA report while in space. Navigator I landed 5KM from the KSC , having successfully completed it's flight , collecting all the 9 EVA reports from the different regions of Kerbin. The next morning , Arrow I and Arrow II , two unmanned one-way probes , departed for fly-by of the Kerbin moons , Arrow I heading for a high and low orbit over the Mun and Arrow II will do the same for Minmus , both will then be kicked out of the Kerbin system to orbit Kerbol forever, hopefully crossing other celestial bodies on their one-way trip. They both are equipped with 6 fixed small solar panel , 6 goo canisters, a thermometer, a barometer, an antenna and a small fuel reserve coupled to a 48-7S engine , providing around 2000 m/s of Delta-V. A Moho launch window is right around the corner , I will be shooting probes towards it tomorrow night !

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Fulfilled two contracts but failed a third at Minmus... I used a Klaw to bring home a piece of space junk orbiting Minmus, but it didn't survive a water landing. :(

The second of my trio of Duna probes will arrive in Duna's SOI soon-- the goal is to get right what I got wrong on the first one (which, admittedly, was still a qualified success-- just not a complete one). If I nail this one, I can feel free to redirect the third probe to Ike, rather than Duna proper.

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I like your idea for a Medusa ship. Is it easy to control, being asymmetric? I had to put the cargo bays along the spine because any slight offset in mass made it uncontrollable, although I haven't tried RoverDude's latest version of Orion with a gimbal yet.

The heavier the ship the better, really. Mine is about 1000t and, with the thrust limited to 30%, it bumps along nicely at 2-3g without spilling the soup in the dining saloon. 100% will push the engine straight through the superstructure!

I am thinking of mounting the Orion unit on the Mk2 version using a 2.5m docking port (if it will stand the stress) so that I can put the ship & powerplant into LKO using chem. rockets as 2 separate launches.

Trying to stick to no nukes in atmo. It's bad for the rep!

My test medusa i not symmetric, but compared to the total weight the offset is not much say 3 ton out of 250 but using larger than the smallest charges made it uncontrollable. Will try to move the magazine behind the ship systems hopefully this should balance it,

Tried an normal orion version with an MK3 core and it handled an 80 ton test cargo on forward docking port if strutted. Will anyway use the KAS struts on all heavy cargo carried by it.

Medusa should be better for cargo as you pull not push and the g load should be lower.

We should perhaps move orion crafts over to the http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/135320-RoverDude-wants-an-Orion-Drive-%21

discussion who looks more suited for Orion ideas than general treads.

And yes, some stuff like

http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/228247-civilian-population-v1-1 +

http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/221761-stanford-torus-0-6-1 +

Orion is 64 bit stuff,

however taking an 2000 population city, 1.5 kilometer in diameter deep into Jool atmosphere for educational purposes has some merits.

Edited by magnemoe
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