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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Had a reasonably productive weekend. Friday night was spent redesigning the Old Coot 7 rescue plane (the one I was working on Thursday in which I made the mistake of ignoring my FAR design formulas). Bob snuck on board for the test flights; fortunately the redesign went well, and I had a successful launch, re-entry and landing. The design has a few bugs - it gets some pretty wicked Mach Tuck in the low trans-sonic and its not well area-ruled, but I still felt comfortable certifying it as "Kerbal-rated: generally non-splody", and used the plane on Saturday night to successfully retrieve Seandard from Kerbin's orbit. I took a screenie of the Coot to show y'all; unfortunately I forgot to post the thing, so it'll have to wait until later. Saturday also saw the final arrival of the Ballista 7 probe at Minmus as well as the Minmusport station. I ended the night by launching a Stratofortress 7a towards Mun - this last flight was a moderate disaster, as I neglected to forgot to set the alarm to put the thing in Mun orbit and didn't catch it until it was already out of Mun's SOI on its way back to Kerbin. I did a burn so that the thing would at least swing around the planet; I'll attempt another rendezvous later.

With the arrival of Minmusport, Bill in his Project Peacock 7 could finally get underway with repairs to the Sojourner 7 survey probe. First part of that was to rendezvous with the newly-established space station to refuel; that was a touch tricky, but Bill did affect a successful rendezvous and docking - with 20 m/s of delta-V to spare. With the tanks topped off, he maneuvered to rendezvous with the probe, switching from an equatorial orbit to a polar one. Rendezvous was pretty standard and uneventful, and he was able to maneuver the Peacock within 10 meters of the probe. Then it was EVA time - having been equipped with extra EVA fuel, a screwdriver and his precious payload (a Communotron 16 antenna), he affected a successful repair of the probe, got back into the Peacock and then headed back to Minmusport, successfully docking with the station a second time. Sojourner was finally able to scan Minmus for ore; good landing sites were logged and the Mosquito 7 drilling lander was placed on the surface to begin drilling operations. The Wildcat 7, which held most of the ore tankage for the contract mission, then affected a landing next to Mosquito. That was a bit hairy (as are all close-proximity surface landings), but Wildcat eventually set down within twenty meters of Mosquito and the two craft were connected by winch cable. At the close of business last night, 400 units of ore had been extracted from Minmus; the goal is 2100 units.

I'm thinking that at this point I need to add both refinery and fuel modules to the Munport and Minmusport stations - the two outposts would become relatively self-sufficient at that point, or at least could act as fully-functional fuel depots if nothing else. A refinery lander for the Wildcat rig might also be useful; right now I'm forecasting that Wildcat will only have about 500 m/s of delta-V when it's fully loaded and whether or not she'll be able to affect a rendezvous with Minmusport is in question.

Jeb arrived with his tourist group at Minmus as well this weekend; since his group only wanted flybys, they're already headed back to Kerbin and should arrive in about six more days. I've got a new batch of tourists ready to take up to Kerbinport at this point; the station only has one occupant at the moment, so I'll probably attend to that later today if I get a chance.

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I can tell you never got properly into an MMORPG... :)

That can be a true 24-7 addiction:

In the evening go questing with your friends. Then to repair and/or upgrade your equipment. Browse the market for those hard to find musthaves. Set up shop on the market to unload the days loot. Go to sleep.

In the morning another quick browse over the market. Who knows what n00b is selling stuff way below market value (I made millions by reselling :wink:) Restock your shop, then off to work.

Show off your new goodies to your friends and back into the wilds to go questing again.

I wasted WAAAAAAYYYYY too much time on MMORPG's.

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No pics, but I took a very low tech trip to orbit, land, and safely return from the Mun with 2 Kerbals. I used the TAC life support system for the first time and landed with just 28 seconds left of electricity right when I recovered the vessel! It was an amazingly close call and I thought I was going to lose my two Kerbinaughts. I had to cut one of the two parachutes just so it would descend faster so they wouldn't get cut off from their oxygen. I didn't want to open the capsule after such a historical trip only to have them dead on arrival! I just can't get over the magnitude of creativity this game provides. I am also really enjoying my first career mode game using the TAC life support mod and it made for quite an exiting first trip to the Mun.


Edited by mackadelik
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Got a fair bit done since my last posting.

First I took my 95 ton fully loaded ship and pushed a Dresteroid with 190 tons of ore(plus 15 tons of structure, Class C) from Dres to Jool with an acceleration of 0.11m/s (time acceleration does not work because it causes too much wobble, it is was a multi km/s thrust, so I left it over night with KAC to pause near the end of the burn. Unfortunately after leaving the SOI the target moved and it thrusted a while in the wrong direction... sigh. Fixed it and got to Jool in about 280 days instead of the original 200 days. Asteroid now around 140 tons of ore).

Did a lot of braking at Jool periapps, letting me get a fly-by of Tylo to get me in close to Vall(the planned trajectory did not have a Tylo Periapps, and I did not notice that until I fond out why... fortunately I had a quick-save far enough back to fix things easily and close enough not to be frustrating).

After I got a nice close orbit of Vall(~30km), dropped off the asteroid then visited a couple biomes(lowlands had ~1% ore, so I hopped to Midlands with ~5%).

Refueled everything then waited for the Scansat polar orbit to be over-head and met up with that(had the scan sat use most of it's remaining fuel coming down to a lower orbit).

Topped off the scansat and thrusted to an equatorial orbit to release it.

Sent off the scansat to scan Tylo then landed back on Vall to visit the Highlands(another ~1% ore area) and refuel in the Midlands again.

Got the scansat in a nice polar orbit of Tylo to start detailed scans and do an ore scan.

Hooked my refueled Grand Tour back up with my asteroid (renamed to 'OGT Drop-pod 1') and headed over to Tylo for my next stop(did not mine the asteroid for this transit, but expecting to need it for next transit).

Currently in a high orbit(something like 110x330) around Tylo, expecting to bring it below 50x50 before attempting a landing(and making a named save in case I miscalculated and this ship cannot get back to orbit)

Scansat has finished Ore, Biome and low-res scanning and is currently at 750x750 to finish high-res scanning before heading elsewhere

Jool image album(more to be added, may need to return to Vall as I forgot to take pics...)

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Got a lot done in career mode over the weekend.


The Dauntless successfully completed a transfer from Bop to Laythe, where it will remain in a parking orbit until a resupply mission arrives in a year or two.


A few expendable transfer stages went up to LKO for use on future interplanetary missions.


Spacebus Valerie, the prototype of a new class of nuclear interplanetary shuttle (and heavy landing craft for low-gravity bodies) was successfully launched to Kilgore Station in LKO. The explosions are perfectly normal, nothing to worry about. Why do you ask?


The return window from Duna finally came up; the Rumfoord departed Ike via an Oberth maneuver, saving about 400 m/s compared to a transfer straight out of low Duna orbit. I was surprised at how substantial the delta-v saving was, in fact; seriously considering putting a refueling station in Munar orbit and having interplanetary missions depart from there instead of LKO.


Val's rocket lifted off directly from Duna and departed for Kerbin; she will arrive back around the same time as the Rumfoord.


The prototype Mega Aqualung tanker ship went up to LKO to replace the decommissioned Super Aqualung. Still trying to reduce the number of round-trips to Minmus needed to keep LKO supplied with fuel; the Mega Aqualung is built out of 5-meter TweakScaled Kerbodyne tanks and adapters. I could've probably done the same job with lots of regular-sized Kerbodyne tanks, but as with my Mark 3 SSTOs, went with the TweakScale option in the name of keeping the part count civilized.

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It all started with KER...

Then MechJeb...

Then KAC and Chatterer, and more and more and more...

I now have like 20 mods installed, and it's starting to spiral out of control.

help I can't control myself :confused:

I installed four today alone XD

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Today I finished construction of the Endurance Mk2, the craft that will (probably?) take me to Duna and back. It's currently in it's parking orbit, being used as a research station. I'm going to be experimenting to see if I can harvest Argon (from asteroids or moons) to see if I can refuel it. Not that I need to, it has enough, but it's an experimented I need to do for future missions I have slated.

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Jeb, Bill, Bob and Valentina are leaving Jool and its 5 moons : (1000 m/s ejection from a 59000 km orbit around Jool)




Next is Eeloo in 3 years 300 days.

Edited by xebx
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I've been doing big things in KSP today!

Big, painful, slow things with lots of F9 and reverts.

I managed to get an E-class asteroid redirected into an aerocapture using only Vernors because my asteroid tug's nukes were too close to the asteroid and would melt all 2000+ tons of it in about a second. However, the asteroid survived a pass at 35km at 3.5km/s no problem (though my Gigantors melted), so clearly engine wash is the most deadly thing out there.

I also launched another big interplanetary ship - one that will hopefully phase out most of the other tugs and such that I've been using in the past.

Presenting ICT-03 Exogenesis, 450 tons of NERVAs, fuel, and Mk4 cargo bays :sticktongue:


It's rated for 5km/s dV with a 120-ton payload, though it's perfectly capable of hauling 300 tons of fuel tanks in its cargo bays. It loses some range with a heavier payload, naturally - I think it drops to <3km/s at that point. TWR is a manageable .22 (Kerbin ASL) at 120 tons payload with full tanks.

On-board facilities include crew space for 16, plus a science lab, all science experiments, an ISRU unit, and a pair of Klaw tugs in the forward cargo bay. There are 18 docking ports scattered around the ship; 5 large ports, 5 normal, and 8 small ones (two of which are dedicated parking spots for the tugs). Exogenesis is designed to protect itself and its cargo throughout aerobraking/aerocapture maneuvers; the "abort" action group retracts all the panels, and "2" will toggle all the cargo bays and hatches, so the whole thing can be sealed up in a hurry. After a lot of testing and explosions, it's now timewarp-safe as well - as long as nothing weird's attached to it (extra engines or kraken-y payloads) it should handle 4x physics acceleration no problem.

Overall, I'm very pleased with it (even though launching the thing took a looong time to get right) because it's both functional and looks cool :D

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