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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I'm using 3 duna landers to cobble together a manned Dres sample return- One goes, lands, and reaches orbit. The second one reaches orbit, docks, and waits for the third one to flyby, then the two docked craft burns all it;s DV trying to catch the flyby. Once their DV is spent, the flyby matches velocity, picks them up, then tries to limp home.

That's the plan, anyway...

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That's really cool!! Are the intakes along the underside to promote stability? I've had a few contracts for splashed down sciencing, I just slowly and very carefully drove my plane into the water :D

What did I do...reloaded the game lots because it kept crashing :( Couldn't even get my Career-start n00b craft 1 to launch. Need to lower some graphics settings or trim mods I guess. I'm only using 30 (I don't think that's excessive?) though they are mostly parts types (Near Future, Kolonization, Pathfinder etc).

Actually, those intakes are very buoyant things, and with a high crash tolerance they are perfect for boats, you just need alot of them, a better but heavier idea is to use structural fuselages, they have a high (70m/s) crash tolerance and are very buoyant.

Buoyancy works in this game with size and mass, if something is big and light it will be VERY buoyant, if something is small and heavy it won't be very buoyant. Simple as that, but bear in mind in stock KSP practically nothing will sink. (except my Kerbals when I EVA them in water >:( )

- - - Updated - - -

You can also use the Better Buoyancy mod if you don't want everything to explode in water.

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So to commemorate the start of my "New Horizon" playthough, I launched an Explorer 1 replica.

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The launch went perfectly, although the first stage did burn a bit too hot by the end which gave me a bit of a fright. All in all, it was a good start for the program- we got some decent funds from the first two contracts and some records, as well as a ton of SCIENCE!.

If you want to follow my "New Horizon" playthough, I'll be making a thread for it shortly and attach it to my signature.

Side Note: Due to an issue with 64bit KSP, some of the KSC buildings sometimes appear as fully upgraded when they actually haven't been...

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Last night I decided to give another crack at the booster for the Russet 7 tater-catcher, designed to handle high-end Cs and low-end Ds. I did build a successful booster, which launched the 200 tonne craft into orbit with no issues whatsoever. It's been a long time since I've built a CPU-melting monstrosity like that, and it cost me almost every penny I had to launch it, too. I'd forgotten how much fun that can be sometimes...

Reverted the flight. Yeah, I know...but I was sixty degrees off the plane of the rock, and I'm still not convinced I can actually catch it before it plummets into Kerbin. √700k for a rocket is not chump change - especially if all it does is hurtle to its destruction. I do need to catch a C for contract, but at this point I think I'll go after the one that's still a ways off. It'll give me time to generate more cash if nothing else. And since Bob's almost to Mun (like half-an-hour out), I might also get the huge rockets and fuel tanks unlocked and reduce the part count a bit before I try again.

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A very productive day.

Returning from Duna.


Finally figured out how to get my stupid shuttle to land accurate. More fun managed it out of power until low in atmosphere.


One fun mission extension, was told to return an kerbal and pod to kerbin, also told to return something from Duna orbit so it was an double.

Added some stuff on it with KIS and Valentina flew it in.


Next day I arrived at Eve and went into Gilly orbit to prepare for setting up an base.


This would be an bad time to get an engine failure.


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I'm using 3 duna landers to cobble together a manned Dres sample return- One goes, lands, and reaches orbit. The second one reaches orbit, docks, and waits for the third one to flyby, then the two docked craft burns all it;s DV trying to catch the flyby. Once their DV is spent, the flyby matches velocity, picks them up, then tries to limp home.

That's the plan, anyway...

Don't forget all that jet-pack d-v, you can save a fair bit of fuel if your Kerbal grabs the data and uses half their fuel to match speeds with each new pod(saving half(or less) for actual rendezvous).

As for my activities, I finished refueling my pusher rocket on the Mun and went back to Kerbin to push my Minmus Colony Part A ship to Minmus orbit(UKS PDU and Pioneer pod turned out to be too heavy for my included transit stage). (had an ore from Mun contract that did not complete until I was in LKO for some reason, but at least it completed)

Separated and got the last couple pieces(until I unlock that Fabricator) of my Minmus Colony in place.(grabbing a station contract on the way)

So now all my pieces are within 50m of another piece and ready for an engineer to come and connect all the FlexoTubes.

I had hoped to connect my pusher ship to use it's on-board ISRU to generate liquid fuel(my UKS fuel refinery will only make LKO and I apparently have lots of oxidizer for some reason), but I forgot to bring any tools, so I can't move any parts, just do 'snap-on' connections like the tubes.

(Currently my pusher is landed about 4km away and refueling, but I sent an engineer jet-packing over last night before calling it quits. This base sure does lag a lot, hopefully it will get a little better once I remove/recycle the extraneous bits(like fairing holders and landing engines)

I am a bit worried that once it is all connected that it will only recognize drills as being either on the greater flats or on the slopes, but I have a logistics rover if I need to transfer between separate pieces. (or I may just look up how to copy the minerals value from the slopes to the greater flats for this save and call it good)

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after some time off from the game today I tried to rescue my 3-kerbal crew that was stuck on Duna. And I failed. Twice.

First ship that I had sent crashed after I landed it on a steep slope and it topled down and exploded. On 2nd one I used too much fuel to get into orbit and I didn't have enough dV to de-orbit to try and land on Duna.

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I launched my station previously mentioned into a solar orbit, except that since I don't have the part allowing me to have the lab between the two rockets, I couldn't do that. instead I had a mk1 command pod with docking port and three lights from the maritime pack that are super bright, a cupola, a hitchhiker, a service bay with a science jr, monopropellant, fuel and a poodle on top of 7 twin boars which turned out to be more than enough to get it into a solar orbit. It was my first manned solar orbiter, and got 500+ science without having to go eva. I then realized I hadn't actually taken the contract I had made the station for... ;.;. Imma have to go back to before that and take the contract, add some struts, maybe replace the poodle and fuel with a lab since the twin boars are sufficient to get into a solar orbit, and do it all again. Imma get sooooo​ much science! YAY!

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Well, I did this before I went to sleep, so technically, it was yesterday.

My entry that so far is remaining in first place for the Mun Rocked challenge was equipped as an ore extractor and fuel converter. After filling the fuel and ore compartments, I launched it back into orbit. To get it there, I filled it up before landing, because it was a "mass landed" on the mun competition. Anyway, now I have two tankers in Munar orbit in need of fuel for when other craft need it.

The slideshow is of me completely refilling one, and giving the second one some fuel. My next step is to land where Rover III is at. It only has around 6.5% ore, but I have Kerbonauts that have been in that small tin can for weeks! I'll wait for daylight though.

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Was just reading KSP forums randomly and saw that 1.0.5 HypeTrain thread. To think of it i never did HypeTrain craft because there's only one type of HypeTrain i like and is impossible to do it legitimately, but i went for it with Inf.Fuel cheat anyway because hype for 1.0.5 sake!

It went to orbit, but by the exhaust trail can see it was going hyper crazy. :D

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In KSP today: I had to open WordPad and edit the .sfs file, THREE TIMES, to fix a few annoying bugs involving starship parts getting stuck in anomalous states.

First bug: after transmitting some science home from a research lab, the transmitting antenna automatically closed--and the command to reopen it didn't appear in the menu. Went into .sfs and saw that the "closed" antenna was stuck in the "closing" state.

Second bug: a mothership and lander were docked to a space station orbiting Mun; they undock from the station, then can't dock to each other because the docking clamps refuse to connect. Went into .sfs and saw that the docking clamp on the lander was in "Acquiring" mode. Apparently the clamp couldn't go into "magnetic grab" when the mothership's dock was close enough, because the lander's clamp was already trying to acquire some other ship.

Third bug: landed my first permanent base on Minmus (easy to do in the low gravity). The base had a probe mounted to it with a clamp-o-tron; the plan was to land the base, gather samples, then send the science home on the probe. Guess what, the clamp-o-tron can only decouple on one side. So the probe detached from the base, which left the clamp stuck to the probe's engine. Easy solution: edit .sfs and delete the clamp, right? WRONG! Didn't work. In fact, that caused the game to glitch big-time, with Minmus disappearing completely whenever I tried to fly the probe. (the probe's staging diagram also whigged out, but that was no big deal compared to AN ENTIRE PLANET DISAPPEARING)

I never did get "deleting the clamp" to work; the only way I was able to fix that third bug was by turning the clamp into a stage separator so it could detach at both ends. Not as simple as it sounds, because multiple entries in the part's data had to be changed.

You know it's a bad sign when one computer game gets so annoying that you have to take a break and play ANOTHER computer game to unwind...... :huh:

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"...think I bossed up and postponed the mission"? - Yea, right.:sticktongue:

Mission Control's ongoing diskussion with Valentina ended the exact way everybody already knew it would end.

So Kronos_B was cranked out on the launchpad and an ecstatic Valentina and a couple of pale faced Madly and Kimene stored their things and buckled in for their greatest adventure. Preparations were soon ready and it was decided to launch already in the night.


Night is not really any problem. There are four things the Kronos does really well: Reentry and land on the return to Kerbin. Launch from Laythe's surface into orbit. Land on Laythe. And launch from Kerbin into orbit. No drama and very smooth. Despite 983 parts, 51 stages and 40 of the biggest engines, and a four year old, $400 Acer laptop with AMD CPU, it handles really well.


Look at Madly's and Kimene's happy faces. They're not the least worried.

It even went better than usual, more ahead on the fuel budget than I can remember I've been previously. Maybe the night air is good for rockets?


Once into a pretty circular +130,000m orbit, there were still healthy splashes of fuel left in the two last chemical rockets. Should be a good start on the escape-burn.


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In order to prepare for extensive interplanetary SSTO missions of the future, I've started constructing a mining station/colony. Each delivery will be brought up using SSTOs and will consist of many various modules.

In the second part: One of the large, expanding solar arrays to power the mining rig consisting of just under 50 separate panels!

Enjoy the video :)

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They say size doesn't matter. I don't think I can subscribe to that notion (which is why I downloaded SpaceY and SpaceY expanded, right?). To that end, I started building LKO-75, my fueling station on a 75km orbit of Kerbin.

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148 parts, 200k units of LF plus the correct amount of Ox to go with it. When the lag issues with large part counts are fixed, I will undoubtedly add more capacity along with hotel, casino, and meeting facilities... and maybe I can get a contract to build a prison up there!


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