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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Installed KSP 1.1 yesterday. Today, I installed all those mods to make my savegames work with 1.1. Finally, found out that I will need to rework most of my rovers in order to make them functional again. Well and then I will have to cheat the new rovers through the Kerbol system ... Oh well and then I found out that it's apparently no problem for an offroad vehicle to reach 38.5m/s but those breaking distances -15s? Really? I guess I need to make sure the wheels are no longer blocking when breaking...

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Today I realised how hard it is to make an SSTO rocket that has the TWR to take off and enough fuel to reach orbit but doesn't want to spin end over end randomly. And also looks half decent rather than my usual collection of randomly assorted parts! I tip my had to the likes Cupcake and Rune and all the other talented players out there!


I did discover however that I appear to have a talent for making rockets that like to cartwheel into the ground.

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What I did? Refining my skills with doing Rendezvous and related things... including getting two new Kerbals in Career Mode (considering I'm NOW getting the hang of it thanks to the Training exercise, after owning the game for 2 years, that's a HUGE personal accomplishment).

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Used a very long launch stick...



To propell my heavy exploration orbiter to Minmus.



Jeb and Bill launched with the Voskhod mission. First multi-person spaceship...



More probing in Mun orbit with the Luna 2 mission...



Then it was time to attempt the first 1.1 soft landing on the Mun with the Luna 16 mission setup.



Lander with travel stage arriving in Mun orbit...



Lander put down on the surface and running scientific experiments.



Return stage leaving the Mun again...



Re-entry stage bringing the Mun samples and experiment results back to the surface of Kerbin.



The same concept with minor adjustments and a few new experiments was used later on for a mission to Minmus as well...


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I got my first rover to duna (actually my first anything to duna) but broke my wheels in the ascent from kerbin and didnt realize it until it was too late.  D:.  anyone know how to hack the wheels back into working order using persistent files?



Edited by flatbear
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1 minute ago, Choctofliatrio2.0 said:

As the euphoria of building an SSTO faded, the realization that it is horrible sets in. A few important things:

  • Half the time it incinerates in the atmosphere
  • It requires a generous kick from monopropellant to actually make orbit
  • I'm pretty sure it's worse than my first version :/

Keep it small and slowly work up.  Like really slowly.

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Finished the first semi-flyable draft of a Remotetech comms bomber.  I was able to get it off the ground and into a turn manually, but it really needs fly-by-wire with the remotetech custom orientation setting.

Top speed of 80m/s at sea level while fully laden, but that should improve greatly as the terrible aero commbombs are dropped.



The darts stick the landings quite well on up to 45 degree slopes while the separators make a splash.


With these air-droppable buoys, I'll be able to complete the Kerbin network with much less hassle:


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4 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

I didn't know I needed this. But the true question remains, does it have....:ph34r:



We Relish the thought of that. :wink:


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6 hours ago, CliftonM said:

Keep it small and slowly work up.  Like really slowly.

Very good tip!

6 hours ago, Choctofliatrio2.0 said:

As the euphoria of building an SSTO faded, the realization that it is horrible sets in. A few important things:

  • Half the time it incinerates in the atmosphere
  • It requires a generous kick from monopropellant to actually make orbit
  • I'm pretty sure it's worse than my first version :/

Try using a small single R.A.P.I.E.R engine design. Make sure your craft generates a lot of lift. Start with a design, that does nothing but to reach orbit. Once you know your stuff, add functionality and payload capacity. 

Check your flight profile. Go for a shallow ascent angle with constant acceleration. Built up hypersonic speeds, when getting close to an altitude of 20.000 m. Switch to rocket cycle, when close to 1.500 m/s and an altitude of roughly 23.000 m. Dont forget to close the air intakes. Slightly pull up and reduce throttle (but not too much - you need constant acceleration). 

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over the last 2-3 days I have been tinkering with a new pair of mods since 1.1 came out. nothing new in terms of who they are, KIS and KAS, but, its been ages since I last used them. Decided to pack a ship up with one of KIS nice big cargo pods, 1 man command pod, some RCS and other assorted bits to make both a small station for which I could build on and from, and of course a ship in a bottle. Wanna know something funny? With enough patience and enough hand holds planted around the area, you can build a ship in ORBIT!! Not by docking, but by attaching each component bit by bit! take a look!


the ONLY thing that was built in VAB was the fuel tank and engine with probe core and rcs blocks and heat shield docked on the front of the tank. the rcs fuel was attached in orbit by hand! yes, it has a single tank inside itself for control prior, but, hey, why not add more after right? hehe


@blorgon do my eyes trick me, or is that a proof of concept of a water suppression system? if so, COOL!

Edited by AlamoVampire
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Nothing really out of the ordinary, sending tourists in orbit (and most often, recovering them). Other than that recovering science around KSP, and performing atmospheric surveys.




Some of my Kerbals still have to work their Courage stat a bit.

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Sorry, no screenshots today. But I successfully touched down on duna soil. Well, not for the first time but for the first time being able to actually return to duna orbit and dock to the return stage I left there. However, I only had 5.56 units of LF and about 20 units MP left in the lander's tanks when docking. Close call, I'd say. Now let's see if we can get the crew back to kerbin.

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3 hours ago, Frank_G said:

Try using a small single R.A.P.I.E.R engine design. Make sure your craft generates a lot of lift. Start with a design, that does nothing but to reach orbit. Once you know your stuff, add functionality and payload capacity.

Hmm, alright, I'll try it. I have bad memories with RAPIERs though, of them devouring all my oxidizer right when I switched to rocket mode and the plane plummeting into the sea.

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Played some more with small crew rotation spaceplanes, came up with this somewhat minimalist SSTO design:


Looks more like a cruise missile than a plane, but it flies nicely and has room for four. :) The fairing makes a great nosecone, very heat tolerant and has room for the probe core, reaction wheel, battery and monoprop tank for docking.

The one feature it lacks is a hatch for EVA, the passengers can only leave via the docking port.

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