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Hello! Another new guy here


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Purchased KSP about a week ago and I'm hooked! I am a long time flight sim fanatic (and this is taking away from THAT hobby! :sticktongue:) and have been experimenting with the program. I do have some questions though.

1. Quicksave. Is this for only when your currently in the game, or can I quicksave, shut down, come back later and pick up where I was? Seems this "Quicksave" is unlike any other quicksave I'm accoustomed to. If this quicksave does not behave like others, is there a way to do so? Sometimes my job interferes with my hobby and I cannot dedicate time for a full flight.

2. RCS. Obviously, (from experimenting) I cannot simply add thrusters to the side of the rocket and have them work, what am I missing?

3. I have downloaded, (and successfully installed) several rockets from the site and question what the "author" was thinking! One is a rocket with a Gemini capsule within it. Rocket does not work properly (unless I'm doing something wrong) when I get into orbit. Not sure what I'm supposed to DO with it! Some rockets are obvious as to their operation, others are a mystery. Perhaps the author should post what their intentions were?

4. I'm sure there are MANY more questions to come! I've been hooked on YouTube videos and such. Also I'll dig around in the forum

I belong to a fligh sim club in town and I'm planning on introducing KSP to the guys at the next meeting. We will see what transpires!


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Quicksaves are stored with the permanent saves, they last until you quicksave again. But launching a new rocket or plane will make the game quicksave automatically, so be careful.

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Possible RCS problems could be:

No RCS monopropellant tanks (sorry, I'm starting with the most obvious)

Not activating RCS. Just hit "R"

At any rate, welcome and good luck with your missions!

P.S. Do you play IL-2 Sturmovik?

Lack of proper tank is my issue I'm sure, and no, I don't play IL-2 But I do take my FSX with SuperBug seriously though! (as much as my job will allow)

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Quicksaves are stored with the permanent saves, they last until you quicksave again. But launching a new rocket or plane will make the game quicksave automatically, so be careful.

So my suspicion is correct. This "Quicksave" does not save it as many other games where you can come back to it. Too bad. I die a lot. Did a quicksave just before landing on the Mun, crashed and did a quick load. Landing gear always explode off of my lander at the start so in this case a quick save did me absolutely no good.


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So my suspicion is correct. This "Quicksave" does not save it as many other games where you can come back to it. Too bad. I die a lot. Did a quicksave just before landing on the Mun, crashed and did a quick load. Landing gear always explode off of my lander at the start so in this case a quick save did me absolutely no good.


Its technically "cheating" but you could always use the debug options to disable part damage. Meaning your landing legs wont instantly explode upon loading. Just a suggestion.

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Welcome to the forums! :)

If you have any further questions, feel free to create a topic in the "How To" forum; there's tons of knowledgeable people who would be more than happy to share what they know. Don't forget to also take a peek at the Drawing Board (link in my sig) for a list of tutorials and other resources that could be quite useful.

Happy landings!

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When you exit KSP, it saves itself so that when you return to it, you pick up from that same moment. Quicksave will do the same thing, but it can also return you to the quicksave point from before the exiting autosave. Unfortunately, there is currently a bug in which resuming a flight that has its landing legs extended will cause the landing legs to fall off. Quicksave before extending the legs. I don't believe that turning off damage will prevent that, as the legs seem to simply fall off rather than take damage, but I could be wrong.

To function, RCS thrusters require a source of RCS fuel (there are several tank types that are listed as "monopropellant"), but also either manual keyboard commands, or the installation and activation of an ASAS module somewhere on the ship. The ASAS will automatically use the RCS to try hold your current attitude, but it can run through your fuel quickly.

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