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[0.90] Procedural Dynamics - Procedural Wing 0.9.3 Dec 24


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Any chance we can make the user interface with this mod through tweekables? Buttons in the right click menu for increase/decrease span, inc/dec root chord, inc/dec tip chord, etc.... I can never remember the correct buttons, so I no longer use this mod. I would definitely change my mind with a tweakables interface.

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Any chance we can make the user interface with this mod through tweekables? Buttons in the right click menu for increase/decrease span, inc/dec root chord, inc/dec tip chord, etc.... I can never remember the correct buttons, so I no longer use this mod. I would definitely change my mind with a tweakables interface.

same i'd also like that it would make making the wings alot easier for me too

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The mnemonic is RTG. As in radioisotope thermoelectric generator, but R stands for Root, T for Tip and G for Geometry.

yeah but having it tweak able would make it alot easy for me. i don't really have a big desk so it's hard getting the shapes right.

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I did actually start working on that a while ago, something that combined pWing style dynamic meshes with a system that would let you pick and choose from different subsystems, but like most things it proved too timeconsuming and I lost interest, might pick it up at some point though.

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Oh, that's rather funny really, as it was your bone setup that gave me the idea of how to do procedural engines myself. Still haven't had a chance to do anything even, but...ah well. (This method, rather than stretchy's, would be necessary for the bell in particular.)

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I am having a problem with the lift not being on the center line of the craft. I am using the symmetry in the VAB. It is strange. I can send photos or video your way if you'd like.

Have you tried re-placing the part that causes it? I've had this happen at times, and that has always fixed it for me. Seems like the CoL indicator doesn't always recognize the copy that symmetry mode places.

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Have you tried re-placing the part that causes it? I've had this happen at times, and that has always fixed it for me. Seems like the CoL indicator doesn't always recognize the copy that symmetry mode places.

I have tried that. It does not help. When I just make a second wing that wing is noticeably smaller than the first wing with a centered CoL

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I seem to be having a problem, when i put one of the procedural control surfaces (the b9 one) on a wing my shuttle tends to steer off in its own direction during flight. It only happens with procedural control surfaces.

Is there anyway to prevent this from happening?

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I seem to be having a problem, when i put one of the procedural control surfaces (the b9 one) on a wing my shuttle tends to steer off in its own direction during flight. It only happens with procedural control surfaces.

I think this is related


and i hereby report it as bug :wink:

(Now i realize why i sometimes have to trim in so much roll and yaw)

The CoM shifts depending on the control surface geometry so it is not a FAR issue.

Edit: The parameters of the symmetric copy are not updated when the original control surface is modified. Taper ratio in particular apparently never updates correctly, not even when reattaching the whole wing.

Ah yes, here we have it. Line 479 in UpdateAllCopies

if (isWing)

everything else is "if (isWing || isCtrlSrf)"

Edit2: Hm .. that is only part of the issue. The taper ratio is still wrong because symmetry parts get swapped root/tipScales. And here things get messy ...

Edited by DaMichel
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I think this is related


and i hereby report it as bug :wink:

(Now i realize why i sometimes have to trim in so much roll and yaw)

The CoM shifts depending on the control surface geometry so it is not a FAR issue.

Edit: The parameters of the symmetric copy are not updated when the original control surface is modified. Taper ratio in particular apparently never updates correctly, not even when reattaching the whole wing.

Ah yes, here we have it. Line 479 in UpdateAllCopies

if (isWing)

everything else is "if (isWing || isCtrlSrf)"

Edit2: Hm .. that is only part of the issue. The taper ratio is still wrong because symmetry parts get swapped root/tipScales. And here things get messy ...

Could be the same issue but it disappears for me if i install FAR, though i'd rather not use FAR to be honest. Can someone confirm that procedural control surfaces actually work without FAR.

Also my COL indicator seems to be normal?


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