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Select other ship in map mode?

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I swear I've looked all over the wiki... and searched on here. Can't find the answer.

Can I select another ship in map mode/view (i.e., take over its control)?

I use Tracking Station to select different ships, but it's a few extra painful clicks away. Seems I should be able to select a different ship in map mode. I see people doing it in tutorials, but I can't tell if they are just editing out going back to Tracking Station.

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You can try double clicking another ship in the map mode. Usually it takes a few tries for me to select the ship and not another orbit, as sometimes KSP thinks I want to set another ship as a target.

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You should be able to simply double-click on another ship to switch to it in map view, but currently there's an obnoxious bug that usually prevents this. If you put the mouse pointer over the target ship and just rapidfire tap the left mouse button, it may eventually do the trick. Or it might not.

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There is a mod that perfectly addresses this issue.


It's very simple, it just allows you to either target or control any other craft, even debris, without clicking fifty times on it, or getting lost in all the debris in the way. It doesn't require any changes to your crafts, so it can be used by already existing ships.

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There is a mod that perfectly addresses this issue.


It's very simple, it just allows you to either target or control any other craft, even debris, without clicking fifty times on it, or getting lost in all the debris in the way. It doesn't require any changes to your crafts, so it can be used by already existing ships.

THIS! I started using it 3 days ago and i'm still wondering how i could play the game without it!

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Currently, in .19.1, you should be able to take over another vessel from map view. However, that's in an ideal world. It is known to be buggy and hard to get to work sometimes, so yeah. Yes it's possible, no it's not always easy.

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Thanks, everyone, for the assistance!!

I was going to mention that the "normal" GUI method for this type of action would be a dbl-click. I routinely dbl-click just out of habit, but it's NEVER worked. Glad to hear it's buggy and not just me.

And thanks, DMagic. I'll definitely try out haystack!

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  • 4 years later...
1 hour ago, Nikolas March said:

oh good grief, this bug still exists! at least there is a mod for it.....

Wow. This thread's pretty old. Not sure if that's a bug, though. In map mode, just click on the ship you want and hit "switch to". Nothin' to it.

Edited by Cpt Kerbalkrunch
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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