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0.20 Is here!!!


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Discuss about .20, like what you like about it. And what you have done that was awesome.

So far my favorite things about the update is flags, the "Skipper" engine and the kerbal knowledge base:


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The game is broken for me. All the parts are missing from the VAB except for three damned robotics parts. No command modules, no propulsion, Nothing. Same with existing saves and brand new games.

I'll try uninstalling mods and/or reinstalling the game later, I'm supposed to be working anyway.

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The game is broken for me. All the parts are missing from the VAB except for three damned robotics parts. No command modules, no propulsion, Nothing. Same with existing saves and brand new games.

I'll try uninstalling mods and/or reinstalling the game later, I'm supposed to be working anyway.

Same, mine is also borked. Save file is fine, mods not working.

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We just had the energy company send some guys to cut down a tree that killed our power last night. Get the internet back and find out .20 is released, this is the perfect birthday present! :D Thank you, Squad, I appreciate the gift :P

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Same, mine is also borked. Save file is fine, mods not working.

Seems like Damned Robotics breaks 0.20. Deleting Plugins/MuMechLib.dll, which came from Damned Robotics, got all the other parts back. My other plugins are "fine" (in that at least I have parts, I haven't really played yet)

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