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[0.23.5] Spherical and Toroidal Tank Pack (Updated 05/02/14) (New download link)


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I am not a modder for Unity, but from what I know about it - this means that each tank will still be using a different texture. And textures are the actual resource hogs in the mods for KSP, not the models themselves.

This is true. In actuality, each tank will have several different textures (LFO/Monoprop/Kethane/etc..) associated with it. I'm most certainly an amateur at this, but it was my understanding that one of the major benefits of the loading system introduces in 0.20 was that when used this way, KSP would only have to load each model once and could use several different cfgs to apply different stats/textures. I suppose that someone (way better at UV Mapping than I am) could create a texture map that would work on all 3 tanks, but that is way beyond my skill level. The only other way I see to accomplish what I believe you are asking is to only have one model and rescale it to the other 2 sizes. Then it would be one texture for all 3 tanks.

Again, I'm a complete novice, so I could be completely wrong about this.

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I don't know how the attachment nodes would work for it, but instead of clamps, what about something like this:

The tank would sit inside it, then the whole thing would get mounted to the base. If that's not possible, a four-finger clamp attached to the base might be cool too.

I think that design looks cool, but it would have the same problem. I believe the tank would wobble like crazy inside the cage unless it were heavily strutted. Pretty much the same issue with any other clamp-style design I have thought up. I may just have to go with the base/adapter which connects in the conventional manner, unless anyone has any suggestions or work-arounds?

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You could put a node in the very center of the sphere it shouldn't have much freedom to wobble, but any surface elements could still move around but there wouldn't be huge immersion breaking clipping.

You may be able to do this with a single mesh but if you make the sphere one mesh that's duplicated between all the tanks, and all the surface elements like the mount and bumper either a single separate mesh or their own individual meshes, the main texture sheet for the sphere would be the same for all of them, and you'd have an additional sheet for everything else; And advantage with this is that depending on your effort the "everything else" sheet would be the same for either every tank of a size, or all tanks total.

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So here is what I have so far for the mount/adapter that I was talking about:


Please ignore the shoddy texture. My intention is for it to act as a cool looking spacer or adapter between sizes. For example, a docking port could be attached to the small end instead of the engine. My question is if there would be any interest in this part, and if so should I make more along the same lines (such as ones that are the same size on both ends)?

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Looks nice, although I think there will be more interest in making adapters allowing you to stick these parts to bigger parts (2.5m endcap to 3.75m tank, for instance), than the other way around.

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Looks very nice :) But structural elements should look more solid IMO, right now they scream "Caution! Fragile elements!" :cool:

What I'm looking for is that "open construction" look. Perhaps if I made the supports more....substantial? They do look to be a bit of the flimsy side. Of course, a tradeoff would be increased mass.

Looks nice, although I think there will be more interest in making adapters allowing you to stick these parts to bigger parts (2.5m endcap to 3.75m tank, for instance), than the other way around.

I intend to make them for that as well. I'm just working on this particular size to get the design elements down, and then I'll carry that style to other sizes (2.5m to 3.75m, 1.25 to 0.65, etc)

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Went to re-download this and noticed that the thread seems to have gotten buried over the past week so i'll bump it back up a little :wink:

What I'm looking for is that "open construction" look. Perhaps if I made the supports more....substantial? They do look to be a bit of the flimsy side. Of course, a tradeoff would be increased mass.

I do like the open construction look you are talking about, especially with the hoses running through the center. But i do agree that the supports look a little weak. It, kind of, reminds me of the cables used to hold a basket to the bottom of a hot air balloon. I don't think you have to go crazy thick with them. But maybe make them more in line with the strut connector size.

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Lol, texturing is definitely not my strong point, so the ones that I do myself tend to look a bit plain. As far as the mod goes, I've been putting together other things and playing around with them. For example, the tank in that last pic is one of a matching set which are all 2.5m diameter and have lengths from 2.5m to 10m. I'll probably put all the parts together in a pack once I have them balanced, I just put up the mount because someone in another thread expressed interest when I mentioned it.

I'll probably have to outsource texturing, however. Wyseman76 kindly helped me out with the ones on my spherical tanks when I put those up.

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Talisar: is it alright if I reference your models and textures in MODEL {} config nodes (for Extraplanetary Launchpads). I wish to create tanks based on yours for Ore, Metal and Parts storage, but I don't want to copy the files.

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Talisar: is it alright if I reference your models and textures in MODEL {} config nodes (for Extraplanetary Launchpads). I wish to create tanks based on yours for Ore, Metal and Parts storage, but I don't want to copy the files.

Ideally, if you don't mind using module manager, you could probably add the ore, metal and rocket parts to the potential storage for modular fuels mod, which would remove the need to add addtional parts.

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Talisar: is it alright if I reference your models and textures in MODEL {} config nodes (for Extraplanetary Launchpads). I wish to create tanks based on yours for Ore, Metal and Parts storage, but I don't want to copy the files.

Absolutely! I updated the first post with a CC license too

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The radial mount is one of the most useful additions i've seen recently. It's one of those things which makes you wonder why nobody else made it sooner.

There was many, the forum wipe took most of them away, mine included - just never bothered to make any more because I was making radial VTOL rotating things for infernal robotics, I like radial mounts but I always have an urge to rotate them, I don't know what it is to be honest.

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