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Your Biggest Fail in KSP!


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I have had so many its hard to narrow it down to just one...

Biggest in terms of largest vessel destroyed because of my own stupidity? I crashed my space station. I spent weeks copying the design of a station I found using stock parts. Got it all assembled, got spare tanks up to it for refueling. Sent a small ship into orbit to see if using this and a refueling satellite around Duna could make a return trip. Accidentally fired solid boosters before clearing the structure degrading the orbit to the point that within a day of KSP time it had crashed.

Most recent failure? Built a completely liquid fuel rocket intended to send a probe out of the system entirely after docking with a refueling satellite. Got it on the launch pad, did my little countdown in my head, pressed space to release the clamps.

Forgot to start the engines.....

I also recently sent a manned ship to Eeloo (tried doing it without mechjeb). Failed in my trajectory and ended up slingshotting around Eeloo and heading out of the system. Sent Bill on a space walk for giggles. Went back to the space center to start cleaning up junk and deleted the ship... leaving Bill floating in space headed out of the system.

Edited by annallia
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Biggest Failure? I guess (aside from the many crashed launches!) was spending months building a huge space station, and not realizing that when .20 came out, it was no longer usable!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I cried for a week!!! HAHAHAH!!

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Ok new biggest fail for me.

Tried to launch a massive Munar base in one go. Built a behemoth of a rocket (850 tons!). It was problematic from the get go.

Solid boosters failed to disconnect leaving me lugging around tons of dead weight (literally). I didn't have enough RCS thrusters to really maneuver with the added weight and not enough fuel to drop the main mass before heading to the Mun. Somehow, I don't know how, I managed to make it to the Mun and get in orbit. It was at this point I felt like I was forgetting something, important, but I didn't know what it was. I started my landing, got everything set up and started my decent and was dead on target for where I wanted, I just needed to start my deceleration burn.

This is the point where I realized part of what I had forgotten, no landing struts!. I thought oh well no big deal, I have thrusters on the sides not bottoms of the tanks I just have to set it down gently right?

Well as it turns out there were two things I forgot. I forgot to put fuel tanks on the base itself so when I detached from my main ship (after sending it careening towards the Mun) I had no way of slowing down.

Very big, very expensive, very rage inducing boom...

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given the multitude of disasters, I have to go with the most recent, launched off minimums after a spot on landing, going for a direct SOI transition to Kerbol, and missed the warp, unable to correct and re-land to try again. Bye bye Jeb.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Biggest fail was not realizing I had only put one strut on my lander until it was too late, and I was in Mun orbit. There are other things wrong with that vehicle, but even Jeb seems to be laughing at me.


I... I can't stop laughing... Make it stop...

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My biggest fail probably has been when I played KSP the first time. I shot up a rocket and turned around to find Mun. As soon as I saw it, i simply pointed my rocket into it's direction and started my engines.... I was really confused why my rocket hit kerbin instead of my target :D

Worst rover Mission ever: My first manned rover on Duna. I managed to land the rover on a hill but broke some wheels. I knew that kerbals can repair them so I thought: "lets go outside and repair them". As soon as I finished the last wheel i couldn't believe my eyes. I forgot the brakes, so my rover started to roll down that **** big hill. It took me about 15 minutes to get back into the rover. 2 minutes later I flipped while trying to do my first turn -.-

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Not many explosive fails (yet!).

One of the recent ones I can think of is when I was returning a science mission from the Mun, I didn't decelerate enough during Kerbin re-entry; then at 500m my parachutes deployed and the sudden jerk was enough to "decouple" my science equipment from my capsule.

Oh well... F9.

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running remote tech, setting up first probe around duna, interplanetary stage is arriving and preparing to aerobrake

brain: better close up that satellite dish lest it burns up in atmos!

self: great idea! It's our only way to communicate after all!

*closes satellite dish

self: huh.... wait.....

instead of reloading I planned and launched a whole second mission to duna, at the NEXT launch window. Somethings are too stupid to F9 away...

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Get to an escape from Kerbin.

Time warp.

Get to solar orbit.

Set your manouver node.

Time to point to that node, but ship doesnt move..... Electric charge=0.00

So much for opening those solar panels lol.

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My biggest fail thus far was having a vessel coming back from a Ike landing and realizing after I made my final decent into Kerbins atmosphere that I forgot the parachutes....

Good news though I was able to crash land the landed saving Bill's life..... So much Science lost..... so much...

(It was over 3000)

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I've never really liked one-use rockets in the real world, so for my first manned mission to Duna I decided to go big. I assembled a massive interplanetary spaceship at my orbital fuel depot through eight launches (not including countless failed prototypes), dubbed it the K.S.V. Intrepid, undocked from the station, set up my maneuver node, and engaged the engines. The ensuing explosion vaporized most of the ship, killed all ten crew members, and heavily damaged the space station itself.

The next day I built a conventional rocket and made it to Duna and back with fuel to spare. Go figure.

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Building a small space ferry which was basically a hitchhiker unit with fuel and an engine etc to send 4 at a time to and from my station. Sent it up to my space station, docked it, EVA 4 kerbals from said station to ferry, undocked, de-orbit burn, re-entry, hit space to deploy chutes... Oops... Never put them on!

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Sent a probe science mission to Jool with six little landers attached to a mothership.

Failed to place decouplers between the landers and the mothership. Eventually "landed" into Bop.

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Finally, been waiting to see this thread. Had two recently, one time I built an entire rocket from scratch, after I put the finishing touches on and organized the staging, I tried to save but accidentally clicked New and erased a good 15 minutes from my life.

Also I just recently wasted a bunch of time getting to Minmus to do some science, apparently the hills biome includes the poles, so I got about 30 science from an orbital report, and like 3.5 from a surface sample. Got this picture though:


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Just a few days ago, I sent a mission to do a sundive to collect science. When I got close enough for the scientific equipment to register tests as 'near the sun', I quickly realized that I had forgot to attach any sort of communication device to transmit the data.

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