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[0.20] Modular Fuel System 1.3/realistic fuels, reconfigurable fuel tanks and engines


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Hi, Let me first say that I love this mod. It opens up Alot of possibilities for rocket designs and even more for plane designs. However it seems that there is an issue with the new kw rocketry 2.5.2. The new kw engines with this mod doesn't provide any lift despite it showing the correct thrust. Does anyone know what the issue is?


figured it out. just replace all the "thrustTransform" in kw_modularEngines.cfg to "NozzleTransform"

Wow that's a problem if it uses the same part names but player base is split between two versions.

I'm thinking though, what happens if we take the thrustVectorTransformName out entirely? It should default to what the part is already using... Or maybe not. Can't hurt to try. I'll give it a shot later when I'm not too busy

Edit: Ok! It's as I thought. If you omit any of the properties from the configs for ModuleEngineConfigs then it will apparently just use the original value from the part's ModuleEngines config node.

I also notice that K&W STILL have not fixed the spelling on 'exhaustDamage' in this latest version. So I'm guessing you can stand your kerbals directly inside of a stock K&W Engine nozzle and they won't even get warm :P

Edited by Starwaster
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Is that the only change to the MFS cfg for KW? I noticed some of the new nose cone fuel tanks weren't updated in the cfg either. Anyone notice anything else?

Nobody has yet released updated mfs cfg for KW at all yet.

Given chestburster's apparent absence, someone else will have to look into it. Which will probably be Nathan or I?

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Yeah probably...heh.

Interesting you found load() is non-destructive, btw. Just have to make sure ModuleEngineConfigs always runs after ModuleEngine loading so the right (i.e. part-default, not default-default) values are set.

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working on the new KW tanks. Doing it as a patch to the existing KW_modularFuelTanks.cfg file rather than standalone. For now anyway, If chestburster doesnt turn back up to update someone will need to take over so we can consolidate stuff

I should have them ready soon. I think it's just 5-6 new tanks, the two russian styled tanks and the cone adapters? is that it or are there more?

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I don't have Kerbolar, but I can add the radial boosters.

Although it's a very simple process you can easily do yourself. Just look at an existing modular engine config and copy the block, then replace the part ID at the top, the thrust and heat and Isp values as appropriate, and the name of the thrust transform and/or fxoffset if they're non-standard. That should about do it.

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Ah, I see the issue with the liquid booster. It has an engine and a fueltank, and stock MFS only supports 1, not both, being modular.

However, I have fixed that problem in my dev copy. :)

When I've tightened up a few more loose ends, I'll repost it, and the modified NP2 config.

KW engines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k1hywmzcrpc50tt/KW_modularEngines.cfg

Replace your original from ChestBurster's pack.

As to the directions:

Take an example config. Let's say the NP aerospike.

@maxTemp = 1800
@heatProduction = 150
@ratio = 0.4
@ratio = 0.6
name = ModuleEngineConfigs
configuration = LiquidFuel+Oxidizer
modded = false
name = LiquidFuel+Oxidizer
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 285
heatProduction = 150
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.4
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 0.4
DrawGauge = True
name = Oxidizer
ratio = 0.6
key = 0 380
key = 1 375


name = LiquidFuel+LiquidOxygen
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 295
heatProduction = 170
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.4
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 0.35
DrawGauge = True
name = LiquidOxygen
ratio = 0.65
key = 0 390
key = 1 385

name = LiquidH2+LiquidOxygen
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 270
heatProduction = 140
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.4
name = LiquidH2
ratio = 0.73
DrawGauge = True
name = LiquidOxygen
ratio = 0.27
key = 0 430
key = 1 425

Copy it, paste it into a new file. Call this whatever you like, but make sure it has the cfg extension. We'll call that window the MEC window. Now, in another window, open the part.cfg of the part you want to modify. You'll need info from that. We'll call that the part window.

What you're creating (through modifyng an existing one) is a ModuleManager config. It has a particular syntax. Lines that start with @ mean splice. It means find this key, like @maxthrust (or the node of this name, if something in brackets follows, like @PART[temp]), and change it (if key, change it's value; if node, operate inside it). If there's a !, it means delete. For nodes (things with {} after them) you also need {} if you're deleting. If there's no symbol, it means insert.

In the MEC window, change the thing inside the brackets in the top line to the name of the part you want to be modifying (find the line name = SOMETHING in the part window). That will tell MM to find and modify the part you want to be modified.

Then look at the "@maxTemp =" and the "@heatProduction =" lines. Find, in the part window, the original values, cut them in half, and stick them in the MEC window, replacing the originals.

Now look down. You'll see three CONFIG blocks. Do the same for the LF/Ox section, replacing all values there with the values from the ModuleEngine block in the part window.

Now we'll look at the other two CONFIGs. You'll see that generally LF/LOX has higher Isp and thrust and heat than the LF/Ox block, and LH2/Lox has way higher Isp, worse thrust, and lower heat. First replace all the values in those blocks with the values from the part window, then tweak to taste.

Save the file in the MEC window, make sure it has a CFG extension and place it in ModularFuelTanks/RealFuels, and you're done.

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Thanks guys,

Starwaster, for your patch, do I remove the _2.5_patch part?

No, you don't have to rename it or anything just drop it in your modularfueltanks folder. the file assumes you have prior KW Rocketry support already. (imthink it's named kw_modularfueltanks.cfg? literally just gotmup, having cofffee and typing on my ipad so this is from memory)

Yup, the KW engines are in my prior post, but the link again:


(Replace your old RealFuels/KW_modularEngines.cfg file with this)

Tanx for the tanks!

dammit how did i miss that?

Edited by Starwaster
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For now anyway, If chestburster doesnt turn back up to update someone will need to take over so we can consolidate stuff

Feel free to do so. But i barely have the time to update configs for an abandoned mod that may break with .22+ :-/ . I can take a look at the latest updates of my currently supported mods and release it tomorrow when i get back home.

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Feel free to do so. But i barely have the time to update configs for an abandoned mod that may break with .22+ :-/ . I can take a look at the latest updates of my currently supported mods and release it tomorrow when i get back home.
Yay, you're back!

We did the KW stuff for you above, and I _think_ that's the only stuff that changed.

If it breaks for .22 I'll fix it, don't worry.

Yeah we'll make sure MFT shall not perish!

Plus I have an idea for recovering resources for non-fillable tanks so they could be filled from inventory replenished by recovering craft. (i.e. land a tank of kethane, r ecover the craft via tracking station and the kethane would be added to inventory; that quantity would be available to,otherwise unfillable tanks)

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ok, my dropbox link for MFS is updated.

Changes to MFS source:

1. Fixed bug with amount/maxAmount. amount now acts as ratio of maxAmount, with full = 1.0. Clamp to 0 if tank is not fillable.

2. Added support for ElectricCharge where 1 unit volume = 100 units charge.

3. Added support for parts that have both modular fuel tanks AND modular engine configs. Note that it's still at most ONE of each.

4. Allow basemass to be set in part module definitions, not just in tank definition. (For instance, Oscar-B's can be less efficient)

5. Allow part mass changes to be disabled by setting basemass = -1 (used for parts that combine tank and engine like Bobcat's stages, where you don't want the mass to be changed by fuel tank changes).

6. Add support for fuel-specific TANK overrides in part module definitions. In a ModularFuelTank module, you can add the same TANK{} blocks you would in a TANK_DEFINITION{} and they will override what's pulled from the appropriate TANK_DEFINITION. You can add as many or as few keys to the TANK{} as you want; unspecified keys will be pulled from the default.

In configs, I added a new TANK_DEFINITION, ServiceModule. It contains LF/Ox (or NTO/MMH in RealFuels mode), some monopropellant, and a bit of ElectricCharge.

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