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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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I have left out parts - forgetting to hit the number of items button...funny thing - wait I got a fail...I did this like 3 times launching - didnt look at the pre-launch - looked back only to see my plane falling apart on launch - hadnt a clue - then about the 4th time I looked at pre-launch and saw this:


(Sorry I dont know how else to add pictures except to add them to another site?)

Cdr Zeta

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I was booking it when I decided to see what would happen if I turned off SAS while at speed. At least I can still get the temperature reading.


This is when I learned NOT to launch using your boosters as supports before ignition.


I needed more support beams on this one.


Forgot landing struts. I was actually able to lift off at that angle on Minmus but have never duplicated it.


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  WhiteWeasel said:
I'm currently stuck in the demo, but here is my first (succsesful) munar landing. That was my 3rd attempt, first time I timp warped into my kerbanites' doom, second time I had too much horizontal velocity and ground my lander into mun dust. 2liu6ph.jpg

O.o how... How on earth did that even get to orbit, it looks like it shouldn't even get close, let alone to the mun... In the old demo, it took me a massive rocket just to get to orbit around the mun (and yes, I was stupid and tried to land, many Jebediah Kermans were killed in the process) but I think you could put those RCS tanks on the top on the side of the command module, then stick a parachute on top, if that's the case, you sir have found the worlds smallest rocket that can get to the mun, and return them safely, I gotta try this :)

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  Deadpangod3 said:
O.o how... How on earth did that even get to orbit, it looks like it shouldn't even get close, let alone to the mun... In the old demo, it took me a massive rocket just to get to orbit around the mun (and yes, I was stupid and tried to land, many Jebediah Kermans were killed in the process) but I think you could put those RCS tanks on the top on the side of the command module, then stick a parachute on top, if that's the case, you sir have found the worlds smallest rocket that can get to the mun, and return them safely, I gotta try this :)

Uhhh, heres the rest of it:


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  Deadpangod3 said:
Oh... But it is still a very good design, that's the smallest lander I've ever seen...

Keep in mind the previous stage (just before the lander) I use whatever's left in my lv-909 to kill most of my velocity before at the last Km or so, then decouple it. So it does not land entirely on RCS, I also found that you could cram up to 8 in the same amount of space! That's super duper over kill on that tiny lander! And I'm sure that I could get a few more thruster blocks around the FL-R25 to utilize that fuel. It also makes it kinda top heavy, which is bad due to no ASAS in lander mode. Might reduce the number to 6 or 4.


Edited by WhiteWeasel
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  Boris_T_Roach said:

That fail was so epic it fell to bits on the launch pad

Although the actual title of that pic is "we need stronger glue on the next one"

The best part of that picture is the look on the K-Team's faces. It's like "OMG, HAVE WE GOT TO PAY FOR THAT?"

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One time I failed to Aerobrake at Jool, so I spent 18 years cycling back to Duna with 18/8000 units of liquid fuel left. Here are the pictures of its rescue:

This is the Shepard Magnificent, the successor to the Jeb and the Kerbonauts that got stranded at Duna after a botched Joolian voyage. It carries twice as much of everything as the 'Jeb, four colony modules and four fuel tanks, so it arrived at Duna with fuel to spare. Its mission was three part: release the 6 probes at Duna, land the 4 colony modules, and refuel the 'Jeb.


And here's the Jeb and the Kerbonauts, sans a set of drop tanks identical to the ones sticking off the middle there. She was practically empty after getting to Duna from an orbit 6x as far out as Eeloo- the last burn to correct the Duna encounter was done on RCS only. She's approaching the 'Shep here.


Because I am a derp, neither ship could dock to the other using those central normal size docking ports. I had to use the irregularly spaced probe ports on both ships to dock and transfer fuel.


That mission was a success. However, in a later space program, I learned the importance of a Launch Escape Tower, especially on overengineered Munar vehicles:


Edited by Wait, Was That Important?
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I tried to land a probe on Ike today. I had a 7-probe ship in orbit around Duna and decided to land a few on Ike. The landing went well, and my tripod probe had 2 units of fuel left. Then I realized I'd landed on a steep slope, and Ike is apparently quite slippery. It went sliding down the hill on its landing legs (I never thought of lifting off and landing again) as I prayed for it to come to a halt. Unfortunately, it hit a slight bump and flew off the ground before crashing back down, destroying all but the core and the parachute (It was made for a possible Duna landing). I had to sit and watch my poor probe bleed out (Run out of power) as it slowly died. I did manage to name it before it was completely gone...

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  Skyhawk said:
I tried to land a probe on Ike today. I had a 7-probe ship in orbit around Duna and decided to land a few on Ike. The landing went well, and my tripod probe had 2 units of fuel left. Then I realized I'd landed on a steep slope, and Ike is apparently quite slippery. It went sliding down the hill on its landing legs (I never thought of lifting off and landing again) as I prayed for it to come to a halt. Unfortunately, it hit a slight bump and flew off the ground before crashing back down, destroying all but the core and the parachute (It was made for a possible Duna landing). I had to sit and watch my poor probe bleed out (Run out of power) as it slowly died. I did manage to name it before it was completely gone...

R.I.P. probe :(

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My most memorable one so far probably has to be my first attempt at landing on Minmus, using the same Apollo-style craft that had taken me to the Mun once before.

The launch to LKO went smoothly. That was the only part of that mission that went smoothly; everything from there on out was beset by all manner of problems. As it turned out, the insertion stage didn't quite have enough juice to actually get me a Minmus interception, which meant I had to rely on the command / service module's engines to finish that -- which, in turn, made me worry that I'd have to reallocate fuel from my lander module to get home.

So I finally get interception and capture, and move my two crewmembers from the command module to the lander. I plan a landing on one of the ice lakes that happens to be right on the terminator at the time, so that I'll have a nice, steep shadow I can use to gauge my final descent.

Unfortunately, this is where things really start going wrong:

1. I didn't account for Minmus's rotation, and thus end up coming down over the mountain slopes right next to the lake.

2. The lake itself is still lit by Kerbol; unfortunately, the mountains are in the shadow.

3. My lander doesn't have any lights.

So here I am, less than 1km up, coming down onto a steep, unlit mountainside with no way of telling how close to the ground I am and no idea of how to correct my course to get me over the lake instead (I was still a relative newb at this point). Naturally, my lander smacks right into the side of that mountain, breaking off one of the landing legs. I panic and put the thing at max throttle, still not quite processing what just happened. Somehow, I did this while it was still pointed skyward, so it wasn't a total loss.

I decided not to take my chances with a second landing attempt. Rerendezvousing with the CSM proved to be tricky, since I came back up on a bit of an inclination, but I managed it, and I got the crew home safely.

That was one of the tensest missions I had in this game that didn't end up being a total loss. I did eventually get kerbals on Minmus, using the lessons I learned from this experience.

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My first return mission to duna became my first edit of the persistence file:

the hatch to get out was blocked by a radial RCS tank. I had to move its position to actually get my guys out. Very embarrassing.

Edited by Splode
I'm a big dumb idiot
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