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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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Is that all stock? How does the hinge joint work?

The Changeling? Yes, all stock - it's taking advantage of the flexing of the structural pylon part. The trick is that the pylon will randomly flex at either end, so I had to make two sets of docking ports as latches, so it would stay connected regardless of which way the physics decide to go.

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One of my most major failures, was a pair of Jool probes I set on the same rocket. The plan was to use the same Launcher and interplanetary that I had been using to get to the inner planets. Once I was at Jool, I would drop off one probe just above the atmosphere, and one a little higher, and then I would finish off the mission by crashing the interplanetary stage into Jool. That was the plan at least. The launch went fine but not the transfer. I came in a little ahead of Jool, so to make a successful entry into its system, I had to use a lot my my precious Dv to raise my orbit enough to get an SOI change. After I had used most of my fuel, I had a very long timewarp wait until I entered Jool's SOI. When I finally did, I used all but a sliver of the rest of my fuel to bring myself into an orbit. Once I tried to circularize my orbit however, I ran out of fuel. I tried using RCS, but that was exhausted too, so I dropped one of the probes, and timewarped to see what happened. What happened was the Probe and launcher were thrown out of the Jool System at high velocities by Vall. The probe is now going interstellar, and the launcher is in a highly eccentric orbit with a total period of about 30 years. The interplanetary launcher is going to be save edited to be a comet in the future.

This Probably isn't my worst fail, but it's the best I can remember. I will fail more in the future, so expect to hear from me in on this thread again. maybe.

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Alright. I don't have any pictures, but my trip to the Mün has been a complete bust. I'm using the Apollo mod because I want to replicate Apollo 8, then 11, and the Saturn V is great, but I can't get past LEO!

1st try: after first stage and gravity turn, everything except for the CSM-LM decouples. since I'm still in gravity, I cant decouple the LM and dock so I can use my SM engine. I crash.

2nd try: same thing.

3rd try: after realizing that the asas was messing up my staging, I got into LEO! I decoupled the LM, and tryed to turn around. I couldn't. I thought I was caught on the LM. I do a tiny burn to move away, and I go FLYING far away from the LM. I can't get back. That was when I realized that my autopilot was on. So that's why I couldn't turn!

4th try: I finally get it right! My first time docking! (though the LM was right there beside me) I set a manoeuvre to go to the Mün, then escape. I was sure after I intercept, I can lower my Apoapsis and get into Mün orbit. I time warp close to the node. I get to the node. It still says "Node in T - 2 days". I'm confused. I time warp to 100. I get flung in to Kerbol orbit. -_-

5th try: into LEO, starting LM dock, all lined up properly, time to make a VERY small burn to close in on the LM, turns out, my throttle was all the way up. I blasted through the LM.

6th try: Into LEO, getting ready to do my burn towards the Mün with the last of my 2nd stage and my 3rd stage. finish 2nd stage, press spacebar, BOTH second AND third stage decouple. Okay, I say, I'll have to finish with my SM engine. I do the LM dock perfectly, then, I pull out the only the ascent stage of the LM.

That was when I gave up.

Edited by Forte
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Well, this one got to space. Mission Ikarus even got very close to the sun during its multi-year trip, with an apoapsis still out at Jool, which provided the most substantial gravity slingshot to this flight. Return to Kerbin was obviously a little bit fast. I hit the atmosphere at 11km/s, and even a heatshield could not stop Deadly Reentry from killing the probe within seconds


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Probably my worst moment was my first trip to Minmus. For one, nothing was turning and I had to use physical time acceleration to move anywhere. When I finally got into a low orbit above Minmus, I began my decent. Everything was going well until I landed and I ended up break dancing all the way down a hill before getting myself straight.

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Had this been whitout the UI, it would be the no. one pic of KSP

Lol, thanks. I still have the save file of the re-entry attempt, so maybe one of these days I'll give it another whirl. I've actually been tempted to post it as a challenge, except I suspect it may not be possible to succeed...

Edited by drewscriver
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Patfrey: Stop smiling, Doodbald! That rover you just tipped over was supposed to carry us through the great canyon system of Duna! Now we will never know what that anomaly in the radar readings was.

Doodbald: Hahaha, get a mirror dude. I cant stop smiling hihi that face in the mountainside we just saw was just too awesome!

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I was flying an amazing VTOL I made, and I was having loads of fun, that is until I crashed on the kerbalnaut complex.

By a 1 in a 100 chance one of my engines was still running and pointing up into the sky. Jeb had many adventures to tell his friend later that day.

jeb looking at the cloud.


Jeb having fun after he jumped right in front of the engine.


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'Nuff said.

Actually that's probably not enough. This otherwise simple launcher suffered what I thought was a Kraken attack, but was actually a previous version of itself on the pad from a prior launch.

For some reason, the ship was there but KSP didn't ask me to recover it to clear the launch pad, nor did it offer to fly that ship when I selected the launchpad from the main menu.

In any case, it's a pretty nice kersplosion. Edited by 5thHorseman
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Another good one I just remembered, more of a not-getting-back-from-space-today:


As you can see, there was a major staging problem and all the return rockets accomplished was tumbling the station like a thrown jack. So I sent up a probe! And docked it successfully! (How, I will never know, as I had not quite grasped the concept of 'target' yet)

...the sideways coupler was seriously bugged in this version, and the little escape probe began turning in non-Ecludian directions and pushing the whole station around on a tumble that no amount of RCS could stop. So I turned on timewarp, resulting in not just one explosion but a great many. Each extra 'ship' and 'probe' in the name is a separate explosion, that's how the bug worked.

I eventually just dumped the whole station onto the landscape and hoped I'd overengineered it enough. I had.

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