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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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I may have broken your game, but at least it turned out awesome :D

I had backups from the quicksave, so the minor headache of reverting back & figuring out what went wrong was well worth the half hour of unbridled explodium entertainment (actually it was running so slow it was kinda boring. Kept poking my head in every few minutes, "yup, still exploding," "yup, still exploding.") It was exploding for far longer than it actually took to fix it. One bit of debris made it over 5 kilometers from the center. That's pretty impressive considering deadly reentry should have vaporized it before it got that far. I'll try to get that log figured out tomorrow. If you can isolate what's not quite right here, that in its self might make a fun mod. I wonder how 40 ships spawned in the same place in space would explode.

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I don't have any screen shots or videos. But my Minmus Base 1 just failed today, completly. I had designed a base that has Docking Port Srs on its perifial. I had made a ship to slowly lower the different moduals onto the docking ports, so that they all could be connected and shared ect. Well, I was lowering onto the Power supply modual, that had LOTS of batteries, Solar Panels and a coupleof those generators. As soon as the docking stations connected after about 10 seconds of just sitting on the "landing pad" docking port, the game glitched, and the entire base went under ground about 2 meters. This caused massive distruction. Peices went flying everywhere. The drop ship managed to escape, however when I switched back to the remains of the base to see if I could save the Kerban in it still (Bob Kerman) the dropship despawned. We'll just say it made a stealth return to Kerban. But Bob survied the explosion, and then went into the capsul on the base. The life support modual was compelty destroyed, so all he had was the life support from that lander can pod. (Tac Life Support) So I IMMEDANTLY mounted a rescue op. Just as I was enterting Minmus' sphere of influence, I got the messagethat Bob was running low on Oxygen, Food, and Water. I had just entered into orbit when he sufficated. :( So I proceeded to land, and planted a memorial flag in Bob's honor. Took the stored experiments from the Lander can, and descided to rename the Base as a memorial to Bob. When entering the lander can, since I figured it would add to it the Oxygen from the EVA suit, well Mr Kerman took his helmet off... :( I"ll hae to rename the failed minmus base in the save file. (I don't count that as cheating since a name is just a name, and in real life you can redesigant spacecraft on a chart in mission control without going to the spacecraft)

So the Minmus Base 1 Project has failed and been scrapped.

They will next be working on the Minmus Base 2 Project.

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During a recent mission to Duna, I made a slight miscalculation during aerobraking which put me on a crash course with the planet. The crew made a heroic effort to safely land anyway and save as much of the craft as they could.

They succeeded... sort of.


At least Jebediah has plenty of snacks...

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A new day, a new fail:

Today, Jebediah deorbited his ship to deliver the first modual to the Minmus base II. The first Minmus base ended in disaster and claimed the lives of two Kerbals. :( His ship landed with the payload okay. The payload being a payload of snacks and other life support equipment from Tac Life Support. He goes and gest the crain to lift the payload onto the docking ports to join it and assemble the base. Well,

When he turned around the crain, he fliped it over. Oh No!!!

The crane is huge. But Minmus' gravity isn't So he tried to flip it back himself, but he wasn't able. Next he went and gathered some RCS ports from the base core, that are no longer needed. Placed them onto the crane and with the aid of the torque wheels, was still unable to flip the crane. The last ditch effort was to grab a grapling hook (From Kerbal Attachment system) but there was nothign to attach it to so he hooked it to the ground. Hopeing it would be able to bump and bounce, but no joy. It just drug the crain a few meters. Then the grapling hook disapeared. ??

So they will have to send a new crane from kerbal. The new one should be able to recover the first. Then they will ahve a backup ;)

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Today I began a Munar science station

As I was coming in to dock a new part one of the docking ports failed to connect, so I figured I would just switch ships and switch back

Apparently the game doesn't deal well with loading failed docks because when I returned to the new module, the entire station disappeared.

It had blown up so hard core that it's pieces orbited.... straight down.

RIP - the two kerbals in the science lab

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I set up an itty-bitty probe powered by solar panels and ion drive (with 1k battery power). Maybe I should have thought about my launch window, a prograde orbit to the outer planets will ALWAYS launch on the night side!

I'm currently running the engine one minute per orbit, I'm sure I'll pick up some speed eventually! Of course, then I have to worry about Mun and Minimus intercepts...

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I have been testing drag-racing on Minmus, it mostly result in the dragracer or at least part of it in solar orbit :)

I wonder if its other flat places like the Minmus seas in the solar system, Not kerbin or Layte poles as I don't want an thick atmosphere. tested two random places on Eeloo but they are not flat enough.

Duna should work well but I don't think most of the poles are flat.

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One day I will remember to start taking screenshots of launches.

Not so much a "You will not go to space today" issue as a "You won't be going to space ever again".

Career mode, unlocked the 2nd tier tech and decided on a Minmus flyby for SCIENCE. Everything goes well (excepts I ended up leaving Kerbin SoI and having to rejoin after a short stint in interstellar space) until I'm coming home. Bill climbs out, pulls all of the science out of the experiments and buckles in for the return trip. Retro burn to slow down (I don't like reentering atmo at 4k/s), bring my periapsis up so I'm not coming it at a 45 degree angle, smash space and see


happen. Why is this a problem you ask. Well, the problem is that this spacecraft isn't designed to land with 2 Sci Jr.s, 4 Goos, plus a 200 tank, 909 engine, plus 16 batteries, solar panels, ect.. Well, I imagine you can imagine the 'landing' that occured after the single parachute ripped off (I had hoped the pod would tear off in a last-ditch effort to save the whole thing), and ended up setting a new ocean depth record for my rocket program.

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I set up an itty-bitty probe powered by solar panels and ion drive (with 1k battery power). Maybe I should have thought about my launch window, a prograde orbit to the outer planets will ALWAYS launch on the night side!

I'm currently running the engine one minute per orbit, I'm sure I'll pick up some speed eventually! Of course, then I have to worry about Mun and Minimus intercepts...

This is terribly wasteful, but you can burn on the day side a few times to increase the size of your orbit which should reduce the amount of time you spend eclipsed by Kerbin. That said, Ion drives are nice for small changes; you really need that small Rockomax engine to get out of Kerbin's SoI in any reasonable amount of time. Hell, the ant engine would be better.

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Yeah.... I would say that this isn't gonna get into space today:


Not this time either:


Well... if I had bothered to put them in, I think I'd be saying goodbye to 112 would-be astronauts there.

Before you ask, yes it can fly and is meant to reach space, the problem is it can't take off without being smashed to pieces tripping over a landing gear.

Also, Yes, you see correct. 12 RAPIER engines are falling off at once.

Edited by Pds314
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I have been testing drag-racing on Minmus, it mostly result in the dragracer or at least part of it in solar orbit :)

I wonder if its other flat places like the Minmus seas in the solar system, Not kerbin or Layte poles as I don't want an thick atmosphere. tested two random places on Eeloo but they are not flat enough.

Duna should work well but I don't think most of the poles are flat.

kerbalmaps.com says Tylo has some decent-sized perfectly flat areas of 1-meter-high terrain. Dres has some areas that look like flat and smooth lake beds from space, but aren't quite flat Some of Moho's craters are flatter than Eeloo.

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I managed to accidentally crash into a ship in orbit, while i was suborbital......


Note: no kerbal were harmed in this accident, and a had quicksaved before, so i did managed a successful rendezvous after that. But the chances of a dead on suborbital collision, :P

Yikes. I had a somewhat similar experience though the ships were not nearly as large. The very first time I tried to dock, it was with 2 identical ships with Mk2 capsules on top of orange tanks on top of Mainsails (hey, I was new). I probably had RCS tanks and thrusters everywhere to and a docking port on top of the mk2 capsule. I didn't know anything about anything (I'd landed on Mun and got back, more by luck and pluck than skill. This was the next step for me) so the two ships were coming in, aligned perpendicular to each other at about 50 m/s. I went from "Oh, I should fix that" to BOOM in a couple seconds, when the two orange tanks collided and destroyed each other. Those 2 ships ended up being 4 pieces of debris. I never docked them (though I probably could have) but with the RCS on the capsule side I was able to deorbit them.

Good times :)

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I managed to accidentally crash into a ship in orbit, while i was suborbital......


Note: no kerbal were harmed in this accident, and a had quicksaved before, so i did managed a successful rendezvous after that. But the chances of a dead on suborbital collision, :P

1. Why for the love of JEB did you not include pix of the resulting debris field???

2. Why does it look like lumps of coal coming out of your rocket during launch? Is this some new fuel source I haven't heard of??

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1. Why for the love of JEB did you not include pix of the resulting debris field???

2. Why does it look like lumps of coal coming out of your rocket during launch? Is this some new fuel source I haven't heard of??

The "coal" coming out of the rocket is actually just a bug with Kerbpaint. And i'm not sure why i didn't take any pictures of the debris field, it happened so fast and i was stunned that i had hit it. Pictures just weren't the first thing on my mind :D.

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Going to space wasn't the problem, my Mun gravity assist for Minmus close flyby went great. Getting back wasn't a problem either. No, the fail was clicking the antenna and choosing "Transmit Data" thinking it would just finish the transmission that got stopped earlier. Instead it tried to transmit all my EVA reports and failed due to lack of electricity, thus tossing most of the mission's science into the bit bucket. :(

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I launched a probe into orbit around kerbin, gonna leave it there and send it to Duna at the next transfer window, in he meantime I was gonna send another lander to the Mun and and on a new biome to get a bit more science.

When releasing the second stage it kept hitting one of the rockets on the third stage, causing the rocket to tumble and break up, this never happened before and I have sent this design to the Mun twice in the past with no problems, happened twice so I took it as a hint!

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I managed to accidentally crash into a ship in orbit, while i was suborbital......


Note: no kerbal were harmed in this accident, and a had quicksaved before, so i did managed a successful rendezvous after that. But the chances of a dead on suborbital collision, :P

If I had gotten this in game I wouldn't have reverted. I would've left the debris field as a trophy

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