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[WIP][1.1.3] Large Structural/Station Components [Image Heavy]

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Created a Poll and updated Original Post, need peoples opinion.

I think you are overdoing it with the new version. The original is simpler and cleaner. In my opinion the original looks better.

But its your call. I love your work

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Out of interest, how would this fair as an alternative foil texture?

Better, but still not as good as the original. It seems... muddier... (not as in dirty... more... blurry)

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Can they be made a bit brighter perhaps? To me they look more like copper than gold, and the alternative just sort of halfway between (brass? I dunno, not a metal expert)... the original were perhaps a tad too bright and too yellow, but the alternatives seem to go too far the other way...

Edited by Gaius
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Can they be made a bit brighter perhaps? To me they look more like copper than gold, and the alternative just sort of halfway between (brass? I dunno, not a metal expert)... the original were perhaps a tad too bright and too yellow, but the alternatives seem to go too far the other way...

I'll see what I can do =)

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Just wanted to say, these parts are really awesome. i really wanted to have more space station parts because I'm stuck with the crewcabin, other custom parts doesn't seem to fit the style of the game except this one and Fusty's

Thanks, I'm trying to make sure the parts don't look too out of place.

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Just a question, If we make space stations with your parts now and you somehow change the textures into something more stock-ish like that pic in the first post, Would it be compatible or do we have to scrap our stations?

As long as the collision mesh, attachment nodes and part name remain the same, it should just magically get repainted in space.

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Just a question, If we make space stations with your parts now and you somehow change the textures into something more stock-ish like that pic in the first post, Would it be compatible or do we have to scrap our stations?

The only thing that changes about the parts is the model and it's texture. The configuration stays the same, as well as the size of the part. You will NOT lose anything, nor will you need to scrap stations/ships, etc.

I won't update anything until the Poll has run its course, if the majority vote for new... I'll update the download.

You'll literally just need to overwrite the existing parts, and continue your normal duties.

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