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How many forum users does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


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From another forum--seems applicable to... well, maybe any forum...

How many forum users to change a light bulb?

1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed

14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently

7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs

1 to move it to the Lighting section

2 to argue then move it to the Electricals section

7 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing light bulbs

5 to flame the spell checkers

3 to correct spelling/grammar flames

6 to argue over whether it's "lightbulb" or "light bulb" ... another 6 to condemn those 6 as stupid

2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is "lamp"

15 know-it-alls who claim they were in the industry, and that "light bulb" is perfectly correct

19 to post that this forum is not about light bulbs and to please take this discussion to a lightbulb forum

11 to defend the posting to this forum saying that we all use light bulbs and therefore the posts are relevant to this forum

36 to debate which method of changing light bulbs is superior, where to buy the best light bulbs, what brand of light bulbs work best for this technique and what brands are faulty

7 to post URL's where one can see examples of different light bulbs

4 to post that the URL's were posted incorrectly and then post the corrected URL's

3 to post about links they found from the URL's that are relevant to this group which makes light bulbs relevant to this group

13 to link all posts to date, quote them in their entirety including all pictures and signatures, and add "this."

5 to post to the group that they will no longer post because they cannot handle the light bulb controversy

4 to say "didn't we go through this already a short time ago?"

13 to say "do a Google search on light bulbs before posting questions about light bulbs"

1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again.

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And a whole bunch to debate the quality of the light bulb vs their expectations, with at least one person insisting that a properly designed lightbulb will never burn out, have zero defects during manufacturing, and cost no more than a typical budget light bulb and one insisting that on kerbin, light bulbs ship from the factory pre-burnt out, so that the original bulb was working as intended.

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2 more to start an argument over whether Edison or Swan was the "real" inventor of the light bulb.

A third to claim that the debate is pointless, since Hiram Maxim clearly had the superior model to either of the other two.

A fourth to point out that Hiram Maxim invented the machine gun, thus making him an EVIL EVIL MAN BECAUSE HE'S KILLED SO MANY PPLZ.

A fifth to point out to the fourth that artillery fire has killed more people in battle than machine guns have in the modern world.

A sixth to point out the Maxim was awesome because he was an AMERICAN, and anyone who hates guns must also hate freedom.

A seventh to express disbelief at the inevitable derail of the topic into some sort of fervent misplaced nationalism and militarism.

An eighth to muse on the practicality of using exploding light bulbs as rocket propellant.

A ninth to post a video clip of a light bulb playing an extremely difficult song on a piano (which is a wonder, because light bulbs have no hands).

A tenth to claim that he is a light bulb.

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One to post he wants a lightbulb screwed in.

Two to ask him why.

One to say "Edison invented it cuz he awesome"

Five to yell at him that Edison didnt invent it, only to improve it.

Ten argue over whenever it not Edison invented it or not.

One to say that lightbulbs have nothing to do with rockets.

One Moderator to move to Off-Topic

Three to post different pictures if lightbulbs.

Ten to restart the flamewar.

Five to shift the topic from who invented the bulb to the beset brand.

Two dozen to participate in flamewar.

Two Moderators move topic back on topi.

One to yell at mods and get banned.

One to post a picture of a Saturn V.

Five to argue over the N1 and SaturnV.

One Moderator to lock thread

Total : 52 users & Moderators. Oh, and....

One user to post an identical thread. Repeat process.

Total : 104 Users, Oh, and....

One user to restart thread again. Repeat

Total : 156 Users, Oh, and.........

Lightbulb not in yet.

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Arguably it only took 1 forum user to screw in the light bulb, the rest are just trolling after the event.

Ooh, good point, we need to add more users to argue what the proper scope of the mission is.

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1 post from a hardware hacker, explaining how to drive 1000 leds off of a light socket (which only costs about ten bucks if you source your parts directly from china).

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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