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This game is awesome!


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So i have been playing this game for about 2 days now and it's kind of addictive( playing the demo) i want to buy the game but i usually tend to get bored of sp games, i was wondering if anybody knows anything about any future mp plan or plug-in(other than the one that lets u see what the other person does), i really like the game and want to buy it but after some time of playing alone i will get bored...

Any news on something like this?

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I will end up buying it cause i really really want a plane instead of a rocket, but i read on a thread they may add some mp in a expansion after launch so i'm hoping for that xD, but i should be entertained for quite some time seeing as new stuff is added with each patch and is worth going back to.

Than you for answering my questions xD

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You will not get bored any time soon, because there'll always be more to do. At first, it seems like a big accomplishment to get into orbit. Then, it's a big deal when you land on a moon for the first time. Then comes your first interplanetary trip, usually to Duna, and you'll be really proud if you make it home intact. Then you'll try sending unmanned probes to Jool, get spaceplanes to orbit, assemble a large station in Kerbin orbit, land a rover on Mun, place fuel depots around the other planets, and assemble a large station in Jool orbit. You'll send a spaceplane to Laythe and back, land on Eve and return, jump into the Moho holes, and drive down the canyon on Dres (or jump across it). Many planets have special anomalies and/or unique geological features, and it's worth looking for these. You'll make a probe that crashes into the sun, and another that escapes its pull entirely. You'll do trips where you land on, and return to orbit from, Gilly and Minmus only using your built-in jetpack.

Then you start using mods. You'll map out every planet and moon, so that you can land somewhere specific as needed. If you download the Kethane mod and/or wait until the upcoming resource system, you'll now establish a network of refineries/fuel depots to make interplanetary travel much easier, and large mobile refineries crawling across the surfaces. You'll do a Grand Tour, a single trip landing on every planet and moon in the system (other than Jool). You'll make gigantic spaceplanes that can deliver large amounts of fuel or cargo to orbit, without using any disposable parts. You'll assemble large bases on various planets or moons, solely for the neat screenshots you'll get of twenty Kerbonauts standing around. You'll build VTOL aircraft and reusable SSTO rockets, just because you can. Every landing will be on the runway at KSC, just because they should be.

Then you get creative. Cannons, blimps, helicopters, boats, hang gliders, giant robots... it's all been done. You'll make a full-scale replica of your favorite science fiction ship, no matter how inefficient it is, and get it to orbit just because you can. Every time a patch comes out, you'll go back and do certain accomplishments again to take advantage of the changes and/or see the new sights, so it won't all just be strange stuff. And you'll constantly refine your old designs; that spaceplane that you thought was so incredible a month ago now looks horribly inefficient to you, because you now understand the way things work so much better, or some new mod has provided you with a part you wished you'd had back then. That 5-stage rocket you used to get one man to the Mun will be replaced by a better-designed 3-stage version that holds three people and has an integral rover.

The point is, if your concept of the game is limited to just sending a 1-man lander to Mun, it's hard to really understand how much more there is to the game. I'm not saying you won't ever run out of things you want to do, but sandbox games allow for things far beyond the "intended" purposes, so don't assume you'll get bored any time soon.

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I got the game like 1h after posting the message ye at first everything seems like a big accomplishment, for example i have been trying for 1h to get a perfect orbit angle and i keep failing, but its all good, its fun xD plus the space planes are so cool and fast,will spend allot of time in this for now it seems...

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Multiplayer will certainly be difficult to achieve in ksp simply because of its time warp feature. But, the possibilities are endless. You will have plenty of fun in single player. And even if you get bored of that, chances are that you will participate in forums, post youtube videos and even contract for others building ksp space craft.

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I've been playing pretty flat out for a month or so, and apart from it completely screwing up the mechanics of the game (particularly time acceleration) I honestly don't think multiplayer would add much to this game. 

In game rendezvous might be cool for about 10 minutes and maybe staging a race to certain locations, but that would really be about it.

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