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Version .20.1: Comments?

Kerbol Prime

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Loving the new update! It's the best one yet! Keep up the awesome work squad! And that new one man pod? YES! Looks GREAT! GREAT!
This is about 0.20.1 and not 0.20.0 but yes the one man lander can is great :)
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I don't seem to be having any serious problems, but my analog throttle slider on my joystick has been responding sporadically since I moved to 20.1. I had a plane crash because I couldn't throttle up in time to avoid flying into a cliff. :( Has anybody else noticed that?

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The only thing I've noticed about 20.1 is that all my satellites now make the game crash if I swap to them. However, my various landers across the solar system and a ship I'm building in Kerbin orbit are unaffected.

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There seem to be some issues with AMD Phenom II X4 9xx processors in particular and 0.20.1 (as well as 0.20, but that's a bit old hat now). Not sure if it's hitting any other particular line of chipset, but it's definitely made at least the 955 and 965 models effectively unable to handle KSP due to absurdly prolonged start-up loading times.

Well.... hell.

REALLY glad I kept the .20 install segregated now.

/runs Phenom II X4 925 D:

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They still haven't fixed the biggest glitch...

The completely borked aerodynamics.

That's an 'unimplemented planned feature'.

I suggest you search for 'Ferram Aerospace Research' on the spaceport if it bugs you that much :P

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There seem to be some issues with AMD Phenom II X4 9xx processors in particular and 0.20.1 (as well as 0.20, but that's a bit old hat now). Not sure if it's hitting any other particular line of chipset, but it's definitely made at least the 955 and 965 models effectively unable to handle KSP due to absurdly prolonged start-up loading times.

Hmm...that's odd. I'm running KSP on a Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition, and haven't had any crash issues or unreasonable load times. Maybe I'm running without Turbo Core enabled somehow? (I looked in my BIOS just now and couldn't identify any option that would turn it on or off.)

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