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100 ways to get kicked out of wallmart


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138: insist (in your best Abe Simpson impersonation) that their company's founder is the same "Sam" as in "Uncle Sam" (it's not) -- bonus points if you stand adamant that you personally fought together with him in World War I - extra bonus if you work it in that WWI was fighting the Soviets!

proceed to implementing a clamorous kerfuffle whenever anyone fails to take full heed of your nonsensical arguments and/or does any less than enthusiastically support your odd claim - keep it up until your ulterior goal is finally achieved or - less likely, you manage to finally muster a store wide band of miss-witted employees

either way it goes, you can be very pleased with yourself in the end.... for whatever reason :P

if you find someone who not only agrees, but also claims he was there with you and adds that Sam's kickname back then was "Spud" - you win the internet!

Edited by Moach
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135: Run in and around the store completely naked with an aluminium pie tray on your bum and repeatedly yell that you are the Daughter of Dog and you have been sent by Santa Claus to set off a nuclear suppository which has been sponored by Budweiser, AMTRAK, and the people which put the computer chip in your head.

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