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SSTOs! Post your pictures here~

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I absolutely love my new SSTO. FAR approved, and capable of bringing about 2.5 tons of whatever you can shove in the front cargo bay to LKO.





It's even got enough dV after reaching orbit to take you to Duna (but not back)

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I absolutely love my new SSTO. FAR approved, and capable of bringing about 2.5 tons of whatever you can shove in the front cargo bay to LKO.





It's even got enough dV after reaching orbit to take you to Duna (but not back)

Wait, since when does the cockpit light up??? Mine doesn't... :(

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If you're using Spaceplane Plus for your parts, right click on the cockpit, and it should have the option to turn the lights on.

Yeah, tried that after I saw yours, but got no option for lights. I do have a second version of the cockpit installed though; the model might have changed enough to not overwrite the original when I updated. Can you tell me the lift rating on yours? (That's the primary difference between them that I can see in the SPH, I can figure out which one to use from there.)

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Two new hulls were successfully tested and deployed today.

First out was the Orbital Automated Retrieval Shuttle (OARS) 101 "Pogo", shown here demonstrating a picture-perfect vertical landing.



Immediately following analysis of the flight data, the shuttle was deployed to Oracle Station as a dedicated support transport for any of TranStar's massive exploration vessels, or regular station crew rotation.


A week afterward, the Super-Cruise/Rapid Maneuver (SCRM) 101 "Starscream" broke the time-to-rendezvous record on its first flight to Oracle, docking only a mere 15 minutes, 28 seconds after leaving the ground. The KSC's public relations department was subsequently overwhelmed with complaints of home damage caused by Starscream's unprecedented sonic boom. The test pilot, Chuck Kerman, was blissfully unaware of the terror that had been left in his ionized wake, as he transferred to his berth aboard Oracle for some R&R.



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Nominally non-air hogging in that you can see all the air intakes. :)

Ordinally air-hogging, however, in that a single SABRE M intake provides as much air as 5.5 RAM intakes :wink:

Nice craft though, love the look and VTOL capabilities.

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Ordinally air-hogging, however, in that a single SABRE M intake provides as much air as 5.5 RAM intakes :wink:

Nice craft though, love the look and VTOL capabilities.

Which is JUST enough to supply the correct air amount for the SABRE M engine.

It all depends on the application. Not saying that, that SSTO is not an airhog design.

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Ordinally air-hogging, however, in that a single SABRE M intake provides as much air as 5.5 RAM intakes :wink:

Nice craft though, love the look and VTOL capabilities.

True, but each and every intake is at least in some sort of airflow, unlike my usual method of stacking many intakes behind one another.

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Are the forward facing aerospikes so that you can de-orbit without changing your heading? Or just for looks?

What Hodo said, they are the Air Intakes from Spaceplane Plus, though I switched them later on to the similar ones from B9. My "final design" ended up not being so final. I also hid the struts a little better. Ultimately I don't think the HL works very well. It's very hard to get into orbit with a full load (though I did manage), but the Crew Transport worked great. I'd have to move the wings forward and with that upper wing design it would end up covering the cargo bay. I may try canards, we'll see.

EDIT: Updated the album to include the final-final design.

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Now that my new heavy lifter is operational I am able to begin exploring the planets again.


200 tons in to 100km x 100km orbit.

And the ship that is going to do the exploring.



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So a couple of months ago, I randomly decided, "I'm gonna try and build an SSTO!" (Except seriously, because I sorta tried before but not to the point where I got one to work.) I also decided that standard-looking SSTOs were too boring, so I went for a 'space fighter' look.

I failed about three times. All three times... I didn't even get enough lift to get off of the ground. XD

By the time I got to 'back to scratch for the x-th time', I decided, "Screw it, I'll make a Viper-ish thing." Because that was the week Scott Manley posted his Diaspora vids, and I just watched all of them that day.

So I ended up with this fully stock piece of awesome which not only flew on its first flight (though that was probably because I had enough control surfaces and TWR), but also SSTO'd: (hodgepodge album because I didn't have time to sort)

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For some time after that, I kept working on it, and instead of doing the more popular MkI/II version, I went for reimagined BSG's MkVII. I'd have pics, but 1. Don't have them right now and 2. I accidentally deleted a lot of the good development pics. I also embraced KSP's borked aerodynamics model so that it actually flies a bit more normally (compared to a brick) lol.

I've got a specially modified version that SSTOs to Minmus and back, and another few versions that VTOL with landing legs. I'll get to posting those whenever. If I ever even do :P .

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Cruise liner "Valkyrie" with 12 comfortable seats for passengers + 2 crew members (pilot and steward/flight mechanic). dV on LKO is 3900 m/s, 4 trubojets+2 LV-N (also 6 downside engines for easy and safe landing). Can make round trip to Mun, Minmus, Dune and Jool system (Laythe, Bop, Pol). For safe Dune landing equipped 2 small parachutes. Forward kerosene tank with flight mechanic cabin inside is empty and works like additional room for crew.


Imgur link

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This is an SSTO VTOL using infernal robotics to make swivel engines (fully stock apart from that)




This thing is just incredibly fun to fly :D. Also has quite a bit of fuel left in orbit. I could probably do a two way trip to the mun or something.

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Hey... who wants a 191-parts, 2-man spaceplane with lots of delta-v (more then needed for a Laythe round trip)?

It's pretty good.

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Craft file

Don't panic when it starts pitching down to 35 degrees, you got plenty of jet fuel. Just do what the craft description says and you'll be fine.



apparently my plane can go to Laythe & Duna in one trip.

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