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BREAKING NEWS: KSP employee convicted


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Late this afternoon, Kerbal Space Program ex-employee, Lodomon Kerman, was convicted of unauthorized mid-flight ship disassembly, previously attributed to anomalies in the apparent laws of physics of the Kerbal Universe.


".otse ojudart detsu", Lodomon said,"atoidi euq ajajajaj"

thanks to the hard work of local police force, future missions will have more positive outcomes.

Edited by spikeyhat09
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In further new the Kerbal Civil Liberties Union is taking up defense of Lodomon Kerman and began with filling an appeal. The KCLU filled the following statement, "The KCLU finds the prosecution and conviction of Mr. Kerman a disgrace to the Kerbal justice system. Just as it is the right of every Kerbal to build rockets, it is also there right to disassemble them mid-flight. We will not rest until Mr. Kerman is exonerated of all crimes."

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Bars made of ducktape? There SO HARD TO BREAK!

I know right!?

"you know some say that Ductape, it's like the Force; It has a light side and a dark side and it binds the whole universe together."-Adam Savage. Mythbuster.

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