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Bussard Ramjet


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48 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

Alright, the sum of the archived mods I possess is thus: 

SM Pulse Jet

I have original download zips from June 2013. After review of this thread, I can't find any license. Thus, I will defer to moderators or the author.


No included license means All Rights Reserved is assumed. Sorry, but you can't distribute that here without the author's permission.

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I live!!

I no longer have the originals, but feel free to modify or distribute the downloads you do have. I have always felt that if someone likes anything I have done enough to want to go through the work of updating it they are more than welcome to do so. Just throw my name in the credits some where and I am happy.

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Cool! You might want to slap down an MIT license since those are pretty robust. 

The crewmen of the KSV Goliath thank you for your service! This is just the arrival stage (D-T Vista and 16 plasma thrusters with ~50k dV) - the interstellar beamcore-magnozzle stage (The Kolossus) is even larger - mostly fuel, and I'm still testing it (it is super low thrust, high ISP, and hopefully has a dV high enough to get to at least 10% c). A bussard magscoop would help almost halve the total fuel needed since it should assist in most deceleration (as a magbreak) and then provide fuel for a final course correction and decell burn when entering into Valentine's SOI.



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