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On the 0.21 Update News: Your most anticipated new feature, your disappointments...


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  Akalaël said:
I'm not disappointed by the 0.20.

But I'm looking forward to the resources system, the career mode, to do (at last) science, in one word, to see a new dimension in this game.

Going to planets just to go there is fun, now I whish I have new goals...

And moar struts, just because ! :D

I hate to burst your bubble, but career mode wont be he for several updates. As for resources, We have no idea.

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Well, from just the anouncment, i would just be indifferent, if of course this was a different company and a different game.

Here however, we are talking about one of those games, and companies, that realy deliver. I will always remember squad and KSP, as classics, no matter what they do.

Though of course, crew management as a stock feat, got my attention. But as i saw through the patches before, squad either has plans already, or just takes the good ideas from mods, and includes them in stock game. So it was somewhat expected to see that next.

Anyways, with all that said, i cant expect every update to be omgbbqepicawsomesauce. Sure thing i would love for 0.21 to have resources gathering, exploring, discovering and whatnot, but i believe that all good things for this game will come in time. Not to mention, that even with what i got now, my brain is full of happy times (my body complains allot, sit in a chair all day waching that orbit, you know...)

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Why would I be disappointed? I understand that given enough time SQUAD will eventually get all the features we desire done. The order doesn't really matter, I'm just happy to see new features!

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  CosmicX1 said:
Why would I be disappointed? I understand that given enough time SQUAD will eventually get all the features we desire done. The order doesn't really matter, I'm just happy to see new features!

That's pretty much my opinion.

Also, I'm sure resources are being worked on in parallel of all that, it's just that it's a monstrous task, and only doing one thing can get tiresome. And a tired dev doesn't do a good job.

Actually, one of my expected features is not resources, but the aerodynamic update; really curious to see what will happen on that front (but it's probably for 0.23, if not more).

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  JSD said:
I totally see what your saying. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion! That's not what I'm trying to say. All I say, be realistic. You said your disappointing. You didn't see what you want in this update. I understand that. I'm just saying; Just because you don't like the features, or you wished there would be others instead it doesn't mean it's still an update. Like I said; You can't always get what you want. You may want resources or something like that, another want Crew stuff. It's hard to please the whole world. Nevertheless, it's an update. It's something new. It's one little step closer to a full version. Their exited enough to share that with us. Maybe you except to much from the game in it current state if it disappoint you?

I'm sorry JSD, I must not have expressed myself correctly.

Nothing about KSP disappoints me. I'm completely addicted to it and love it to death. I'm just saying none of the features coming in the next update excite me. I'm sure they'll be great, and I'll find them useful. And I know there are people who also will love them. I also understand how development works - I'm a professional system architect. Software development is like this. Sometimes things progress fast from an end user perspective. Sometimes they progress slowly because behind the scenes work is going on. This update appears to be one of the later. Normally a thing like this leads to great things down the track.

The one thing that does excite me is the fact that it is 0.21. That means 0.22 is next and so on. It's one step closer to resources. I have no idea when that will be, and I'll be happy when it comes. Until then I'll happily play the game as it is.

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  Lumaro said:
Maybe it's just more realistic not to be able to vaporise an existing flight. Maybe it's a consequence of having to look at that kerbal that you stranded every time you open the tracking station.

Realistic yes, but this is a game. The more flights you have, the harder your computer works. There ought to be some way of getting rid of flights/objects always, regardless of their controllable state. We don't know what is happening with the update, but if it becomes impossible to clear uncontrollable flights (ie ships without fuel on Kerbol escape), this is in my opinion a problem.

Edited by Merinsan
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  jwenting said:
hope you can still end flights in some way... Else what happens to a splashed down capsule or probe? Or something you shot out of the system?

that's the coolest thing.... think: you can't end flight... you have only 10 kerbals to use each year(this is just my thought) .... once they splashed down you have to rescue... debris all around... this means missions and goals. will be great is were added medals to apply on the craft or on kerbals suits which reached goals like landing on mun or entering on other SOIs.... just to give more weight to a single launch...

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  Bloodbunny said:
You wouldn't need an SSD, the game would load the part into RAM when needed, such as when selecting the thumbnail in the VAB.

yes but the amount of time needed to load textures when switching would be inmense. could you imagine the loading screen wait every time you clicked a tab?

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  rodion_herrera said:
Anyone ever played this? It's an old game (1986): -SNIP-

I loved that game! I can't tell you how many hours I spent playing it. I was immediately reminded of it when I started playing KSP, but couldn't recall the name. Thanks for the nostalgia trip!

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  Jack Wolfe said:
I loved that game! I can't tell you how many hours I spent playing it. I was immediately reminded of it when I started playing KSP, but couldn't recall the name. Thanks for the nostalgia trip!

Me too! I wish GOG or someone would release an updated version. Instabuy!

I am unaware of any freeware version available unlike BARIS.

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  Merinsan said:
The more flights you have, the harder your computer works.

That's not so clear. Background flight are using a simplified model. No thrust, no drag, no rocket mechanics, and of course no rendering. With the patch conic approximation, their position is straightforward to compute and can be computed at any point in time, on demand (so you can update their position whenever you need/want).

The only thing that could bloat the system is trajectory drawing on the map, but with a good filtering system it could be solved.

It does not sound technically too complex to handle hunderds, maybe thousands objects.

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Oh, right... about .21. Whatever. They could give me facial hair for Kerbals at this point and I wouldn't bat an eyelash. I can't imagine them making it all of a sudden not fun, whatever they do and in whatever order.

I just play.

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About the main topic, that is most anticipated feature, I would vote for space stations that do not wobble nor spin. More generally, I think bug solving is a higher priority than additional features.

Decent drag model and reentry heat would be nice too.

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No resources or updated drag/heat is a bit of a disappointment, though i like the crew management.

I dont care about the career mode (yet), i would prefer to see the game a bit more finished first.

Edited by NeMeSiS
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Career mode groundwork is good, I'm glad to see that crew management is finally making it in. Also the polish on the KSC facilities is another thing that's definitely needed.

Resources being postponed more is of course disappointing but remember what someone else said in regards to that, and something which I agree with. Docking was a vital feature that had to wait for quite a while to actually get implemented. A lot of coding had to be done so that it could be introduced, like creating new vessels our of docked/undocked ships on the fly for one, the same thing applies to resources. We need part tweakables like being able to have empty by default tanks on the launchpad, set oxidizer/liquid fuel ratios ourselves (and finally have LV-Ns using no oxidizer) etc. for one so that they can be filled with different resources than just the two. I think that could be what the new part functionality is about as that's a feature that's been talked about for a bit. Or it could be something else but I am eager to see what the new functionality will allow both for the players and the modders.

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