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"You know you messed it up when..." thread


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When you realise that you forgot decouples for the girders on the bottom on your rover meaning that when the rover lands, it lands on the girder being stuck there with its wheels just spinning...

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You land on Laythe, only to find you left a RCS thruster between the capsule door and the ladder...

Edit: Also, when you spend a lot of time getting a rover onto Duna, only to land and realize you used solar panels that have to be deployed. You know, the ones that hate atmospheres... Done that many times :/

Edited by Echostatic
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When you realise you forgot to place batteries or RTGs on your probe-controlled ship...just before it plunged into Kerbin's shadow.

Note this is more fun if you are about to do the burn to get into orbit around Mun or other places.

Will not comment on all the probes I have launched for mapping kerthane and has to little battery capacity to map all of the dark side leaving an stupid horizontal band on half of the planet.

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