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[1.0.X - Experimental] [On Hold] FusTek Station Parts (WIPs on GitHub)


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This has always been one of my favorite mods. Any timeline on getting it updated to run under v0.25? I was hoping it would run even with the dependencies fully updated for v0.25 but no luck. The game crashes at load time if this mod is installed. I play the 32bit version. If it does run under v0.25 is there a trick or tip I should know about? Hopefully it's updated soon as I love this mod and it's pretty much the backbone of all my space stations and colonies. Until then I guess I have to start using the MKS mod. Hurry hurry hurry cuz I love this mod. One last thing, anyone know where to find those giant solar panels in the screenshot? I've tried and haven't found them. Thanks and keep blowing up rockets fellow kerbalnauts.

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This has always been one of my favorite mods. Any timeline on getting it updated to run under v0.25? I was hoping it would run even with the dependencies fully updated for v0.25 but no luck. The game crashes at load time if this mod is installed. I play the 32bit version. If it does run under v0.25 is there a trick or tip I should know about? Hopefully it's updated soon as I love this mod and it's pretty much the backbone of all my space stations and colonies. Until then I guess I have to start using the MKS mod. Hurry hurry hurry cuz I love this mod. One last thing, anyone know where to find those giant solar panels in the screenshot? I've tried and haven't found them. Thanks and keep blowing up rockets fellow kerbalnauts.

Low memory is the most likely cause of your crash (in the absence of any output_log.txt file that says otherwise)

Have you tried the active texture management mod? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-25-Release-3-6-Oct-12-2014-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM%21?highlight=active+texture

Edited by sumghai
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Low memory is the most likely cause of your crash (in the absence of any output_log.txt file that says otherwise)

Have you tried the active texture management mod? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-25-Release-3-6-Oct-12-2014-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM%21?highlight=active+texture

I'll give that a shot. My gaming laptop has 8GB of ram and KSP is only using about 3Gb right before the crash. It works on my previous versions of KSP with no issues but I'll give it a shot and see how that goes. I've used that mod before for other high memory using mods.

- - - Updated - - -

Now that you mention it, it could be an out-of-memory issue. KSP spiles to almost 3.2GB right before the crash so this could be the reason. I'll try the tecture mod when I get home. Hope this works because I love this mod.

Edited by sumghai
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Do these parts have to be connected a certain way for CLS to see them and for ship manifest to allow transfers? I sent up a utilities module and habitation module and then sent up a kuest legacy connected to a kirs with a docking port on the end that connects to the station. I couldn't transfer crew into the kirs which means I couldn't get into the airlock. I figured I did something wrong so I tried docking a node to a third party space lab and your logistics bay, the node has IACMBs on every port plus a 2.5 one that docked with the utilities module and I can't transfer crew into the node either. The science bay has 4 kerbals in it and shows up green in CLS (and says i can transfer crew) and the node shows up in red. (the kirs also showed up in red and the airlock was green)

right now my station is like this (</> are docking ports and the X's are where I cant transfer to): Habitation module<>Utilities<x>2.5 node<x>Station Science Lab<>Logistics bay<

Are you not supposed to connect a node to a station with an docking port? Do you have to attach it to something in the VAB before it works?

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Do these parts have to be connected a certain way for CLS to see them and for ship manifest to allow transfers? ...

I believe is CLS that sets the docking ports so they have to be opened for crew to pass through (if not CLS, it is Ship Manifest). If you right click on the part, you will find it says the port is open or closed, with a button to switch it. Just switch it open, and you will be able to move your kerbals.

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Do these parts have to be connected a certain way for CLS to see them and for ship manifest to allow transfers? I sent up a utilities module and habitation module and then sent up a kuest legacy connected to a kirs with a docking port on the end that connects to the station. I couldn't transfer crew into the kirs which means I couldn't get into the airlock. I figured I did something wrong so I tried docking a node to a third party space lab and your logistics bay, the node has IACMBs on every port plus a 2.5 one that docked with the utilities module and I can't transfer crew into the node either. The science bay has 4 kerbals in it and shows up green in CLS (and says i can transfer crew) and the node shows up in red. (the kirs also showed up in red and the airlock was green)

right now my station is like this (</> are docking ports and the X's are where I cant transfer to): Habitation module<>Utilities<x>2.5 node<x>Station Science Lab<>Logistics bay<

Are you not supposed to connect a node to a station with an docking port? Do you have to attach it to something in the VAB before it works?

It might be best to post a screenshot of your current station layout while in orbit. That way we can better see what's wrong.

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I can't transfer any crew now, which could be because the station is completely full except for the command pod and I tried to transfer them into it and that didn't work (I opened all the hatches) I know the science bay might not work because it doesn't have hatches but I want to build expansions onto the nodes eventually.


Edited by ghostnineone
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Your pic shows there is a part between the Command Module and the Karmony node. I can't see exactly what that is, seems like an RCS tank to me. Of course impassable parts don't allow transfer.

The command pod is attached to the habitation pod by a clampotron and the utilities module and the habitation pod are attached to the other node and science bay by the two 2.5 fustek docking bays

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I don't like the CLS plugin very much. What impact will it have on this mod if I got rid of the CLS mod?

No major impact.

When R0.04a is released, I'll update the OP to state that CLS (and a few other plugins) is/are supported but not compulstory.

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Development on this add-on has been paused until late November 2014, as I am in the final months of completing my Master's Degree. I'll resume work on R0.04a when I come back.

Thanks for your understanding.

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Development on this add-on has been paused until late November 2014, as I am in the final months of completing my Master's Degree. I'll resume work on R0.04a when I come back.

Thanks for your understanding.

Best wishes for your exam!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Request, could you also add Watersplitter and FuelCell to FusTekKarmonyUtilModule

// Watersplitter
name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Water Splitter
conversionRate = 16.32
inputResources = Water, 0.000002720508341, ElectricCharge, 2.181784053468
outputResources = Oxygen, 0.001713537562385, false, Hydrogen, 0.000856767687811925, true

// Fuel Cell
name = USI_Converter
converterName = Fuel Cell
conversionRate = 2
inputResources = Hydrogen, 0.0647360000, Oxygen, 0.0323680000
outputResources = ElectricCharge, 16, True, Water, 0.0000520721, True

// Includes 6 hours of resources at stock rate.
name = Hydrogen
// Units: Liters
// Stored as a cryogenic liquid (expansion ratio 851)
amount = 2798
maxAmount = 2798

Edited by FreeThinker
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The part look realy great. However it appears they require a lot of memory. So much that it actually managed for the first time to make KSP in forced OpenGL with Active Texture Management run out of memory! ;.;

Starting KSP in Sandbox without FuseTech, I require 2.6G and with FuseTech Parts installed I need 3.35 G. That means FusTech Staion Parts require a whooping 0.75 Gig of RAM!!! That more than any other mod installed (over 40 mods installed). Please don't use textures that blow up by memory. :sealed:

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