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Yeah, the only reason I was requesting a directional gui choice, was due to the placement in the editor determining direction of travel. I have a folding crane, that as soon as it unfolds, the tracks run in opposite directions of each other. As for the choices in the cfg, one of the reasons I love Paul's (BobCat) designs, is that I can modify these rates to fit the loads the vehicle is carrying, not to mention match a trailers torque that is using wheels. The ability to adjust these settings when one wants is important, if its something you don't see a reason to do, then the only loss is some of us wont be able to use your tracks....but I really like em. As for the suspension travel, hell yeah I understand the travel would exceed the range of the part, but it looks so damn cool. That was more of a love of watching the travel, I know you cant give that adjustment in the cfg's. As for the placement of the GUI options, the TTmodlular wheels 4.0 and earlier I think, had a tab by right clicking on the wheel just like you would to retract, or deploy the wheel set, that allowed you to change steering orientation, as well as drive direction.

edit: I have been playing a bit this morning, and I cant think for the life of me why you wouldn't want to include the spring and dampening adjustments in the cfg file for people to change? If this is something you plan on putting in the cfg, then please just disregard, if not, then rethink it. I always have different uses for so many parts, and if I want to re-size a set of tracks, I need to be able to change these settings.

Great work as always with most of you guys and thx from Oregon


Edited by ArkaelDren
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I was playing with that rover I pictured above yesterday, and noticed something odd about directional control.

I have a probe core installed under the seat that I control from, so I use mechjeb to do its best to keep the thing upright. But at high speeds it doesn't always work.

Anyway, while I'm driving sometimes I end up on one track and spun around 180 degrees, but my controls remain the same. Forward still moves me the same way, except relative to the rover it's actually reverse. The only way I've been able to fix it is using pod torque to get up on one track and spin it back around 180 deg again.

I'm positive it's actually happening, because my reverse torque is set to default but my top speed forward rpm/torque is set at 2000/2, so they shouldn't be able to accelerate at all while spun around

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There's no toggle for the motors, unless its invisible and toggles with tht G button. I've tried restarting 6 times with no effect ill try G

edit: yeah the G key fixed it. Odd, I didnt assign it and read through every page of the thread and your the first person to mention it..

Lol yea I had this problem before. Was a pain in the ass, only reason it crossed my mind.

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Ok bud, it seems as though you can not offer the settings in the cfg's for us to alter. BUT, have you attempted to throw "ANY" weight at all onto these tracks. Most of them can barely handle a few tons before slamming to the ground. I would love to be able to use them, and they are really great visually, but you need to make a few sets of each track if we are not allowed to adjust the spring rates through the cfg files any more. Make a set for heavy medium and light weights for each track variation. Or try and figure out how to allow settings in the cfg files. I know this is the initial release, so I might be going a little hard on you about them. But I wouldn't do so if I did not intend on using them, or like them as much as I do.

Keep up the good work.


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Also, could someone explain to me why my tracks might not be working? Only the largest will work for me, but the rest either only rotate or can only brake. I tried pressing 'G' a few times already, but that hasn't helped. I switched between rover controls and general controls as well, which also had no effect. I know this is just in alpha still, but it looks like everyone else can at least move the tracks. :wink:

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So does this work for 0.21.1 update ?

I just reinstalled KSP 0.21.1 and i just installed this mod and the caterpillar mod seems to work just fine only problem is with turning if you add engine and then speed up , then to turn you need to loose all your speed to 4 or 3.8 to turn. I used brakes o stop faster or ad engine in oposide directinon good mod though :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is this still being worked on? It seems like it hasn't been touched since it was released...

Well our fearless leader was online today but doesnt seem to have a comment on an update. Right now everything thing working fine for me right now. I even made a convoy of 14 vehicles each with a set of tracks on them, it looks like a giant train and works fine. I guess an update would be nice but if he doesnt feel up to it im not gonna complain.

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Weird issue: did a lightweighting (in about 30 tonnes) of "tankalike" load on top of the mark V (the really big ones)...the spawnhop caused a jump off off the landing way like coil spring...the end was Kerbalike...total Annihilation of my "tank". still didnt get it to work...today id like to test this issue with the other tracks, maybe i can reproduce it.

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