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  kodemunkey said:
How did you get that built?

That block of white that is being supported by the tracks is a mod, it basically acts like a launchpad, anywhere. That's why the launch clamps are attached to it, however, I'm questioning how that thing is still mobile. Whenever I put too much weight on those types of tracks, they seem to "bottom out" and fail to work.

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  Carlonord said:
Is this still being worked on? It seems like it hasn't been touched since it was released...

I was working on sound for the mod, but when I arrived at a fork in the road and emailed for direction I never received a response, so I shelved the project for the time being.

Too bad. This one has a lot of potential.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've found that the treads have issues in going over objects - I THINK this is because Unity wants to check if the center of the track is touching something, and when it's not, you get nothing. Attempting to go up the rear ramp in the B9 pack results in the ends of the tracks touching something, but the middle being raised - And then the vehicle simply doesn't move. If the tracks are placed inside the vehicle then there's no issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Galacticruler said:
It might be sadly.

Though there is a possibility I could revive it...if I had permission...

Someone get him permission!

Lets start a petition!

Want to make extra-planetary bases...

...That are able to change position!


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  sidfu said:
op says he has a license but has nothing listed. its kinda a murky area without him saying wich he might as well not even have one then.


I'm allowing redistribution only alongside the mod as a whole and only for non-commercial use.

My interpretation is that alteration is allowed providing the mod is redistributed as a whole and non-comercially. Perhaps a mod can confirm or deny this interpretation.

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Unfortunately, I don't believe that much interpretation is allowed. Since he didn't clearly state a license, I think that it would be best to leave it alone. Squad has recently become pretty keen on enforcing licensing. This doesn't preclude someone with the proper skills (which definitely isn't me) from making their own version of the same product. You just can't use any of his assets to do it.

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