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How much do you quick save?

Mr.Desmond Tiny

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Whenever I try to dock stuf to my spacestation or other things I quicksave like every 10 meters, cause I'm afraid to overshoot, or crash into the target or something.

I've been getting pritty good at it though, so start to do it less often. I'll still always quicksave at the start of a docking manouver, and somewhere in the middle, and when I'm basicly lined up but still might screw up cause the RCS is unbalanced or something

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I quicksave a load, less now than I used to, but on more complex/long missions I still do it pretty frequently.

Whenever I feel like it.

I also have my /saves subfolder symlinked to Dropbox, so every change in any persistence file in the past 30 days is synced and retrievable whenever I wish.

^^ I do something similar, but more geeky. I have my saves folder under version control using GIT (the VC system Squad now use), so I can roll my space program back to the very beginning or just pick out a previous craft design from the past and bring it forward. I can also write comments on the commits so I can note when certain craft are good and then easily recover them if I muck them up later.

btw dropbox uses a very similar system to git in the backend, just with a friendly interface, but its more limited in what you can do.

I'm currently writing a program to make using git for this purpose more user friendly and automate some of the tracking. I hope to make it available at some point.

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I quicksave regularly , every 5-10 minutes or so. But then, you could just explode you ship in a sagan of parts and just go around saying " Hooray Quicksave ! " ?

Hell no, so I try to refrain from using too often. I feel like I cheat. But that's just me.

That is totally what I say if some glitch deceides to blow up my craft :P

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I quicksave a lot, most of the time unnecessarily. I mostly do it in case I make a horrible mistake, or if I want to do something perfectly. It does feel a bit cheaty though, loading a quicksave after failing a Mun landing and crashing. I probably should accept failures more, but I'm too much of a perfectionist.

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Quick save? Real Astronauts don't use that, lol.

Real astronauts have teams of hundreds of highly-experienced people supporting them, decades of institutional experience to draw on, years of training, and access to simulators and models that attempt to plan out almost everything that could happen before the mission launches.

We have Quicksave and Quickrestore.

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Just before and just after docking, just before and just after landing, before I make an interplanetary burn and after I have an intercept, and definitely every couple kilometers or so when I'm driving my Mun rovers, because they're so easy to flip and crash.

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I usually quicksave A LOT... But, this thread has made me realise that just now I launched a space station module into orbit, rendezvoused with the space station, and docked my module with the SS all while forgetting to quicksave even once!

Brave ... Or foolish?

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Real astronauts also don't use WARP, but I bet YOU use that.

What are you talking about, real astronauts warp all the time, only they call it "sleeping." Doesn't time "warp" for you when you sleep?

And yeah... I quicksave too often :(

<<< Sufferer of Perfectionitus.

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