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Planets and ScaledSpace.

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It is called celestials, got some info on this and that about well.. celestials(Otherwise known as planets, moons etc) Forgot the actual class name or whatever since my memory sucks.

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I wonder, when all the code is done and the new Bogy's floating around everyone's Mun's... how many crappy retextures are going to be on Spaceport?

But no, this sounds very exciting. Not as exciting as new official planets, but interesting nonetheless. I think there's something dark and ominous orbiting between Tylo and Laythe...

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You would think that after making a whole freaking planet making the map would be easy. But it turns out nothing in the Kerbal universe is easy.

Having a good scaled version of the planet turns out to be a very crucial element. Even in the regular space view those scaled planets are used to fill in the blanks behind the high detail view. Very clever! But also very hard to replicate in a plugin. But progress is being made.

Here are a few fun shots I made while trying to fix the map issue. I needed an easy to see, high contrast planet for debugging. So I plugged in some crazy color values and Joker was born.




More screens from the first (evar!) landing on Joker here:


He is in the same orbit as Bogy at the moment. But I am going to put him into wildly eccentric orbit around Kerbin to help figure out the map LOD issues. He is apt named as he has already proved to be a pain in the ass. I look forward to eventually deorbiting him into the sun.

Edited by astronutkhillips
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You would think that after making a whole freaking planet making the map would be easy. But it turns out nothing in the Kerbal universe is easy.

Having a good scaled version of the planet turns out to be a very crucial element. Even in the regular space view those scaled planets are used to fill in the blanks behind the high detail view. Very clever! But also very hard to replicate in a plugin. But progress is being made.

Here are a few fun shots I made while trying to fix the map issue. I needed an easy to see, high contrast planet for debugging. So I plugged in some crazy color values and Joker was born.




More screens from the first (evar!) landing on Joker here:


He is in the same orbit as Bogy at the moment. But I am going to put him into wildly eccentric orbit around Kerbin to help figure out the map LOD issues. He is apt named as he has already proved to be a pain in the ass. I look forward to eventually deorbiting him into the sun.

Wooooowwww! I must say I tried this a while back. I got a model and everything but I couldn't get it to go into ksp so I just gave up after that. Keep up the good work! :cool: You have succeeded where I have failed. But please tell me, how did you do it?

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Wooooowwww! I must say I tried this a while back. I got a model and everything but I couldn't get it to go into ksp so I just gave up after that. Keep up the good work! :cool: You have succeeded where I have failed. But please tell me, how did you do it?

Yeah, I would love to see how did you manage to get it working.

A github repository would be really appreciated so we can see your awesome work as you evolve it and it would also allow otehr devs to learn how to edit core parts of the game.

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IF he put up a source, people would steal it before it was completed. So I understand why he is waiting, but, still wish we could see a glimpse of how it's done.

He has to post the source code when he releases it anyway.

And, if someone steals it, just call a mod.

He can also benefit from help other people from the community.

Code suggestions, ideas, snippets, etc

IMO, the advantages are way more than the disadvantages.

Edited by aftokinito
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