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what version of ksp did you buy?


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I guess what I bought was 0.14, but I paid my $7 when all you got was a promise that there would someday be a paid version. That and the warm, fuzzy feeling of helping to keep the development running.

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0.19 for me, when it became available on Steam. I hadn't even heard of Kerbal before then, but it has quickly become one of the most-played games that I own (according to Steam, I've logged over 200 hours since my initial purchase.) I paid $23, and honestly feel that it was a steal at that price. My only problem with KSP is that I'm so addicted to it that I don't have any time left to play anything else (and that's NOT a complaint!!) :)

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I paid seven dollars for my copy, way back in January of 2012. Come to think of it, I haven't really thought about what "version" it was that I originally downloaded. Frankly it never occurred to me to pay attention since I didn't really play the game in earnest until the other planets had been added. Interesting to think back on it though.

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I'm probably one of the more recent players. I got 0.19. After a few weeks of playing the demo, I knew I had to have it. This was shortly after the Linux version became available on Steam.

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