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Just for curiosity, How many copies of KSP have been saled?


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Sold. And however much it is, I hope it's moe than enough for them to fully realize their ideas for the game and have plenty left over to reward themselves with for creating such a wonderful game.

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Unless Squad is a publicly listed company, they have every right to keep it secret. But I do hope it's some number approaching infinity :) Or at least something big!

The more money Squad makes, the better the game will be, so it's a win all round!

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It has been reported some time ago that at some point 6000 people were playing it at the same time on steam. You can make your own estimation from that. To me, it leads nowhere near 100000 units but I could be wrong.

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  msyblade said:
I think 100000 is a very good guess.

I agree. Note that forum membership is : 72,817

I would say most have purchased the game, and more would have the game and not be forum members (especially Steam users).

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  bsalis said:
I agree. Note that forum membership is : 72,817

I would say most have purchased the game, and more would have the game and not be forum members (especially Steam users).

Honestly based on that I'd probably guess somewhere more in the neighborhood of 400,000+ copies sold, being that I'd bet less than a quarter of the people that have purchased KSP are actually on the forums, that estimation at $23.00 a copy puts them at $9,200,000. If you then consider that the game has not always been $23.00 I'd take off maybe $2,200,000, then taking into consideration that KSP is on Steam now so Steam would definitely get a percentage of the profit from copies sold on Steam, let's say 30%, so minus another $800,000. That puts the profit for Squad at $6,000,000, sounds about right.

(Disclaimer: This is complete guesswork with no confirmed validity in any way whatsoever.)

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You know this is actually a very hard estimate to make. We don't know enough information to be able to make an accurate estimation.

I feel I can't even begin to make an estimation without feeling I am going to be wrong. 100,000 feels way to low to be accurate.

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Peak on Steam so far today is 4,415. No way more than 5% of players play each day at the same time! (most of us are adults).

So a minimum would be 80k. Personally I think its much much higher, so it is well over 100k.

Want a better idea? When .21 comes out check out the peak users on steam and then times by x10 imho.

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On 10 Apr 2014, this article was published on gameindustry.biz it said

"the Kerbal Space Program forums comprise less than 5 percent of the total player base."

Considering that was like 8 months ago, I'd say it's well over a million sales by now.

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