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How did you find the game?


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Saw it on Steam, wasn't super interested (thought it was more like a tycoon game than a simulator, was very wrong about that). Looked up some videos on youtube and stumbled on HOCGaming's Artificial Gravity videos. I downloaded the demo when feeling bored while visiting my girlfriend's parents a few days later, and bought it later that day. That was back when 0.20 had just been released. It went on sale the week after I bought it, but still one of the highest hours played:cost games I've had (the others being Garrysmod and Minecraft).

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My wife showed me a hilarious crash gif on imgur. She said that she had seen quite a few KSP gifs popping up when I probed about the one she showed me. Then she told me what it was called and we started playing together that night!

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I was searching for footage of NASA Apollo/Space Shuttle documentaries and one of recommended videos was Scott Manley's Interstellar Quest Ep. 1. Back then series was about 10-15 episodes long, I watched them all in one day and it got me interested in KSP.

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On a french magazine( science et vie junior). It was a page showing how to make a rocket.

Of course, I was very interested in that game as soon as I read that page: the first game that offered a decent rocket construction!(and a decent flying too).

It was back in the 0.13.3

So much nostalgia.

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I was messaging my friend on steam, and he was like, "Awww crap. I forgot to pause before hitting shift-tab...now Jeb is stranded on Mun. That's OK. Now I get to plan a rescue mission." I was like, "what game are you playing?"

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  • 2 months later...

One of my friends showed me the game, let me play on his laptop. I built a little plane, "flew" it (more like crashed and burned within moments) and then got the demo version.

About a month or so later (After I finally managed a Mun mission) I got the game. It was like Version 0.20 or 0.19 I think.

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That's a rather interesting story

It was a very late Friday night. Just had returned from a hard work's day (I was doing 15h00-23h00 shift) and finished supper, so most likely around midnight/midnight and a half. Now since this was Friday, it was STAR CITIZEN'S NIGHT ! (oh yeah), and I found myself on the chat room, talking to a few people there.

So time was passing and around 2am, someone called "Dr. Hawk" dumps a link about streaming somekind of game... Now I rarely ever watch live stream stuff, but I was bored of the limited subjects of conversation on the forums. So I clicked it, and I see him playing some kind of new game. He's in orbit of what seems like the Moon with a quad engine lander... he's asking where he should land. Everyone sais the DarkSide. and so he does it, after 2 tries, he sets his (well illuminated) lander on the moon's darkside, walks about a bit and takes off to return to earth. He lands but crashing 2 of his 4 engine (commented about landing with nukes would irradiate everywhere on the countryside).

Now I was getting very tired, and I asked him what game that was... "Well that's Kerbal Space Program!" he said, and dropped a link of where to get it from. I don't know why, but I got a good feeling of that one, and it was only something like 25 box. I thought "what the hell", bought it, ran the install, and went to bed.

The next day I installed this, and was hooked. Took me forever to achieve my first orbit, and I kept staging wrong... couldn't understand why. Watched a few vids by Scott Manley (was hooked on his stuff to after that) and managed to stage correctly. A week later I was also landing on the Mun (yeay!). I recently revisited all my very first designs that I had give up on, and after experienced tweaks here and there, most of them where pretty good designs, if only a tad heavy.

For a game that was not (still is not) finished, it was *FAR* better than the recent crap I had gotten in the last year or two for PC, if not longer than that.

Thank you Squad, Thank you. :kiss:

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