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Munar landing

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How so? Nova\'s pack is balanced to KSP.

I think he is rather saying that our rockets are too powerful as a whole, as opposed to third party parts. Surely this man has not been listening to Jeb, for you can never be overpowered. In defense for my rocket, yes it is too powerful; that is why I love it!

Oh, and this landing was a success. I maybe used too much fuel, and lost a leg. Time to head back...

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I\'ve made a few Munar landings now; first successful one is showcased in my signature, in fact. The second and third both used the same model of rocket, so I kinda don\'t count them as separate,

I really should build a rocket from stock parts only and land on the Mun with that next...
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I\'m working on a vanilla rocket now that\'s fairly inexpensive but also capable of Munar insertion and landing. So far I\'ve got it to the point where it can reliably intercept and probably even land on the Mun, but haven\'t quite worked out the return trip...

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Nice job! However I don\'t think anyone in that budget thread is going to beat Zool, not sure exactly but his setup, all vanilla of course, couldn\'t have cost much more than 12000 if that:

Oops. I don\'t think I can ever repeat THAT Mun takeoff))))

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Nice job! However I don\'t think anyone in that budget thread is going to beat Zool, not sure exactly but his setup, all vanilla of course, couldn\'t have cost much more than 12000 if that:

Theirs a guy on youtube who can do it with 4 boosters first stage, 3 boosters and a non gimball engine second stage, remove boosters third stage, remove the 3 fuel tanks the non gimball engine has 4th stage and go to a gimball engine, the on the fifth stage drop the gimball engine with its only fuel tank and activate the parachute.

That is hard to picture in your mind but basicly less parts :)

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Hi there. Let me share my happiness. After a week of trying i finally did it. Only stock parts and the crew has returned to Kerbin.

Talk about over-engineering :) Congrats on a successful mission, and on flying that thing through lower atmo..

I\'ve landed a lot of times but using mod parts, so I decided to try it with stock. Did it yesterday after a few attempts. First landing was successful, but when I disengaged SAS the lander toppled over (was parked on a tilted surface). Second landing came in at just a bit too high a vertical velocity, decoupling the engine from the tank. Funny thing is, I had a full tank of RCS beneath the capsule, then a decoupler, then the tank and engine that got knocked off. So I decoupled the capsule + RCS and actually managed to get back home. It was a close shave - almost didn\'t have enough. Spent almost the last of the RCS fuel setting the periapsis inside Kerbin atmo for some aerobreaking. If I had a few seconds of RCS less the capsule would have never come home. Even managed to hit water on the way back by timing my chute deployment.

The landing after that went great. I landed on a flat surface, the lander was secure with SAS off. Had almost a full liquid tank left and full RCS. Therefore more than enough to get home. Then I decided to go for an 'immersive experience' and switched on time warp so they actually spend 2 days on the Mun. It used to only be possible to get 2x time warp when on the Mun surface but now I was able to get it to maximum. Everything was ok, 2 days went by, my craft stood stable. Then I switched back to 1x time warp and my ship immediately exploded. Well, everything beneath the capsule did, anyway. I only used stock parts.

So, basically, I only managed to get my astronauts back safely once after landing on the Mun (using just stock parts, and only RCS to return), the other missions went wrong due to silly reasons.. But there was enough fuel to get them back on each occasion. At least I got a lot better at landings, I\'m having much less problems killing horizontal velocity now which results in a much higher number of safe landings.

Anyway, I\'ll see what pics I grabbed when I get back home.

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Fuel pipes in v13 have changed the game somewhat... all stock, Mun 'landing' (OK - controlled crash) and back to KSC terrain. The trick was orbiting the moon while the boys ate their packed lunch, until the moon was on the sunny side of Kerbin, so Jeb could see what he was doing.

I give you... The Moonraker.

Point of interest, screeny A, 9 fuel tanks fuelling 21 engines. ^.^

See B also 4 tanks 5 engines! The fuel from discard stacks can fuel the rest of the engines so you use the engines but keep the fuel tanks above them full. Reduces vertical stage count.

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Ok this time I tried a bit harder with stock parts and made the munar landing and then lined up a high speed vertical reentry to drop on top of the KSC with enough fuel left to make a small hop over the bullseye and drop the capsule on top of it. Dropping onto the KSC from 3,900,000m is a lot harder now that Kerbin rotates. I took a long time to work out the best timing for the drop, hence the long mission time.

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Talk about over-engineering :) Congrats on a successful mission, and on flying that thing through lower atmo..

Thought about over-engineering too, so with v 0.13 I\'ve made more compact spacecraft with hybrid side tanks-boosters.


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I don\'t have full-flight screenshots (And I don\'t really want to do it again) buuut..

Made it. All stock.

Spaceworthy X-3.

Picture on the pad is after post-success naming ceremony. Second picture is the landing. Notr the three tanks the legs and RCS tanks are on. That is.. Was, even, more than enough fuel to land softly. Needed to use the ASAS and careful throttle control due to the RCS tanks not draining evenly, but I did it. On a slope. On the dark side. Got a bit off the ground, detached the landing stage, and rocketed into a large and eccentric orbit, then a near-vertical decent from Ap into the ocean for a splashdown. There was still a good amount of fuel left, and I bet someone more skilled than I can manage to land it at the space center.

Not that much of a massive challenge anymore, thankfully, but it still took some work.. And I know I probably overdid it. But, hey, I engineer top-down.

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I\'ve made several attempts at Mun missions. One was merely to get a probe to orbit and return

One was more... ambitious. But it was still only the command pod, a \'smallLiquidTank\' [a mod] and a Veto X-1 Ion Drive. [intended for ferrying cargo around in outer space where gravity isn\'t a problem. Turns out its powerful enough to pick up two modules.]

The landing was complicated, and there were no lander legs. Suffice to say, the engine exploded, and the fuel tank destroyed.

But the capsule survived. And Veto\'s Mun mission contract was terminated.

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