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Munar landing

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It\'s very Planet Of The Apes, Nova.

What I want to know though is do you purposfully wait around for the system to be in the correct alignment to get full-face lighting on Kerbal? If no, what in the heck are you doing out there that takes so long? :o

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Not that exciting, just wanted to share my munar experience.





Flown with the: Aim at mun,land on mun, aim at Kerbin, deploy parachute approach.

Derped up my return boost and ended up in a highly eccentric orbit around Kerbin that after some adjustment at apokee landed me somewhere on the planet.

All silisko parts, except for the C7 fins I used on my first stage for some reason. Nothing modified.

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I dont have any pics, because I just saw this thread, but I shall take some tonight. I used only stock parts, a fairly good rocket.

First attempt with it I screwed up and slammed into the earth at 500 ms

Second attempt I got slingshotted from munar orbit into solar orbit. Kinda sucked

Third I got to the Mun, landed too hard, broke one of the fins I was using as a lander leg, fell over and exploded. The guys lived though!

Fourth I got to the Mun and finally had an incident free landing! Unfortunately I didn\'t have enough fuel and upon leaving got stuck in a munar orbit. Well at least Jeb was happy about it!

Fifth time everything went perfect. I got there, landed, and got back within a few kilometers of the launch platform. Once again everybody was freaked out except Jeb. Good ol Jeb!

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Finally got a chance to play with the new version (+Silisko) last night before bed. Managed a landing in the big darkspot on the mun, then back to Kerbin. Only problem was I stupidly decelerated into low Kerbin-orbit, and rather than delerating fully on my approach, I waited until I was at Perigee then circularised the orbit, before my planned descent (I wanted to see if I could land back on the launch platform). Problem being my fuel ran out just as the orbit circularised, so not enough to retroburn and land. :(

3 Kerbals in orbit for eternity is - I think - a fitting monument to my first succesful munar landing :D

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Had a survivable incident on Munar Landing

Came down on a steeply sloped section and the \'uphill\' wing broke off, but the craft was balanced on the two downhill wings and the motor. Was able to lift off and return to Kerbin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I attempted to land a much larger munar lander, unfortunately one of the legs broke on the un-even slope it landed on, ruining the entire trip. But by far, this is one of my favorite rockets. It\'s held apart by only a few struts, must be manually piloted on the first stage and extremely unreliable. Almost every aspect has been changed since the original, but that is what makes it Kerbal.

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