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Things that sadden you about KSP


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The lack of weapons, aliens, other solar systems and multiplayer....

Just kidding. :P

-The lack of a good aerodynamic system, rendering nosecones and fairings useless.

-There only "small size" fuel tank is the Oscar B one.

-Radially attached fuel tanks require fuel lines going to the center one, doubling the part count.


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It saddens me when connecting nodes disappear. I had to cull things from a rover I made before I could add them to my Jool probe so I got a node that could actually connect to anything.

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I want the Kerbol solar system to be made of realistic elements, not the super-dense stuff it uses now which gives us these smaller planets with too large mass and gravity for their size. Why did they go with densities so fantastically high?

because with a "realistic" Kerban you would be able to lift an orange tank...with a nuclear engine. Jumping on Gilly would break SOI. Understand now?

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The fact that there isn't a fuel flow overlay I can activate in the VAB or before launch to check if critical parts are able to access fuel. Nothing like going halfway across the Kerbol system to find that you have been lugging a full tank of fuel you can't access.

Done that a few times. It's a big problem during launch, when you can get unbalanced loads.

During interplanetary missions, it's just annoying. I sent a ship to the Mun, Minmus and Ike, and forgot fuel lines for the radially mounted nukes. They had their own small tanks, but the main tank was not connected. It meant every now and then I had to stop and refuel the outer tanks. Mostly just annoying, except when I had to do it on a sub orbital Ike trajectory!

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While it's generally useful, if you're building something oddly shaped, the way you need to attatch things to the first part you place and how you can only place things on something connected to that first piece, well sometimes that system makes it very difficult or impossible to do something how you want it.

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edit: Scotty: if you build a probe from the attachment part up, you can save your probe in the subassembly loader mod and add it to any ship in a matter of seconds.

I do have that, but I was attaching them at the top and decided I wanted to attach them at the bottom, had to rebuild the whole thing.

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it really saddens me, that i have to wipe/reinstall the game about every other week. i have to because at some point the mods i installed will be a bit to much for what ksp can handle, and even if i deinstall the most recent mods the game dies anyway. i really try to avoid super big ones like KW but even the small ones kill it rather sooner or later.

i guess my main problem is that i am a "system builder" i like to have a complete mining corporation working and not just single missions to somewhere. the resulting big savegame (~50mb see here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36000-333-hours-of-KSP) might add to the problem

Edited by Ratata
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I do have that, but I was attaching them at the top and decided I wanted to attach them at the bottom, had to rebuild the whole thing.

WASDQE on the keyboard will rotate the parts you're holding in the builder. So you can attach things at odd angles. Something I found out that let me put something like this together:


Wouldn't have been possible otherwise.

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I really hope they work on the est. burn time mechanics on the manoeuvre nodes, getting told your 1 min 30 sec burn is actually 6 min 39 sec when you are 40 sec from the node is very annoying.

Your nicely worked out circle orbit tends to shift to the one side as you pass the optimal point to adjust your orbit.

It happens when you change stages, from say a huge mainsail engine to a 909 ...but even doing a quick burn doesnt fix the estimate time, it still bases its calculation on the bigger engine... until you start your burn.

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I really hope they work on the est. burn time mechanics on the manoeuvre nodes, getting told your 1 min 30 sec burn is actually 6 min 39 sec when you are 40 sec from the node is very annoying.

Your nicely worked out circle orbit tends to shift to the one side as you pass the optimal point to adjust your orbit.

It happens when you change stages, from say a huge mainsail engine to a 909 ...but even doing a quick burn doesnt fix the estimate time, it still bases its calculation on the bigger engine... until you start your burn.

build your rocket so that once you're in orbit the departure burn is performed by only one type of engine.

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