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Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions

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its only been.. what? almost 2 and a half months since his last official post? thats a LOT of submisisons to go thru and i know im still working on ships.. so i can only imagine how bad his inbox looks.

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its only been.. what? almost 2 and a half months since his last official post? thats a LOT of submisisons to go thru and i know im still working on ships.. so i can only imagine how bad his inbox looks.

plus not to mention on Macey's page it says that he is bad at procrastination.

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plus not to mention on Macey's page it says that he is bad at procrastination.

well there you go then. theres no real deadline on it so he's probably still sifting thru emails and having a good ol time.

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Hello all the kmarc have returend and with a vengencs tuesday we befin the construction of project dreadnought a massive ship that will dominate all enemys se will have 4-7 layers of dual plate armor 4 large srb kinetic kill batterys 8 small hades class canons and 30 small torpedo launchers i expect a 3000 part count in just armor and weapons so look out hanlan tou eill be diying soon hahahhahahhahahahhahah (evil laughterkind of evil)

so hows it going? :D

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we're not that stupid... are we?

oh and will you ever gather up all the submission and link them to the first page?

I suppose not. :P

Maybe. It's a lot of submissions to go through. A while back I made a short list and sent it to Macey. That was over 2 months ago, though. :l I don't think I have the file anymore X)

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