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SciFi Mods - Legacy mk1 Pod


What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)

    • Original Enterprise Shuttle + Shuttlebay
    • Enterprise D redo
    • Stargazer bridge redo
    • Other Enterprises (Refit, A, B, C, E)
    • Defiant
    • Voyager
    • Borg Cube
    • Red Dwarf and/or Starbug
    • Retro Stuff (UFO)
    • Starbases?

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what .-. u. did. the. pheonix! ;.; but... but... that mine... *flop* *twitch twitch*

ok ok well i have more than this comming and mine is going to be WAY more detailed! but i tip my hat to you sir

i will not ensue in an argumaent about how you stole my mod (srisly am i that much of a baby?) instead i will strive to do better! MWAH HA HA HA!


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As much as I dislike sci-fi ships in KSP, I have to commend StarVision for getting a decent-looking and working model into the game in a relatively short period of time.

  crasher925 said:
i will not ensue in an argumaent about how you stole my mod (srisly am i that much of a baby?)

steal - your - mod ?

Taking a page on how patents work (particularly the recent change to first-inventor-to-file in the America Invents Act of 2011), attribution of any original work is determined by two factors concurrently:

- Who was the first to conceive the idea?

- Which of them worked the most diligently to implement the idea?

  Wikipedia said:
Assume Tom conceives of a new mousetrap on January 1, 2006. Tom works diligently from January 1, 2006, to February 1, 2006, to prepare a patent application, and Tom files his patent application on February 1, 2006. Thus, Tom constructively reduced his invention to practice on February 1, 2006. Assume Jerry conceives of the same mousetrap on January 10, 2006, and diligently files a patent application on the new mousetrap on January 20, 2006. Under the first-to-invent system, Tom is entitled to the patent on the mousetrap, because he conceived the mousetrap before Jerry and still worked diligently to reduce it to practice by filing.

As a further extension of the example, assume Tweety conceived of the same mousetrap on December 31, 1990. Tweety never told anyone about the mousetrap and did not work on reducing the mousetrap to practice for many years due to financial reasons. Tweety finally actually reduced the mousetrap to practice on February 15, 2006. Because Tweety did not diligently work to reduce the invention to practice in the period before others' conception of the same invention, he is not entitled to a patent over Tom or Jerry.[7]

However, if Tweety has published his idea before 2006, then this publication can be a basis to reject or invalidate Tom or Jerry's patent.

To put it into context:

- It's disputable whether StarVision or crasher925 first conceived the idea of a Phoenix model in KSP

- We do know that crasher925 was the first to announce that he was starting work on his Phoenix

- Over its (long) development history, crasher's model had many flaws that he wrote off as "fr0m th3 m1rr0r un1v3rs3" as well as constant stop-go delays

- StarVision may have only announced that he was working on his own version of of the Phoenix very recently, but in a very short time span got a properly modelled, animated and working model into KSP that demonstrates the basic features needed for a final release.

Thus, going by the above criteria, StarVision worked more diligently than crasher925, and assuming the current rates of progress by both parties, StarVision would be declared the rightful author of the *original* Phoenix add-on in KSP.

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Jack, I was aware of the fact that it launches on a titan(wonderfully made by frizzank, I have used it), but it would need a different single nozzeled engine to fit in with the supposed titan "V" and it would need an adapter/interstage fairing to fit on the current titan.

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  crasher925 said:
Instead I will strive to do better!

A good motive for learning to model.

  sumghai said:
As much as I dislike sci-fi ships in KSP, I have to commend StarVision for getting a decent-looking and working model into the game in a relatively short period of time.

Thanks, and you definitely cleared up the dilemma.
  DarthVader said:
When your done, can you release a set of configs that turn the chem powered warp nacelles into a KSPI powered alcubierrie drive?

I'll look into that, It may provide more "Realism" to the ship.

I'm going to try and get the newer model into KSP and sort out the textures. About the launch vehicle, I'll probably ask for permission to use the existing Titan.

Edited by StarVision
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Now for something completely different!

The TARDIS now has sounds and you can get it on SpacePort!

I also put together a small video of the more recent mods.

If I could only find an actually good video editor these videos could be so much better. I could also crop out the Bandicam logo, or I guess I could just buy it.

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  StarVision said:
I'll definetly consider it......

after I start the show.

I've been meaning to watch it at some point, but I've been fairly busy lately. I just have too many shows and things I'm already doing to start another one. Maybe someday.

Definitely worth getting into. I go through it at least once a year hahaha

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  LTClaydohman said:
Definitely worth getting into. I go through it at least once a year hahaha

Glad to know it's good! Although somehow I already expected that.

I put together a short-ish video on the current progress. I've got the newest model, much better than the old one, into the game and I've dealt with all the little issues that appeared. I just need to texture it, and add an internal. It's processing right now so it may be low quality.

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  The Destroyer said:
You know, while everyone else was screaming PHONIEX I was one silently waiting for an overhaul of the D. :D

It would also be amazing if it could detach and redock.

Don't worry. it's coming. I'm going to completely re-do it. Although Redocking may be a problem, as it can attach at any angle.

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  sumghai said:
As much as I dislike sci-fi ships in KSP, I have to commend StarVision for getting a decent-looking and working model into the game in a relatively short period of time.

steal - your - mod ?

Taking a page on how patents work (particularly the recent change to first-inventor-to-file in the America Invents Act of 2011), attribution of any original work is determined by two factors concurrently:

- Who was the first to conceive the idea?

- Which of them worked the most diligently to implement the idea?

To put it into context:

- It's disputable whether StarVision or crasher925 first conceived the idea of a Phoenix model in KSP

- We do know that crasher925 was the first to announce that he was starting work on his Phoenix

- Over its (long) development history, crasher's model had many flaws that he wrote off as "fr0m th3 m1rr0r un1v3rs3" as well as constant stop-go delays

- StarVision may have only announced that he was working on his own version of of the Phoenix very recently, but in a very short time span got a properly modelled, animated and working model into KSP that demonstrates the basic features needed for a final release.

Thus, going by the above criteria, StarVision worked more diligently than crasher925, and assuming the current rates of progress by both parties, StarVision would be declared the rightful author of the *original* Phoenix add-on in KSP.

WHOA WHOA WHOA! Just WHOA! i was joking its not my mod its a mod i dont know who had the idea first and i dont care im just woried about the state of my mod due to this :)

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I just want to point out one thing. Easy to overlook.

When you are on the inside of the Tardis, the words above the door are reversed, like you are looking out of a glass shop door at the sign.

That`s the biggest problem I can find. Good work, keep it up! (love the ford anglia even if it is not sci-fi)

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  John FX said:
I just want to point out one thing. Easy to overlook.

When you are on the inside of the Tardis, the words above the door are reversed, like you are looking out of a glass shop door at the sign.

That`s the biggest problem I can find. Good work, keep it up! (love the ford anglia even if it is not sci-fi)

I'll fix that the next time I release an update for it, Thanks!

Onto progress...... There is none. I waited in line at Futureshop for almost 6 hours to get Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts free, but it was worth it. I'm about to start texturing the outside, and then if I have time I'll try and work on the fairings.

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  Liam Sheepman said:
It might just be me, but I like the Phoenix roughly the colours it is now. Maybe heatshielding on the underside.
  CaptRobau said:
Amazing work. Are the textures WIP or final. It looks a bit detailless still.

It will probably stay the same colour but the detail will definitely increase. I'll ad darker areas around the edges and flesh out some of the engine and the interior of the main hull. I don't have anything to do tonight so I should get a large portion of the textures done. I'll probably post some time later tonight regarding them.

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