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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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Unfortunately the plugin doesn't work at all for me. I must be the only one. Having the MagicSmokeIndustries folder present is actually the problem, not the toolbar. Even if I build a spacecraft using stock parts only, the presence of this mod's folder causes the kraken to arise when trying to do a manoeuvre or warping.

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Unfortunately the plugin doesn't work at all for me. I must be the only one. Having the MagicSmokeIndustries folder present is actually the problem, not the toolbar. Even if I build a spacecraft using stock parts only, the presence of this mod's folder causes the kraken to arise when trying to do a manoeuvre or warping.

I'd like to see a log file. generally when something fails it's because it was installed incorrectly or another mod is causing grief.

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Hi, I have a large powered hing that I'd like to set the angle to in the hanger. (see images below). Basically I have a rover that I wish to tuck flat and cover with a fairing, but the problem comes during building.

Because I cannot "close" the rover, the fairing is unmanageable and always topples during flight.

Image #1: This is how it is defaulted (and I cannot change it) in the hangar.

Image #2: This is how I would like to set it in the hanger.

Image #3: Otherwise I get a fairing that looks like this.


This is how I would like to set it in the hanger:


Otherwise I get a fairing that looks like this:


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^ There's no way to adjust the joint angle in the VAB/SPH Lohocla, it looks like you should use the right-angle hinge - it starts in that position.

Ahh, Thanks for the quick reply Darren. Unfortunately that leaves me in the same boat as it still comes out as a 180deg angle at start. I need something that will start at 90deg angle if that makes any sense.

hmm, had a thought that I'm going to try. Maybe if I mount the hinges to the bottom of the rovemate instead of the edge. I'll update if it works. :)


Tweaked it a bit, have the hinge resting on the small 45deg angle on the rovemate....isn't ideal, but the flange doesn't look like a snake that swallowed a groundhog. Unfortunately I realize that my com sat network is borked so i have to do some repairs.

Laters, Loh

Edited by Lohocla
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I come here with a kind of luxury problem, but one that makes me really wonder. Whenever i edit some ir part into the KAS config, so that i can - theoretically - store or grab them, maybe reattach them, it never comes to this because the moment i grab the part it (and everything around it) explodes violently like some kind of unstable nuclear stuff. Its one of the rare handling things in ksp - that i experienced - that will always (!) kill the kerbal involved ... and often everyone else too.

Why is that? I would understand if a part that i grab (from where it was installed , or from the KAS storage) fails to work as expected when attached. Or even cannot be attached at all. Still fine for removing it from the part count. But why this mayhem when grabbing it? :-O

Maybe i can fix this somehow?

Needless to say fantastic mod. :)

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nice work utilizing just the action groups alone!

Thanks Sirkut. I'm a bit obsessive with technical stuff, tried about a thousand different ways to do this.

In general, the trick to making fully automatic stuff comes down to making the action groups operate like momentary switches.

Not the easiest thing to do.

In Kos there is a function to detect the state of the action group.

So you can say: If the action is required based on the data I have, and the switch is not activated, then turn it on.

and then right after say: If the action is not required based on the data I have, and the switch is activated, then turn it off.

Set this up in a continuous loop, and bingo.

I still need some traps to check for glitches. I cut out the part of the video where it looks like a poisoned spider for a while, then finally unwinds itself and carries on.

It could be just a matter of setting some rotation limits.

I'm going to post another video of it driving off the launch platform over one of the deep bays. It manages the steepest dropoffs with absolute ease.

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Found the glitch. And simplified the code.

Works perfectly now.

The problem was (and always is with K-os) Unity uses a very complicated model for orientation.

The ship has no "left and right" it just has a heading. So if I lock the steering to "up" and use that as my constant, when I rotate the craft left and right stay fixed to the original rotation.

That way, as the craft rotates, the legs begin to operate in reverse as left and right are now on the wrong sides.

The solution is to use the "facing" direction to constantly reset the steering:roll variable to match the direction you are turning.

It's simple enough to set the pitch, yaw, and roll separately rather than using the "up" shortcut.

In programming the legs, I found I just needed to activate the action groups, then deactivate them right away. Like tapping the key rapidly.

So in simplified terms:

until x=0{

set yaw to 0.

if heading:yaw < yaw toggle ag1.

toggle ag1.}

The loop happens so fast, the action seems continuous.

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Thanks Sirkut. I'm a bit obsessive with technical stuff, tried about a thousand different ways to do this.

This sounds eerily familiar. I spent about three months on a single script with pretty much one purpose last winter. Still did not finish it, but I systematically tried all sorts of solutions and parts of solutions and used not only one that would do the job, but the absolute best solution I could develop. Funnily enough I would end up with less and less code, not more.

Of course, now that work forced me to stop development for a while, kOS has changed enough to make me start pretty much all over again. I cannot say I really care, you always have to have a never ending project. Plus that the failures sometimes turned out to be huge successes, just not the ones I intended.

All that without even leaving the atmosphere.

Edited by Camacha
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I think you'll be amused by this Kos and IR integration.

It's an automatic levelling rover, and it's so fascinating to watch I have been playing with it for over an hour.

check it out.


Woah! That is extremely impressive.

I've been trying to hold a specific heading or angle of bank with my plane autopilot for a while now - but failed - could you share the kOS script code somewhere? I think your script has to handle partially the same vector math but I can't figure mine out, the rotating frame of reference is constantly messing with my head :-(.Shameless plug:

Thanks a ton :)

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Hi there i love your mod

You are awesome ! ;-)

Just want to report small little bug

When in VAB or SPH, the IR window with settings is clickable right through itself (the non active part, i mean, places where there are no buttons and places to write)

It is bit annoying because you will most likely click through the window onto your creation and grab the part that was precisely under the window.

Anyway thank you for the mod


ps: oh and just an idea would it be possible to add servo speed setting into VAB so we can save it ?

Edited by DirkLarien
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Hi there i love your mod

You are awesome ! ;-)

Just want to report small little bug

When in VAB or SPH, the IR window with settings is clickable right through itself (the non active part, i mean, places where there are no buttons and places to write)

It is bit annoying because you will most likely click through the window onto your creation and grab the part that was precisely under the window.

Anyway thank you for the mod


ps: oh and just an idea would it be possible to add servo speed setting into VAB so we can save it ?

I know about the silly through the window clicking bug. It's been on my todo list.

As for the speed, coarse & fine speed are in the tweakable window. Look at the OP for the image.

Edited by sirkut
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Alright gang. I think I'm really close to finally getting 0.16 release out. Some notes to inform you of what has been done.

  • Now using a config.xml to load/save window locations.
  • Rotation/Translation limits are available via the "[]" button next to the individual servo name (in this case AdjustableRail). If the part is in symmetry mode, it WILL change it for all parts that are in that mode together.
  • Rotation/Translation limits are available via the "[]" button next to the individual servo name (in this case AdjustableRail). During flight, despite being in symmetry mode, I left it open for manipulation individually. You have the group editor window, the servo control window, and lastly the min/max translation/rotatron window. The values to the right of those two text boxes are the minimum and maximum values you SHOULD be staying within. Anything higher or lower will result in weird fantastical things happening. So in this case, any value between 0 and 2 is acceptable.
  • This is the tweakable window. here you can still adjust the min/max but also the stepIncrement for the min/max and lastly the court speed and fine control values. NOTE: If you want a 2 decimal resolution on your min/max and want to assign it with the "save/close" window you will need to make sure the stepIncrement is set to 0.01...

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Woah! That is extremely impressive.

I've been trying to hold a specific heading or angle of bank with my plane autopilot for a while now - but failed - could you share the kOS script code somewhere? I think your script has to handle partially the same vector math but I can't figure mine out, the rotating frame of reference is constantly messing with my head :-(.Shameless plug:

Thanks a ton :)

Thanks for your comments.

I want to give a nod to camchaka's comment above yours first.

As I work on improvements the code is getting simpler and simpler, but today I broke it and I'm working on a solution.

Plus finding a glitch in the Kos mod that I'm trying to get a dump from for erendrake.

I'm super busy tomorrow, but I'll set you up with some code on the weekend.

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Thanks for your comments.

I want to give a nod to camchaka's comment above yours first.

As I work on improvements the code is getting simpler and simpler, but today I broke it and I'm working on a solution.

Plus finding a glitch in the Kos mod that I'm trying to get a dump from for erendrake.

I'm super busy tomorrow, but I'll set you up with some code on the weekend.

Thats awesome thanks, I'm afk this weekend but I'll sure check it out on Monday :) thanks!

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Alright gang. I think I'm really close to finally getting 0.16 release out. Some notes to inform you of what has been done.

  • Now using a config.xml to load/save window locations.
  • Rotation/Translation limits are available via the "[]" button next to the individual servo name (in this case AdjustableRail). If the part is in symmetry mode, it WILL change it for all parts that are in that mode together.
  • Rotation/Translation limits are available via the "[]" button next to the individual servo name (in this case AdjustableRail). During flight, despite being in symmetry mode, I left it open for manipulation individually. You have the group editor window, the servo control window, and lastly the min/max translation/rotatron window. The values to the right of those two text boxes are the minimum and maximum values you SHOULD be staying within. Anything higher or lower will result in weird fantastical things happening. So in this case, any value between 0 and 2 is acceptable.
  • This is the tweakable window. here you can still adjust the min/max but also the stepIncrement for the min/max and lastly the court speed and fine control values. NOTE: If you want a 2 decimal resolution on your min/max and want to assign it with the "save/close" window you will need to make sure the stepIncrement is set to 0.01...

This sounds really exciting.

Need some volunteer testers?

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[*]This is the tweakable window. here you can still adjust the min/max but also the stepIncrement for the min/max and lastly the court speed and fine control values. NOTE: If you want a 2 decimal resolution on your min/max and want to assign it with the "save/close" window you will need to make sure the stepIncrement is set to 0.01...


So now there are three sliders to adjust the speed? Do you have a good reason not to simply have one Speed slider with UI_FloatEdit?

Apart from that: Neat! Look forward to trying this out.

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The speed is unchanged from old versions, its the movement changes that are new. Also IMO UI_FloatEdit doesn't offer a nice user experience (for IR at least), especially compared to a text box.

Edit: I made this mockup image of a possible new UI widget but swamp_ig disliked it. The key difference from UI_FloatEdit being that the slider covers the full range (rather than the smallest increment), and the +/- buttons allow you to fine-tune the value if you can't get it accurate enough with the slider alone


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So now there are three sliders to adjust the speed? Do you have a good reason not to simply have one Speed slider with UI_FloatEdit?

Apart from that: Neat! Look forward to trying this out.

Breaking it apart:

  • Min Translate(or Rotate if using a rotational part): minimum travel a part can make.
  • Max Translate(or Rotate if using a rotational part): maximum travel a part can make.
  • stepIncrement: defines the increment at which you step through the translate/rotate part.
  • Coarse speed: a multiplier to the base speed (formulate is CoarseSpeed * FineSpeed * CustomSpeed(as denoted in the textbox for the servo control window)
  • Fine Speed: a multiplier to the base speed
  • Invert Axis: changes direction of the movement
  • Engage Lock: locks the part from moving
  • Rotate Limits: Only for rotational parts, if you enable this then limits are enforced. You can make a rotatron only move between -45 and 45 degrees for example.

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