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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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Mr, sirkut,

Recently while using your parts to make a bad-ass looking Duna walking machine, I noticed that the stock parts in the game tend to have very little friction with the ground, which means that piloting a walking machine is like rollerskating on melting ice. Therefore, I believe that a high-friction "foot" for walking machines (or bases that end up planted on cliff-faces) would be a useful and welcome addition to your mod pack, and would give the ksp community a new type of machine to build. I have searched quite extensively, but have not been able to find such a part in any other mod. nor have I been able to find if such a part would be possible at all (does KSP even have friction mechanics outside of rover wheels?) However if it is, it would be, as I said, a welcome addition.



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I know someone probably already asked this in this thread, but 125 pages are being very difficult to search in.

So, how exactly do i use the Telescope Segment A/B/C. I suppose they are used to create a larger single rod, but they only have a attachable node, and when i extend it, instead of pushing the whole pilon forward, the movable part clips inward where is attached through the node.

If is not clear enough what i'm saying i can make a gif showing it.

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I know someone probably already asked this in this thread, but 125 pages are being very difficult to search in.

So, how exactly do i use the Telescope Segment A/B/C. I suppose they are used to create a larger single rod, but they only have a attachable node, and when i extend it, instead of pushing the whole pilon forward, the movable part clips inward where is attached through the node.

If is not clear enough what i'm saying i can make a gif showing it.

The telescoping segments are supposed to clip. :) Slap on the A segment, then B on top of that, then C. They'll take up very little space when retracted. Word of warning: make sure they aren't clipping into anything that decouples, or you get bad explosions when you stage that decoupler.

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I know someone probably already asked this in this thread, but 125 pages are being very difficult to search in.

So, how exactly do i use the Telescope Segment A/B/C. I suppose they are used to create a larger single rod, but they only have a attachable node, and when i extend it, instead of pushing the whole pilon forward, the movable part clips inward where is attached through the node.

If is not clear enough what i'm saying i can make a gif showing it.

Took me all of 10 minutes to find these examples in this thread: Page 101, posts 1003, 1004, and 1008; Page 119 post 1189 for a pic of the cylinders in use; page 111, post 111 for a pic; page 109, post 1082 for a pic; page 108, post 1072 for a video showing them in use.

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What what

I'm not getting what the hell is going on with that rover at all

Do you have any more pictures?!

That's all of the unfolding screenshots from the mission. The rails extend it out, then the rover unfolds, then I use the docking struts to stabilize it before I release it to the ground. (Full mission album, if you're curious.)

Here's the .craft file for the rover. You'll also need the AIES and Docking Struts mods to load it. The root part has been re-assigned to the top docking port for easy use with Subassembly Manager.

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I am having problems in being able to 'select' which part to attach to which in sandwich mode. need some way to be able to step through the available layers to get to the right one... are there any tutorials out on this... man, that would help, or at least really make me feel like a fool.....

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ok, how about 'limits'?? if a 'open' hinge is say 1 and a closed hinge is '-1'. can we specify in the .cfg that it can only goto 0? or something like that???.

I have no idea. I designed mine so that when the hinges and whatnot were at maximum displacement the rover would be in its final configuration.

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The limits are set inside the CFG and not available to the user during the game. If you want to customize it currently, copy the entire folder for a part, rename each part something unique and modify the cfg.

rotateMin & rotateMax for hinges and rotatrons.

translateMin & translateMax for adjustable rails & pistons

I may expose customizable min/max in a later update but I'm unsure if I want the GUI to get too busy. Thoughts?

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Yes definitely, the UI you have is currently tiny, it could easily hold another 3 buttons / boxes per line without compromising the useability at all - It's not FAR eh? The ability to set parameters of the action would be extremely handy I think.

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Where does the second parachute come from?

I have been trying recently to cfg edit me a parachute with built in second drogue.

The red ones are the small radial drogue 'chutes (clipped to the pillars) and the yellow one is the 2.5m stack 'chute (on the top), both from NovaPunch2

I'm sure I've seen a drogue+chute in one combo somewhere though

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