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Does anyone still use the S.A.S. module?


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I was playing last night and noticed the S.A.S. module under the parts section and honestly forgotten about it; mainly because I haven't used it since around .11 (with the addition of the A.S.A.S.) and haven't noticed it since probably .14, so does anyone still actually use it?

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My RSC space station tug is 2 RSC tanks with 8 RSC thrusters on it. Perfect for pushing big things around, but if I'd try to manouver the small thing alone (with RSC) while keeping it steady with SAS, it'd be impossible with ASAS (kicking it all over the place in trying to keep it steady). With normal SAS though it's pritty easy

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Yep I use it all the time too, usually in combination with ASAS. SAS gives extra torque to hold your vessel/craft in place, where as ASAS controls things like engine gimbal, wing flaps and SAS to try and maintain stability. Though as we all know in order to change direction we have to temporarily turn it off.

Probe bodies and capsules apparently have a max torque of 5, compared to 20 that SAS has. I guess that means that you can change direction faster.

Pretty sure I've used SAS by itself before. In those cases, IIRC, using just SAS allows you to change direction and when you let go it stops the direction change, so long as something else isn't interfering, like fuel balance, drag etc. I think most of the time when I was just using SAS was during launch though, I haven't tried it by its self except on SSTO attempts, in combination with avionics.

What would be nice is if there was a way to turn SAS and ASAS off/on independently of each other...or is SAS always on?....I should know this already LOL

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all ASAS does is control SAS... so yes. yes I do. as only using ASAS would be useless.

ASAS controls any and all items that can change the pitch, yaw, or roll of your craft. So any pod with its innate torque producing capabilites, any RCS, or even any aero-flaps in atmosphere are controlled with ASAS. You don't need SAS in order to use ASAS.

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Does it kill rotation like the Avionics Package? Or just along the roll axis? Or what? I never quite understood. Does it only work when ASAS is engaged? I had read that the only part that can actually rotate your vessel (apart from RCS and engine gimbals) are Command Modules and that SAS only worked against that.

I guess the new reaction wheel parts will supplant SAS when they are released.

Really, I wish I could toggle between the Avionics Package and ASAS for spaceplanes. Avionics is much more useful in atmo (for keeping the plane from flipping out when maneuvering) while the ASAS is nice for rocket burns.

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SAS attempts to kill any and all rotation of the craft in pitch, yaw, and roll from when it's activated to when you turn it off.

In other words, SAS = Stop All the Spinning. Good example of a SAS-type system IRL is called a "yaw dampener", used on many large airliners.

ASAS is an entirely different thing. It basically memorizes the pitch, yaw, and roll of the craft when you turn it on, and will use pod torque, RCS, control surfaces, and engine gimballing to resist any attempt (including pilot input) to deviate from that attitude. Basically, it acts like 3 "heading hold" autopilots, with one connected to each axis but sharing a common power switch.

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