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[1.12] HyperEdit [v1.5.8, July 10, 2018] - Cheat, Teleporter, Orbit/Planet Editor, & More


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How about a button to poke to reset all the planets to their default orbits? Would be nice if it could also yoink along everything orbiting them in their non-default locations. Too bad, so sad for anything not in a closed orbit around an out of location body. But hey, you're moving things with HyperEdit so just move those yourself.

And now for something completely different. What I'd like to see from Kerbaltek (or anyone doing plugins and mods) is a plugin that in the VAB and SPH can align parts to the same plane and or rotation. It would be especially useful for getting landing legs all set to the same level and for making sure all the wheels on a rover are straight and on the same plane.

Such is made a bit difficult by the game using something other than degrees for rotation and in VAB the vertical positions of parts are measured from the VAB floor so if you move the whole ship up and down, the values for the vertical positions of all the parts changes. I dunno how the position is measured in the other axes. It's possible to edit this in a text editor, even in the persistent file.


Still would be easier to be able to control+click a bunch of parts then click a button to align them, either to the average of selected, highest of selected or lowest of selected.

What I have no idea how it works is where the vertical (or other axis) position of parts is measured from in space. What are the rotations in space measured relative to?

Another program I'd love to see is a separate one that can pull things out of the persistent or quicksave files and save them as craft files which can be loaded in SPH or VAB. That would be just the thing for when you discover at the end of a long trip that you forgot something or brought extra items/weight you didn't need. Copy it out, open it in VAB, make the changes then go back to the external program to swap out the modified craft in the save. Might get a bit tricky for several things docked together.

To be able to do that with landed crafts it would have to be able to save the position/rotation values of what it's overwriting, and doing anything which alters the distance of the COM from the lowest parts would very likely result in an intersection with the ground or having the craft dropping a ways. Neither would likely have a good outcome, unless there would be a way for the program to adjust for that.

Those ideas are on my "pie in the sky" wish list.

Regarding the position of parts in space rather than the VAB/SPH...

I believe that in Unity all objects are sub-objects of a parent object, in a continuous tree. Therefore, all the parts of a ship would have their positions referenced as relative to the root part of the vessel. How exactly this translates to the .craft files and those within persistent saves, isn't completely clear to me yet, but I think others have a good handle on it. For instance the "WebVAB" project that displays .craft files as accurate visual models - very cool thing, that.

I think that what we're after, you and I, is a vast improvement to the editors in KSP - things that would make excellent additions to the core game. The thing is, I'd be willing to bet that the rock stars at Squad have similar designs and will hopefully make them happen in time. Not that we shouldn't or can't do so before then, but I don't know when I'll have the time/energy/ability to construct the code.

I've finally achieved what I'd call minimum proficiency in C#, but whenever I begin the process of coding for KSP - either for HyperEdit or other projects I have on slow boil - my addiction kicks in and I have to go build a ship or fly to the Mun or something. I freely admit that laziness is also a major factor in why I haven't really contributed anything to HyperEdit. When the muse hits me, I may be able to put some hours into it, and I look forward to that especially now that I can actually read the code.

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My feature request would be the ability to specify a target orbit for a vessel by apoapsis and periapsis with the option of starting the ship out at either point. Would make testing aerobrake and reentry angles a bit easier.

This is also on my list.

How about a button to poke to reset all the planets to their default orbits? Would be nice if it could also yoink along everything orbiting them in their non-default locations. Too bad, so sad for anything not in a closed orbit around an out of location body. But hey, you're moving things with HyperEdit so just move those yourself.

Simply restarting the game will reset all planets' orbits, and the rest is a good idea, with my previous post applying to it as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One minor feature request; when using HyperEdit to replenish all resources, it will also replenish unwanted resources from other mods. In particular, with KSP Interstellar it will bring Waste Heat to 100%, which causes immediate solar panel shutdown. It would be nice if it was possible to configure that certain resources would not get replenished, alternatively to configure that those resources would be drained to 0% rather than bringing them to 100%. For me, doing this in a config file would be an acceptable solution, so not something that would necessarily require a menu option or additional GUI programming.

Edited by Scramble
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What edit are you using? Land/Drop or Orbit? If you are using Orbit directly from the launch pad without resetting the attitude, you're going to find yourself moving at orbital velocity very near the ground. That usually results in a very nice explosion.

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I just downloaded this mod, and i wanted to test my lander

but every, of the edit causes my crafts(i tested different ones) to spontaneously combust

anyone know how to fix this

Certain ships might do that, but it could just be random. I always try changing things - like place, altitude, ship, etc., but some ships just never teleport well. If you're editing your orbit, then a higher altitude might fix it, otherwise, try reloading KSP and cross your fingers!

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@ Awesome_Guy: When I test my designs for landers I always teleport them into the stable orbit where the mission plan calls for descent to begin. I then go through the proper sequence of events to descend -- retro, re-entry, chutes (if applicable), gear down, final deceleration thrust (if necessary). I use Land/Drop to test ground clearance of engine nozzles or ladder extensions primarily. I've never had a ship blow up doing it that way. Hope this helps.

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Same here. Takes me a loong time to iterate over my Eve lander design, i can manage the landing OK, but i'm where i need to get to that mystical 10000dV with a ship that holds together, and each test means a looong landing procedure (with a fail sometimes due to randomness of landing in atmosphere with FAR)...

Or maybe i missed the function that allows to change the gravity of Kerbin (to match Eve) ? (i'll take a second look :D)

(edit) my bad, after a second look we can alter the gravity of Kerbin :) So i dont need to do the whole Eve landing to test my lander-that-can-return :) woot.

Edited by Surefoot
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I've tried a few times to use hyperedit to pop a lander in low over Eve so I can quickly do landing gear tests and return to orbit tests but it's always exploded. Works just fine on Mun.

What's the minimum safe ship lander altitude and safe coordinates to land on Eve?

Eve testing takes a bloody long time, even with warping through most of the middle of the atmopsphere until entry heating quits.

I'd love a hack to reduce the minimum no-warp altitude at Gilly. Going to take days of game time for a refueling operation there.

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I've tried a few times to use hyperedit to pop a lander in low over Eve so I can quickly do landing gear tests and return to orbit tests but it's always exploded. Works just fine on Mun.

What's the minimum safe ship lander altitude and safe coordinates to land on Eve?

Eve testing takes a bloody long time, even with warping through most of the middle of the atmopsphere until entry heating quits.

I'd love a hack to reduce the minimum no-warp altitude at Gilly. Going to take days of game time for a refueling operation there.

I'm not sure if this is a HyperEdit issue, but if you're exploding when using the Ship Lander, keep trying higher altitudes until it works... hopefully. The nature of KSP makes explosions sorta' par for the course. Lightweight and rigid ships with few parts work best. :) Good luck!

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I've tried a few times to use hyperedit to pop a lander in low over Eve so I can quickly do landing gear tests and return to orbit tests but it's always exploded. Works just fine on Mun.

What's the minimum safe ship lander altitude and safe coordinates to land on Eve?

Eve testing takes a bloody long time, even with warping through most of the middle of the atmopsphere until entry heating quits.

I'd love a hack to reduce the minimum no-warp altitude at Gilly. Going to take days of game time for a refueling operation there.

When I want to teleport to Eve, I go:

KSC -> Eve orbit (100x100km) -> Land (50km height) -> Land (5km) -> Land (100m)

Works flawlessly :D

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So, after being told many times that our site has been having problems, and seeing it for myself, I'm now looking for a different web host. Sorry for the trouble, I'm sure it will be back up soon.

In the meantime, if anyone needs a file to download, has a question, or can recommend a cheap web host, please PM me.

Edited by Ezriilc
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