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[1.12] HyperEdit [v1.5.8, July 10, 2018] - Cheat, Teleporter, Orbit/Planet Editor, & More


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We just uploaded a new _hotfix version.

Updated hotfix items for April 30, 2015:

- Fixed stock toolbar button behavior.

- Fixed loading multiple Planet Editor saves.

Upgrading/migrating landcoords.txt to save the user's entries while still including the defaults (per Mynar Moonshadow) will be in the next one, I suspect. I'll post again when that's done.

- - - Updated - - -

  katateochi said:
Thanks for getting this updated for quickly!!

One Q, is it possible to turn of the icon in the stock toolbar?

You're most welcome.

I assume that it's possible, but not sure if it's desirable/sensible/practical. What's your reasoning?

BTW: KerbalX.com is what I wanted Craft Kitchen to become - then I got lazy. Well done!

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"updated for quickly" *"so" (derp, that's what I get for writing things when tired!)

  Ezriilc said:

You're most welcome.

I assume that it's possible, but not sure if it's desirable/sensible/practical. What's your reasoning?

My reasoning is mostly to keep space taken up by UI to a minimum (I'm a minimalist when it comes to UIs! I wish the stock toolbar would autohide!). I only use hyper-edit in my test sandbox career so in other careers it's a unused button. plus it opens with the keyboard shortcut alt+h which is what I use anyway so the button is something I don't use. I think having it there by default is a good idea so folk that are new to hyper-edit can see how to access it easily, but it would be nice to have a setting option to not have it shown in the toolbar.

  Ezriilc said:
BTW: KerbalX.com is what I wanted Craft Kitchen to become - then I got lazy. Well done!

Thanks man! I'm really enjoying making it, got quite a few more things I want to add (big update to bring CKAN integration coming soon, but 1.0 coming out has been a bit "distracting" from a getting stuff coded point of view!). Give me a shout if you've got any feature requests/suggestions!

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  katateochi said:
My reasoning is mostly to keep space taken up by UI to a minimum (I'm a minimalist when it comes to UIs! I wish the stock toolbar would autohide!). I only use hyper-edit in my test sandbox career so in other careers it's a unused button. plus it opens with the keyboard shortcut alt+h which is what I use anyway so the button is something I don't use. I think having it there by default is a good idea so folk that are new to hyper-edit can see how to access it easily, but it would be nice to have a setting option to not have it shown in the toolbar.

I just dropped by to make the exact same suggestion! Hyperedit is invaluable for testing things, but I too only use it in the sandbox or one of my "cheated" science/career mode games for testing purposes. (And depending on what I'm testing, maybe not even then.) But it takes up screen real estate 24/7 when it's on the toolbar.

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  katateochi said:
My reasoning is mostly to keep space taken up by UI to a minimum (I'm a minimalist when it comes to UIs! I wish the stock toolbar would autohide!). I only use hyper-edit in my test sandbox career so in other careers it's a unused button. plus it opens with the keyboard shortcut alt+h which is what I use anyway so the button is something I don't use. I think having it there by default is a good idea so folk that are new to hyper-edit can see how to access it easily, but it would be nice to have a setting option to not have it shown in the toolbar.
  DerekL1963 said:
I just dropped by to make the exact same suggestion! Hyperedit is invaluable for testing things, but I too only use it in the sandbox or one of my "cheated" science/career mode games for testing purposes. (And depending on what I'm testing, maybe not even then.) But it takes up screen real estate 24/7 when it's on the toolbar.

Well said, and I agree. I'll forward the idea at our next staff meeting. :wink:

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  katateochi said:
My reasoning is mostly to keep space taken up by UI to a minimum (I'm a minimalist when it comes to UIs! I wish the stock toolbar would autohide!). I only use hyper-edit in my test sandbox career so in other careers it's a unused button. plus it opens with the keyboard shortcut alt+h which is what I use anyway so the button is something I don't use. I think having it there by default is a good idea so folk that are new to hyper-edit can see how to access it easily, but it would be nice to have a setting option to not have it shown in the toolbar.


I often times wonder if, mod developers most LIKELY, have high mid-end to high-end desktops that they run KSP on? With 1900x or higher screen res's.... NOT realising just how constrained, and how valuable screen real-estate is, for those who have to run KSP in sub-1400 resolution... I dont think even Squad realise this, as the stock GUI is much bigger than I think it needs to be...Especially the toolbar icons... And an auto-hide should be added to stock toolabr...Blizzy's does it... :)

And it should be resizeable just like all the other GUI elements using the slider setting in Settings...(I dont recall if it already does resize, but i kknow even with the tiny setting, its STILL way too big...

So, having to run KSP in 1280x, or 1368x res, I set the stock GUI to tiny in settings, and consider the Enhanced NavBall mod and Blizzy's Toolbar ESSENTIAL mods for me to play KSP on my i5-2450M laptop...

So I hope for Blizzy's Toolbar support in EVERY mod that places an on-screen icon...

Edited by Stone Blue
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Just dropping by to offer another vote on the AppLauncher button hiding. The AppLauncher is an awesome addition to the game, but gets crowded very quickly. It'd actually be pretty nice to have a per-save option on the button, but that's more complicated than I think is necessary.

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Greetings, i would like to register a bug...

When setting kerban to be tidally locked the log file starts getting spammed with "ground contact" messages, you can not throttle up and the game believes you are flying (not to mention the earth quake level shaking on the camera). This includes when trying to launch from the launchpad or runway.

Also, the tidal lock does not seem to work as the planet still rotates, but i'm not sure if it rotates at a normal speed or not.

It would be really cool to have kerban tidally locked to the sun, so if possible can this be investigated and fixed please.

If you need someone to help test this, please give me a shout and i'll be glad to help.



Setting the rotational speed to zero does not cause the above effect.

Edited by Comwarrior
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I think I found a bug.

Save a landing location. It doesn't get saved. Go back later and there is nothing in the saved locations list.

Also, and I'm not sure of an exact recipe for this but after trying to use the feature above over and over I was unable to do any more teleporting. Enable landing, nothing happens, do a simple orbit, nothing happens. Save, close, reopen- still not working. Quit/relaunch and it worked again.

The first one should be easy to reproduce, let me know if you can't.


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  Comwarrior said:
Greetings, i would like to register a bug...

When setting kerban to be tidally locked the log file starts getting spammed with "ground contact" messages, you can not throttle up and the game believes you are flying (not to mention the earth quake level shaking on the camera). This includes when trying to launch from the launchpad or runway.

Also, the tidal lock does not seem to work as the planet still rotates, but i'm not sure if it rotates at a normal speed or not.

It would be really cool to have kerban tidally locked to the sun, so if possible can this be investigated and fixed please.

If you need someone to help test this, please give me a shout and i'll be glad to help.



Setting the rotational speed to zero does not cause the above effect.

Please make your report by describing exactly what you're doing, step by step with which buttons you're clicking/pressing, exactly what you're entering into any boxes, what you expected, and what happened, at each step, starting from when you start the game. Please include a list of any other mods you're using, and if this still happens without any others installed.

- - - Updated - - -

  bmyers831 said:
I think I found a bug.

Save a landing location. It doesn't get saved. Go back later and there is nothing in the saved locations list.

Also, and I'm not sure of an exact recipe for this but after trying to use the feature above over and over I was unable to do any more teleporting. Enable landing, nothing happens, do a simple orbit, nothing happens. Save, close, reopen- still not working. Quit/relaunch and it worked again.

The first one should be easy to reproduce, let me know if you can't.


This issue has already been addressed previously in this thread. Please download the _hotfix version of HyperEdit from the bottom of our download page, and use that until we put out the next release. Just put the file into the ".../GameData/Kerbaltek" folder, in place of any other HyperEdit.dll file.

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Hello, I have recently started using your mod. It's great, but I have found a bug though: the orbit never is perfect. If I type in 80000 for instance, the periapsis and apoapsis are both a bit off the 80000, but they average exactly 80000. I am using the latest release version and KSP 1.0.2 .

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  FunnyBunny14 said:
Hello, I have recently started using your mod. It's great, but I have found a bug though: the orbit never is perfect. If I type in 80000 for instance, the periapsis and apoapsis are both a bit off the 80000, but they average exactly 80000. I am using the latest release version and KSP 1.0.2 .

I'm not sure if that is an actual bug, but rather an artifact of the way teleporting works, but I will put it on our list.

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  nightingale said:
Just wanted to drop by and say that HyperEdit is a modder's best friend... It's saved many many hundreds of hours in setting up stuff to be tested. So a big thanks to you Ezriilc!

You're certainly welcome, but I just sweep up and make the coffee. khyperia is The Creator and developer of HyperEdit.

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  FunnyBunny14 said:
Hello, I have recently started using your mod. It's great, but I have found a bug though: the orbit never is perfect. If I type in 80000 for instance, the periapsis and apoapsis are both a bit off the 80000, but they average exactly 80000. I am using the latest release version and KSP 1.0.2 .

Improving this isn't possible/practical, due to limitations of KSP/Unity. Sorry.

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  Ezriilc said:
Good news everyone!

khyperia has uploaded a new hotfix/BETA experimental.

The stock toolbar button can now be disabled, and some other stuff.

Seems it's broken for me now. Here's the relevant info from the logfile:

Failed to load assembly /home/scott/Apps/KSP_1.0/GameData/Kerbaltek/HyperEdit.dll:

System.BadImageFormatException: Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.

at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImage () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImageFrom (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.IO.Stream stream, Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.String fileName, Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.String fileName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.ScanForBadTypeRefs (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadExternalAssembly (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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  Eleven said:
Seems it's broken for me now. Here's the relevant info from the logfile:

Failed to load assembly /home/scott/Apps/KSP_1.0/GameData/Kerbaltek/HyperEdit.dll:

System.BadImageFormatException: Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.

at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImage () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImageFrom (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.IO.Stream stream, Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.String fileName, Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.String fileName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.ScanForBadTypeRefs (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadExternalAssembly (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Yep, we're on it.


- - - Updated - - -

  Ezriilc said:
Good news everyone!

khyperia has uploaded a new hotfix/BETA experimental.

The stock toolbar button can now be disabled, and some other stuff.

All fixed. This time it really works!

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  Comwarrior said:

You asked for a click by click explaination... well i went a step further and shot a video for you.

... snip.

Just a short text paragraph, please. There's no need for a video when words will do better.

EDIT: Some of us are on mobile devices or have other circumstances that make videos a pain.

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  Comwarrior said:

You asked for a click by click explaination... well i went a step further and shot a video for you.

You appear to be un-checking "rotates" and checking "tidally locked".

Tidally locked does not mean "does not rotate". You *need* to leave it checked when setting kerbin to be tidally locked - kerbin in general does not enjoy not rotating (other planets are fine, though).

Works fine for me when rotates and tidally locked are both checked.

Edited by khyperia
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Hi, I'm playing KSP on Linux (due the 64 bits thing, unless Steam is cheating on me and it's also playing 32 bits), with the Spanish localization which inverts the commas and dots in regards to numbers - the decimal point is a comma while the group separator is a dot instead of a comma like in English. So, I guess related to that, Hyperedit can't display nor save the landing locations. Can that be fixed?

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