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[0.22] UbioZur Welding Ltd. 2.0 Dev STOPPED


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  xtremeqg said:
That's pretty much a KSP bug amplified by this mod. The VAB handles building "sideways" really poorly and appears to consider the distance between the CoM of your part and the connecting attachment node and eventually decides it's "too far". The workaround is to build "vertically" by reorienting the attachment nodes which you discovered yourself by rebuilding the welded part in various ways.

Does changing the order of the nodes change where the game considers the CoM to be though? Test 2 (which I have noticed is actually a terrible picture) extends off into the distance so should not be the CoM.

Or rather does it change what the game considers to be the 'top' and 'bottom' nodes? Test 1 for example, the top and bottom nodes do not work but they are the ones closest to the CoM. Only by putting them at the bottom of the list as in Test 3 do they work.

  DauntingFlyer said:
That's some neat work there and a lot of patience. But that doesn't cut it for me. I work with monster sized welded parts between 200 and 300 parts each.

Finding the right part to attach to the rest of the ship would be insane, given the amount of similar parts included.

The only thing this mod needed was detecting the root part of the welded part and make that one attachable by default, either with or without the nodes.

Its actually not that much work. The nodes for the root part typically get placed at very the top of the list making it easy to find and move them to the bottom.

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I know there is a modified .dll already, but he skipped over a few parts of Code to make it work.

I modified the code myself (and didn't bypass the Fx.Emitters and just replaced it with the new correct value for .23 and have it working in CareerMode)

But I started editing the code before I read the License on front page. So I will follow the license and not release it right now.

But anyway there is a setting in config.xml (AllowCareerMode) if you set it to 1 will allow it to work in Career mode. But note you have to have the whole tech tree researched to see your welded parts. 5 nodes to be exact. (should work with the .dll released before if anyone wondering)

experimentalRocketry (Anything saved to Utility, propulsion, control)

nanolathing (Anything saved to structural)

experimentalAerodynamics (Saved to Pods)

aerospaceTech (saved to Aero)

experimentalScience (science)

With my modified version after testing for awhile in .23 I can say it works pretty well it has the same bugs as the original version though. But works in career mode pretty well.

Also moved welded parts to a tier 3 unlock for all your welds. Instead of waiting for the whole tech tree to be done.

Ill send an PM to UbioZur and see if he minds me releasing just the .dll and modified cfg file in this thread. Only way I can do it without causing issues.

Edited by malkuth
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I've been having a bug where ships with welded parts don't have an icon while flying from the map view. As in, I can see my trajectory but not where I am in it.

Not really too distraught about this, but if anyone knows a fix that'd be cool, and if it needs fixing, that'd be cool too.

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  Benneb said:
Does changing the order of the nodes change where the game considers the CoM to be though? Test 2 (which I have noticed is actually a terrible picture) extends off into the distance so should not be the CoM.

Or rather does it change what the game considers to be the 'top' and 'bottom' nodes? Test 1 for example, the top and bottom nodes do not work but they are the ones closest to the CoM. Only by putting them at the bottom of the list as in Test 3 do they work.

Its actually not that much work. The nodes for the root part typically get placed at very the top of the list making it easy to find and move them to the bottom.

It's pretty much what the game decides to be "top" (I think it's the first node that is considered the top).

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Saw a few posts back where a few people running on MACs were having problems getting the mod to work. Anyone else have any luck with that? I'm running and IMAC and I'm having the same problem as well. The parts apparently weld, I can find them in the parts directory for the mod, but they don't show up in the game. I've tried it in both .23 with the modified dll and in .22 with the original mod which I understand is reasonably stable and in both cases I haven't been able to get it to work and get the same problem in both. The cfg file shows up in the parts directory and examining it it looks to be right but the part simply doesn't show up in my VAB. I've also tried the CMD-Z option to get the part back for the build and it flashes on the screen for a split second and then poof it's gone. This is very disappointing because I can see myself using the heck out of this mod if I could get it to work.

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  Fandrel64 said:
Saw a few posts back where a few people running on MACs were having problems getting the mod to work. Anyone else have any luck with that? I'm running and IMAC and I'm having the same problem as well. The parts apparently weld, I can find them in the parts directory for the mod, but they don't show up in the game. I've tried it in both .23 with the modified dll and in .22 with the original mod which I understand is reasonably stable and in both cases I haven't been able to get it to work and get the same problem in both. The cfg file shows up in the parts directory and examining it it looks to be right but the part simply doesn't show up in my VAB. I've also tried the CMD-Z option to get the part back for the build and it flashes on the screen for a split second and then poof it's gone. This is very disappointing because I can see myself using the heck out of this mod if I could get it to work.

See any peculiar messages in the debug log when you load the game? (ALT+F12) Maybe it's just Unity's sub-meshes that don't work properly on Mac.

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xtremeqg, you sir are a life saver.

Here's the original cfg file. Note that it calls for the file extension of the model for some reason. "model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/mu"



name = TrippleTank

module = Part

author = UbioZurWeldingLtd

rescaleFactor = 1

PhysicsSignificance = -1

node_stack_bottomfuelTankSmall0 = 0,-1.66575,0,0,0,0,1

node_stack_topfuelTankSmall2 = 0,1.66575,0,0,0,0,1

node_attach = 0.62625,0,0,0.125,0,0,1

CrewCapacity = 0

TechRequired = sandboxWeld

entryCost = 0

cost = 675

category = Propulsion

subcategory = 0

title = TrippleTank

manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd

description = Warranty void during re-entry.

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0

mass = 0.375

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.175

minimum_drag = 0.2625

angularDrag = 1.75

crashTolerance = 11.25

breakingForce = 93.75

breakingTorque = 93.75

maxTemp = 2900

fuelCrossFeed = True



model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/mu

position = 0,-1.1105,0

scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25

rotation = 0,0,0




model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/mu

position = 0,0,0

scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25

rotation = 0,0,0




model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/mu

position = 0,1.1105,0

scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25

rotation = 0,0,0




name = LiquidFuel

amount = 270

maxAmount = 270




name = Oxidizer

amount = 330

maxAmount = 330



Here's the error log:


Changed the offending portion of the code to the model name "model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/model" and Tada! It works now.

Funny thing is that I suspected it was something like that when I looked at the cfg file. Didn't make sense to me why it was asking for the file extension and not the file name. At the time I changed it to the file name including the extension and nothing and I also changed it to the full path to the file and nothing. So even without looking at the debug log I suspected that was the problem, I just didn't give it the right solution. Don't know why I didn't look at the debug log before, I know better than that. Brain fart I guess.

Anyway, it looks like the problem for Mac's might be the way it writes how it calls for the part in the cfg file and it's a matter of manually going in and fixing it for now. If I find that it continues to be an issue for parts after that then I'll report that so the developer can have a look when the time comes.

Again thanks a ton for jogging the old noodle.

Update: Just welded a few more things and that's the problem. Had to go into the cfg file and manually edit the model file for each part because it uses the .mu extension and not the file name. Very happy camper!

Edited by Fandrel64
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Hey, has anyone come up with a fix for welding multiple docking ports to an item and each being functional for re-usage?

My station has close to 60 ports and I ... I need to find a way to take advantage of welding in this area or give up on stations bigger than 200 parts.

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Glad I could be of help Fandrel64. Interesting bug tho I haven't taken a peek at the DLL code. For sure seems like some filename parsing bug, be it in KSP or in this addon.

  RHodeidra said:
Hey, has anyone come up with a fix for welding multiple docking ports to an item and each being functional for re-usage?

My station has close to 60 ports and I ... I need to find a way to take advantage of welding in this area or give up on stations bigger than 200 parts.

Well... you can weld docking ports, just make sure you only have one docking port per part that includes the ModuleDockingNode module. From what I can tell this part module is probably looking for some animation or anchor on the model to use as a docking target so with a single docking port you'd be fine (quite similar to how engines can be welded). Of course there's nothing stopping you from welding multiple non-functional docking ports to the same part by removing ModuleDockingNode...

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  Azunai said:
hey, i just installed the mod but the "weld it" button does not appear ? :S

and my KSP.log is spammed with:

The front page download is only for .22. Does not work in .23 career.

There is a modified .dll someone made though. I also modified a .dll to work in .23 sent permission to post it to author. But never heard nothing so I can't release it via terms of License. Go back a few pages to see the other .dll though.

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Very sorry for the lack of update guys, still busy IRL and internet is bad at the moment (too many people on the same wifi).

Malkuth asked me if he could release a .23 working version and I have accepted (I added a note on the licence in the forum). I hope I'll be able to be back soon.

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  UbioZur said:
Very sorry for the lack of update guys, still busy IRL and internet is bad at the moment (too many people on the same wifi).

Malkuth asked me if he could release a .23 working version and I have accepted (I added a note on the licence in the forum). I hope I'll be able to be back soon.

UbioZur, hang in there, I know bad internet is annoying. Deep down inside, we all know real life is supposed to come first. Sort of. I guess.

Malkuth, thanks for helping out!

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Update for 24.2 Version By girka2k

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update Version Download. for .23 Only

Update for 23.5 (I recompiled it for 23.5 no error codes in the actual code) More testing will have to be done for in game stuff, I have been using welds from 23 though in current game without issues.

Ok guys since I got the permission I will be posting this. Just for you understand Im not taking this over. So still using this thread to release this version. Few issues I have noticed but had no time to Track Down.

1. Yes it works in career mode now. To unlock you have to research Advrocketry. Every time you build a new Weld it will end up in this Science (Sandbox ignore this its always available)

2. Once you save it in career you will have to go to Research and unlock the part again (just like adding a new mod to existing tree)

3. Noticed that once you weld something it breaks mods (Some mods don't like to be reloaded which is what This mod does to load the new part config) sorry to say the only way to fix this is to start KSP over again.

4. If your not using any other mods then the reload is not needed.. At least I think. For sure MCE has to be reloaded and so does Interstellar and Engineer.

Can't think of anything else. Its not perfect, but nothing is skipped in the mod and everything that needed to be is replaced in the code with what was needed. So Fxemitters actual work now. ;)

Thats it, again i'm not taking over the mod and pretty busy with MCE. But I figured getting this mod working in .23 is pretty important at least to me. So have fun.. And thanks to Ubiozur for the permission to post it.

Good luck.

Download For KSP .23

Zip File Version Download

And Github Source for edits.

And just incase since I'm pretty sure its still the rule. The license info is the same as front page.

Oh if .rar is a problem I can post a .zip file too.. But really .rar is so much better. ;)

Edited by malkuth
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Hey, if you are making some new welding upgrades, could you make a toolbar compatible Hide/Show button? That would be very useful for people who like to make ships that take up your whole screen space, or when you zoom in a lot and accidentally click it. (namely: me) Thanks for helping out with this mod, it really awesome when make replicas!

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